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Anybody do the NSCE exam this year? and how was it?

No I haven't done it yet but I have been prepping for it. I write Phase 1 on February 12 and then Phase 2 on the weekend of March 3-5. The multiple choice test looks really easy and you should at least get 75% on it, if not more.
I took phase one recently and I found it to be alot easier than I originally thought.  Just read your reference manual and understand everything especially declination, everyone seems to have a hard time with it.  Anyway just download some practice exams and if you can get at least 80% in each category you'll do fine.  If you have problems with stuff just ask your training officer, that helps alot too  good luck!!
I did Phase 1 yesterday, I was the first one finished in COA, I finished in 15 minutes. It honestly had to be the easiest cadet test I have ever written. I think I got at least a 90%.
I've completed phase one of NSCE in the COA area just this Sunday.  Studied all Saturday for it.  I've been informed of my results from my CO, and I'm content in saying that I've sucessfully passed.  It's quite a simple exam, and basically requires general cadet knowledge, experience and common sence to pass.  If you do want a bit more than a passing mark though, then you'll actually need to study.  I'm gonna keep studying hard with hopes of acceptance into the para course.
Hooolllly shazbot boys and girls!

My training officer just got back from a temp. personal leave and has just informed us that we are off to NSCE TOMORROW AT 7AM!

So, juuuust to clear things up, phase one is the written and pt test?
well for my corps.

Phase 1 is just the written

Phase 2, is map and compass, knots, pt test so on...
xnazzx said:
well for my corps.

Phase 1 is just the written

Phase 2, is map and compass, knots, pt test so on...
Thats the standard across Canada...
Phase One for COA consisted of both the written and the ACFT.

However, it appears that if you failed the ACFT at Phase One, you're given the chance to re-do it.  However, I believe that if you fail it the first time, you won't be able to apply for any Advanced Training courses.
k.lee said:
Phase One for COA consisted of both the written and the ACFT.

However, it appears that if you failed the ACFT at Phase One, you're given the chance to re-do it.  However, I believe that if you fail it the first time, you won't be able to apply for any Advanced Training courses.
I stand corrected... :-X :-[
When I did it in 2002 we had the ACFT in phase one. However if you missed it with a doctors note you were allowed to do the re-test on phase 2.  Without a doctors note you weren't allowed a re-test.  But it may have changed since then.
k.lee said:
Phase One for COA consisted of both the written and the ACFT.

However, it appears that if you failed the ACFT at Phase One, you're given the chance to re-do it.  However, I believe that if you fail it the first time, you won't be able to apply for any Advanced Training courses.

You take the PT test during phase 2.  If you fail it you get a retest.  If you fail that you fail NSCE.  We have been told that your selection for an exchange or advanced training (para) heavily depends on your score on the PT test.  Apparently in some cases, cadets who have a lower score on the written and a high score on the PT test get a better chance of getting selected for an exchange.  So we've been told.
I may be wrong
There was something similar to this that bothered me as a cadet. When all testing is said and done, they would rate us provincially on a top 10 scale to choose exchanges from. However, I believe it was not done correctly. This is all how it was explained to me by my CO at the time.

Say the top 10 scoring cadets in Alberta were female. You would think they would get the 10 spots on exchange right? Well, that is not how it was. The top 5 females would get the exchange and then the next 5 males in the province would get the other spots. (or vice versa) How can anyone say this is justified? I don't care what sex you are, it should be the top scoring cadets that get the exchange. (keep in mind this is what was explained to me, so if this is all a crock, let me know..In fact I would be happy if i was wrong)

Another thing on exchanges. I know not everyone will agree with me here. When a cadet fails NSCE they are able to go back the next year to retry. That is fine with me. What I don't agree with is that they are able to qualify for an exchange on a second try at NSCE. Part of what makes NSCE challenging is that you are not quite sure what to expect, and can be quite nervous. (working under pressure would be a good term) However, when you have already gone through the process once and know what it is like, I feel you have an advantage over the cadets who are there for their first time. My biggest reason for not allowing these cadets to qualify for exchange is that they are on their second try at NSCE. If I passed NSCE my first year, but did not qualify for an exchange, do I get to go back the next year and try again? No I do not. So why should someone that failed get that chance?

Just a thought..

Just thought I would add that I am not some bitter ex cadet who is mad they didn't get an exchange. I passed my first year, and placed in the top ten for my province.

7 of the 8 cadets from our corp that wrote phase 1 passed, but quite a few of those people REALLY need to work on phase 2 material.  Phase 2 is what gets most people, why?  MAP AND COMPASS!!!  I wrote NSCE last year and I had to re-write two parts of my M&C practical:

1. magnetic dec: I picked the wrong year on the map
2. distance along a route: I measured from the "notches", rather than 0

- every assessor is different with regards to classroom and drill; follow the formula, and you'll do fine
- GIV'R on the ACFT if you want that exchange; the good ones require gold (Wales, Germany, Scotland)
- 1 improper knot combined with a stupid mistake in M&C is the killer for 9/10 candidates; double-check your work and be sure of your answer, cuz the assessors will give you one of those "is that your final answer" remarks.
- You can fail all of your knots, or give all the wrong answers in M&C, and still re-write and pass, but if you screw up in more than one area = INSTANT FAIL

I'll be staffing NSCE - Albert Head (March 3-5), good luck to everyone.

Hey, Forbes, howzit going?  Haven't seen you since staff:
I wanna be a chairborne ranger
I wanna life of pens and paper
HQ '05!

k.lee my region is Montreal (MTL)

Yeah, we had 6 cadets writing phase 1; 5 of us past. Then we had Phase 2, and 4 of us passed.

Like you said map and compass is the hardest one, and the most stressfull. The trick is to go over with it with fellow cadets before the exam. TRIPLE CHECK ALL YOUR ANSWERS.

Theres are some NSCE pictures of my cadet corps site

I wrote my phase one 3 weeks ago...got the results a few days ago. I scored pretty good, 87%, my phase 2 is comming up on the weekend of the 25th anybody else from the EOA going? Give a shout out.