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April Fool's Pranks

Which of the following best describes your take on April Fool's Day

  • Putting crazy glue on peoples stuff is funny!

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • I think it's mean to play tricks on people...

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • This is f##king stupid! Who put salt in my soda?!?!?

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • It's funny when it doesn't happen to me.

    Votes: 16 25.8%
  • What's April Fool's Day?

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Carefully plotted schemes ...

    Votes: 26 41.9%

  • Total voters


Reaction score
I am surprised no one jumped at this...so I'll give it a whirl.

Basically this thread is for April Fool's Day experiences...your best prank, the worst prank you fell for, e.t.c. ;D

For my prank, my family and I put newspaper and FOR LEASE signs on the front doors of our convenience store (but still opened up for business) and left it up for a while to see how the locals would react. So far, it's worked awesome! :D
I wish the poll had another option:  "Carefully plotted schemes ..."
(i.e. Crazy Glue is tame, by comparison ...)

I'll have to give it some thought, and get back to you with my favourite ...
heres a good one that my dad did to me and my 4 sisters.

about 11 years ago on April fools day my dad had prepared some lunch for everyone. he made sandwiches. when he called us to eat we all went running an dug into the food. unfortunately we did not realize that he had put extra hot horse radish in them. then there we were running around and trying to get something to drink. 

it was an awsome trick and i cant wait till i get him back.

when i was young for 3 years in a row me and my sisters would make my mom and dad some coffee in the morning and we would fill it with salt. they knew we were doing it but they played along anyway.
Long ago, at a company that shall remain nameless, there was a 'gung ho' student intern. Every time his phone rang, he would run madly across the office to pick up.  In the process he would sometimes knock equipment over, scatter papers and most importantly annoy the crap out of everyone.

We decided that the usual capacitor, and resistor attached to the desk drawer handle was insufficient. So on April 1, we put a fair bit of K-Y Jelly on the ear piece of his phone. We hid, and then called his number. Sure enough he zoomed in, picked up the phone, jammed it to his ear, at which point we shouted, "Hey _______ look over here". We were behind a half partition, perfroming a scene from Caddyshack, the one where Bill Murray is cleaning golf balls.

He dropped the phone, wiped his ear, looked at his hand, turned white as a ghost, zoomed to the washroom and came out 10 minutes later with one ear bright red from being thoroughly scrubbed!

Needless to say from that point on he let his calls go to voice mail, if he wasn't at his desk!

Ah, to be young again!

I got my Mom sooooo good this morning! I just got sworn in on Wednesday so needless to say she has heard nothing but excitement from me about finally getting my call etc etc... So early this morning I called her and sounded all down in the dumps. I told her that I have given it alot of thought and I simply think that 3 yrs is an awefully big commitment and I have decided not to join the Army. She was upset but supportive and said "Whatever you decide dear, you know I support you"...then comes the best part. I told her it's going to cost me $2000.00 to break the contract with the forces and get out. :o To which she sounded astonished and then said "We'll find the money somewhere sweetheart. I then let her off the hook. I felt bad but it was a good one don't ya think? ;D


Picture this.......

At the Fire Academy in the US.......Friday night, a bunch of us decided to go laugh at the locals out in town, and go on a bender. You have never seen mullets my friends, until you have been in rural Arkansas. Nor have you seen so many women and children in camouflage, that weren't in the military. Everyone is also packing heat. Maybe even the kids. No kidding.

So anyway, I'm getting out of the shower. I have all my civvies laying out on my rack, and I wander back into the room. I dry off and start to get dressed. Shortly after I put my underwear on, and keep dressing, I feel what could be some damp in and around the crotch area. So being a guy, I gave a good scratch thinking it would sort it out, but it didn't take care of the problem.

So a couple minutes go by and I'm fully dressed, and I can't figure out what the issue is. My roommates has suspiciously disappeared, and I figured they were in the next room drinking the beer we had to hide in the walls.

My room stunk like Tiger Balm because my roomie, Murray ( he may be out there reading this now) had some shoulder issues so I thought nothing of the smell. This is all taking place over just a few minutes, so it wasn't long before I realised that that warm/cold feeling on the 'boys' was in fact Tiger Balm. For the LOVE OF GOD.........When I scratched, thinking I was 'drying off' what I must have missed with my towel, I had in actual fact, rubbed the significant amount of Tiger Balm INTO the 'boys' even further.

When I walked into the kitchen and said "Son of a bitch!!! He put Tiger Balm in my underwear!!!!" The whole bloody lot of 'em (they invited others to watch) burst out in laughter.....It was contagious and I began to howl with laughter as well, though I was a little uncomfortble......

Needless to say, I was humbled, and after awhile, I was feeling pretty fresh, and the beer took the edge off......My cologne couldn't over power the smell of the Tiger Balm, so there was no getting rid of it.

Thats one of the BEST practical jokes that I have ever been a part of. Tiger Balm really isn't so bad........Uh.....Yeah. My hat is still off to Murray, but there is no statue of limitations when it comes to payback, so watch out!!!
My brother called me to say his wife had their baby...

On april 1st...???

I didn't want to say liar... just in case it was true...

Sure enough.. No joke!  The april fool joke that wasn't.....

I think the army should promote people on April 1st... but just the special people.... 
it would add just a bit of irony!!!
There is also the fact that the Gov't uses 1 Apr as the beginning of a new Fiscal Year.  Pay Raises.....that is only an April Fools joke on us all...  ;D
It's my Father in laws birthday today, no joke  ;D  Here's one we played, the girl who lives in our basement apartment is a relative of my wife and as such trust's us implicitly. We have a key to her car incase she loses her's etc, etc. This morning I took her car and hid it around the block, I then called her and told her that the neighbour had the car towed as it was unsightly and bringing the property value down (it's a 91 honda civic  :P) Sure enough she went nuts, called her mom and her dad, man it was funny. Also the baby powder in the hair dryer is a good one, but not to use against your wife, unless you know ya WANT to sleep in the garage  ;D
today was the day I started my Rehab for my hand and had my cast/brace removed. I called my mom from the hospital and told her I was headed in for another surgery...she freaked. Of course I said April Fools, but it was kinda cruel  :D
mine was nice to me today.... but im going to get her tonight when she comes home from work lol, Im going to get one of my gay friends to call my house wanting to know where "his" lover is, the look on her face will be priceless...
someguyincanada said:
mine was nice to me today.... but im going to get her tonight when she comes home from work lol, Im going to get one of my gay friends to call my house wanting to know where "his" lover is, the look on her face will be priceless...

Doesn't April Fools superstition state that a joke played after 1200 hrs is bad luck?  and prone to backfire?
i dont know, at my place you can prank up to 11:59:59, and i hope it doesnt backfire cause i dont have a doghouse lol
Here's one that was played on me that I thought was classic, but done VERY WELL... Also, my return fire...

My best buddy at the time and me were hanging out and trying to plan some wicked stuff to do to people, you know, "Nair" in the shampoo bottle etc etc etc... We always screwed with people. Not just on April fools either, but we had made a truce to never play any pranks on eachother.... WELL... He broke that truce!!!

He said he'd be back in abit, had to run uptown and take care of some stuff.. I thought nothing of it, simply sat around relaxing and watching TV etc... Half hour he comes back with a box of cinnabons... I LOVE those things... I ate about 3 of them at once (I know, horrible)... He ate some too.

So we're watching TV, planning etc, some of our friends come over... About 10 minutes after that, I RUN to the bathroom, still not clueing in... Until, well, U know. PLOOP, SPLASH... Etc, liquid comming out the wrong end.... And I had cramps like nobody's business, I still remember the pain!

He put chocolate ex-lax in the cinnabons!!!! I almost died!

Write my revenge later, gotta go, getting picked up for training this weekend!

Have fun kids!
FYI, exlax can actuallly damage you...dont wanna play that joke too often.
I would never admit to doing this....
(so don't ask me how i know)

Visine is a bowel irritant.

Few drops of visine in someone's beer...  nuff said...

Hint.. only a few drops.. and don't expect instant results....
DO NOT do a full bottle over the night.. there's a prank and
then there is just being cruel...  3 - 4 drops MAX

(technically i think its assault... has to be illegal somehow)
Trinity said:
Visine is a bowel irritant.
This is usually used with "EN Force like to put Visine in your water when you sleep" to scare recruits in the field into staying awake.
I wouldn't call this the best one, but it's one I did this morning at 2 am.

Everybody was drinking because classes are almost over (university) and everybody went to the bar except me and my buddy. For a hour before, my buddy was shredding newpapers into thin strips. He had about 3 large garbage bags full (roughly 100 newspapers) done. We then went to a friend's dorm room and dumped the bags of newspaper all over the place and into every nook and cranny (bed, drawers etc). It must have been 1 foot deep worth of newspaper. We were there when he got home and he was piss drunk. We were downstairs and we could hear him cursing and starting to run after us. He didn't take to the joke very well (he's a violent drunk). I don't think we will be doing anything soon to him.

P.s My biggest peeve is when people play jokes on other people, but get really PO'ed when it happens to them.