Just curious to see if other units are in the same boat as us...
We use the pretend Coyote Iltis in our regiment. Our wheels pretty much make us what we are. If there is a defect with our vehicles, do you think we are allowed to fix it? NO!
For some reason, our regiment is deprived of the ability to do basic driver maintenance. Change the oil? HA, can‘t even do that. As a driver, I am responsible for my vehicle, if it goes done in the field for a reason that I could have rectified but not given the authority to do, well... thats just stupid!
Any other Regiments out there with this same problem or are we just getting the shaft?
We use the pretend Coyote Iltis in our regiment. Our wheels pretty much make us what we are. If there is a defect with our vehicles, do you think we are allowed to fix it? NO!
For some reason, our regiment is deprived of the ability to do basic driver maintenance. Change the oil? HA, can‘t even do that. As a driver, I am responsible for my vehicle, if it goes done in the field for a reason that I could have rectified but not given the authority to do, well... thats just stupid!
Any other Regiments out there with this same problem or are we just getting the shaft?