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BFT Inside WTF

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Today at Dundonald Hall some unit was doing their BFT at the track. Now I'm wondering okay whatever, but most of these soldiers carried themselves in poor manner, by that I mean most were listening to Ipods, no helmets, sleeves rolled up and worst of all they were carrying there C7's as if they were C6's, some just having there weapons slung over there side. Now I know the CF has piss poor PT standards but this is ridiculous.  >:(
The Ipods are civie = not allowed.

By the book, helmets and weapons must be carried, no other criteria. The book doesn't say 'hard corps, on patrol'. Some say it's not right, others a matter of opinion, but the book says carried. If it's on their person, it's being carried.

Who cares if the sleeves are up or down. If I was doing mine in warm weather or environs, I'd likey have them up also, and my fly down and pants unbloused.

There's already a ton of ranting on the BFT here, including your points. Run a search.
During a BFT!!?? In uniform!!?? Wow. Times have changed ...

I recall a sup tech female unloading some railcars during RV'91 ... pic of her (working) made the front page of the Petawawa Post; all was good until someone noticed the walkman earphones peeking out from under her combat shirt in the pic ...

Holy freakin' extras batman. Well-deserved ... and earned. It was a stupid move. 

Lessons learned.
ArmyVern said:
I recall a sup tech female unloading some railcars during RV'91 ... pic of her (working) made the front page of the Petawawa Post; all was good until someone noticed the walkman earphones peeking out from under her combat shirt in the pic ...

How terrible. She should have been shot on the spot. I will immediately go hang myself for daring to listen to my ipod while i'm flying.

CDN Aviator said:
How terrible. She should have been shot on the spot. I will immediately go hang myself for daring to listen to my ipod while i'm flying.

Unloading railcars ... not exactly when you want to be distracted by music is it? It is a task where one should be paying attention to their surroundings. A couple days later, I watched buddy lose his fingers when the railcar moved as we offloaded some vehicles. We do have some "assinine" rules for very valid reasons.
ArmyVern said:
Unloading railcars ... not exactly when you want to be distracted by music is it?

Ok, fair enough. So what risk of imminent death faces someone doing his/her BFT then ? Even more so inside Dundonald Hall.......
CDN Aviator said:
Ok, fair enough. So what risk of imminent death faces someone doing his/her BFT then ?

When did I say there was? I said times have changed.

I didn't say the extras were given for what type of work happened to be being done; they were given precisely because the CF has a rule saying "you can't do that" - those rules are, 99.99% of the time put into place for bonified reasons. Such as I demonstrated with the headset disrupting attention and blocking hearing while performing duty and thus increasing (needlessly) the risk of an accident.

Last time I checked, we didn't get to pick and choose when or which legal orders we were going to comply with or when we were going to "opt out" of complying with them. We call that discipline; and, discipline is the foundation stone of professional soldiering.
ArmyVern said:
We call that discipline; and, discipline is the foundation stone of professional soldiering.

Ah, i knew i had missed something at basic training.

CDN Aviator said:
Ah, i knew i had missed something at basic training.

I'm sure you heard the bit about following orders though - and on a couple of other courses since your Basic too.  ;) You may find this one assinine, but I found it absolutely relevant to things I've experienced - precisely because I watched someone lose their fingers due to disregarding just a couple days after that pic was snapped. Ironic isn't it?

CF Dress Regs:

47. Visible civilian items of apparel shall not be
worn by members with any uniform, except where
specifically authorized in these instructions.

Pretty clear.
When i go back to work i'll go looking for an NCO or senior officer who has never bent a rule on something so minor ( like in the OP's example), clear or not.

CDN Aviator said:
When i go back to work i'll go looking for an NCO or senior officer who has never bent a rule on something so minor ( like in the OP's example), clear or not.


Stop with the flyshit and pepper. There's disregard and then there's blatant disregard.

You're just being your regular old prick self tonight aren't you. ;) ;D
I don't know.... iPods or other .usic playing during a BFT won't cause me to lose sleep or other wise. There are things that matter... And this isn't one of them.
MedTech said:
I don't know.... iPods or other .usic playing during a BFT won't cause me to lose sleep or other wise. There are things that matter... And this isn't one of them.

May not to you and me, but you know there's others that it will. If the guy meets the letter of the criteria from the book, that fits my criteria of succesful.
CDN Aviator said:
Ok, fair enough. So what risk of imminent death faces someone doing his/her BFT then ? Even more so inside Dundonald Hall.......

I second the fact you are being a prick.

I guess the fact you can wear them while flying (which obviously, for you is not a life threatening activity  ::) ) makes it ok for everyone else anytime they want. Well, sorry. It a dress reg.

NO civvie earphone to be worn in uniform, EVER. BFT or otherwise.
canadian_moose said:
Today at Dundonald Hall some unit was doing their BFT at the track. Now I'm wondering okay whatever, but most of these soldiers carried themselves in poor manner,

First point, weather was nice last week, so I hear your WTF, and raise it with a "who is being laziest here, the people doing the BFT or the people administering it?". PSP did not want to go outside?

Second, poor manner... there is no standard for good or poor manner in the test, just pass/fail. The fact you look like and absolute bag of poo does not affect your pass/fail standing as long as you finish in the prescribed time.

The only time someone should have to do a BFT in the 200m track in DDH is because its unsafe to walk outside (icy roads, below -30) or as punishment.
The fault surely lies with whoever administered the test, and why would it necessarily be PSP?

It almost sounds as bad as the joker I saw bimbling along a road in gagetown, on a BFT, with his weapon held like a pitchfork over his shoulder. I was too dumbstruck to say anything at first but luckily my mate in the following vehicle had a few kinds words to correct said individual.

Anyways, I know for a fact whenever I take troops out for a BFT, if they hold their weapon like a make-up case they get a bollocking from me. Both hand on the weapon at all times. For no other reason than they don't look like a bunch of girl guides on an outing...

As for the wearing of headphones in uniform.....well yes we all know THE DRESS REGS STATE, but one thing I can say is, the BFT is a joke as a fitness test, and surely if it was made more challenging people would be too worried about passing it to bother listening to music...

And i agree with medtech, I really don't care about personal music during a BFT. All I would have done is tell the troops to keep it to a level where they can hear the instructor, and if I had to repeat myself at all then no ipods.  Simple.
I can assure you that troops don't do the BFT inside Dundonald by choice. I did mine inside about 3-4 weeks ago and it was miserable. We were told it was too icy outside so for safety reasons we were doing it inside. Having done PT in the fieldhouse, I'm sure you know how freakin' hot it is in there so I'm not surprised their sleeves were rolled up. (mine were too, and I was sweating like crazy since there is no air circulation) I found doing the BFT inside was worse than when I did it in Oct outside last time. By the end I was actually feeling dizzy as well as a sore hip from walking in circles for 57 laps.

As for the slack & Idle appearance, I can't comment as I wasn't there to witness it. I do however know that we had to wear our helmets.
To add to the DDH issue, I believe there was 3 units/sub units doing BFTs yesterday, at about the same time. I'm sure the powers to be tried to ease the inevitable confusion that comes along with numerous organizations trying to do the same things while not talking to each other. Personally, I wouldn't want to do a BFT in that place if I was the only person in there. It gets f****** hot in a hurry in there, never less when there's 200+ sweating bodies all over the place.
MediPea said:
I can assure you that troops don't do the BFT inside Dundonald by choice. I did mine inside about 3-4 weeks ago and it was miserable. We were told it was too icy outside so for safety reasons we were doing it inside. Having done PT in the fieldhouse, I'm sure you know how freakin' hot it is in there so I'm not surprised their sleeves were rolled up. (mine were too, and I was sweating like crazy since there is no air circulation) I found doing the BFT inside was worse than when I did it in Oct outside last time. By the end I was actually feeling dizzy as well as a sore hip from walking in circles for 57 laps.

As for the slack & Idle appearance, I can't comment as I wasn't there to witness it. I do however know that we had to wear our helmets.

Though it wasn't icy out Friday, it was pretty warm, and I don't think that it was PSP running it, cause the spotters who kept track of how many laps they were doing were army. The point is that its pretty poor planning on the units who were doing it, and I do feel bad for the soldiers that have to do it inside but don't draw anymore attention to themselves by looking like bags of ****.
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