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This may be a silly question but ill throw it out there. I had someone tell me the other day that when I join the Army, I am covered by the benefit plan but my wife and kids are not. Is this true? I would assume your spouse and dependants are covered as well. If some current members could comment it would be greatly appreciated. When I say benefits , I mean things like prescription, dental, etc...
ModlrMike said:
To be more accurate, you have to pay into these two plans to be covered. You're not covered automatically.

Yes you pay for PSHCP - a whopping $4.00/month (yes, the decimal is in the right place - that's four dollars per month).  There is no charge for the Dental Care Plan.  Getting started in both plans is as simple as filling out the appropriate forms at the Orderly Room.  If we were to get the same coverage through my wife's job, it would cost her approximately $100.00 per month.

If you are posted overseas (i.e. an accompanied posting, not a deployment), you're PSHCP charge goes up to $4.01/mo.
Ok here is another question then. When do your benefits kick in? and when do you get do sign up for your families benfits? Starting of basic, after basic?
I don't know about basic timeframes, but be extra careful with your coverage. I'm in the midst of fighting to have my fiancee's hospital bill covered from the birth of our child 9 months ago because a paper foul-up made my coverage start in April vice right away. I even was given the card with my plan number and no "cool off" period was listed. Triple check everything.
Yes, you should be able to sign up for everything during BMQ.  It should be part of all the intake paperwork.  If in doubt, ask.  There normally is a waiting period for the plans to kick in, so don't cancel any insurance you currently have until the waiting period is over.  Again, if in doubt ask.  You can also check out these websites:  PSHCP: (http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/hd-sd/psh-rss/index-eng.asp) and CFDDCP: (http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/hd-sd/cfd-rsd/index-eng.asp).  These sites include phone numbers you can call for more information.