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Backpay question


Army.ca Myth
Reaction score
The "Incentive level" thread got me wondering:

Background:  I did a CT to Air Nav in Apr 07.  Because of prior PRes service, I was commissioned as an A/SLt in Aug 02, promoted to SLt in Feb 05 and switched directly to Lt. 

Now, from what I understand, the reqs for Capt are wings (after CFANS) and 3 years of commissioned service.  So, when/if I get my wings, would I get Capt backpay to 3 years after my commissioning date...or does it not apply since I CT'd? 

Thanks for any info.
By no means an expert and please feel free to correct me but it seems to get your Captains there are two requirements, wings and 3 years commissioning. So your backpay would be until you had both requirements completed. So example you already have your 3 years, then you finish your pilots course and get your wings and then get promoted a month after, well you get backpay until the date you got your wings since that is when you were eligible for your captains. So in this example you would get 1 month back bay.
Klinkaroo, no.  You are supposed to be 2Lt for 1 year and Lt for 2 years.  If you stay in eighter rank for more, you get back pay for the time you should have been a Capt. and direct promotion to Capt.  Please stay in your lane.
So Max - to help clarify (and only because i'm curious) if a GSO (say Maj) with 2 years at that rank and 7 at the rank of Capt decides he/she wants wings, he/she will get Air back pay for the last 9 years?
I don't quite understand what your questions is?  He would be paid Maj even though he would be a Capt during his Wings course.
I believe that for fresh-in faces (either by DEO, ROTP or CEOTP) Max's timeline is correct.

For transfers I'm pretty sure it (the nice little promotion timer) starts all over again. 

I know people (as I'm sure you do to Max) who have been in for 5 years (or more), but part of the way through that had to Transfer from Pilot to Nav, when they finish at CFANS, not only will there not be any back-pay but there will also be no promotion to Capt, since they have only been in the Nav trade for 2 years.  They will get their Lt's and hold that until their time in Trade is sufficient.

This is all anecdotal and if anyone feels like searching I'm sure there is a regulation that covers this scenario.
Yes, I do believe also that your clock restarts from your CT date (ie:  if you're LT when you CT, 2 years in the rank then promotion)
BinRat55 said:
So Max - to help clarify (and only because i'm curious) if a GSO (say Maj) with 2 years at that rank and 7 at the rank of Capt decides he/she wants wings, he/she will get Air back pay for the last 9 years?

No, no backpay - because it's a Voluntary Occupational Transfer, the person in question would go over to his new occupation at the highest uncontrolled rank - that is, he'd revert to Capt.