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Devon Best

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I was looking around for some threads about books, I couldn't really find any though that weren't related to the military.  I was just wondering what kind of books people read, and anything and everything about what they're currently reading. I love finding new stuff to check out, and usually the best way to do this is word of mouth... I hate reading a synopsis, I usually read it and it sounds good and it turns out to be crap (in my opinion).  I was looking for some other threads like this and couldn't find any in here... Anyway, hope this isn't a bad topic.

As for myself, I've been reading the novel Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk, and Napoleon: A Biography by Frank McLynn.  I like a lot of stuff though, my favourite books would have to be the Dune series by Frank Herbert, anything by David Gemmell, and George Orwell's books Why I Write & 1984.
Did you happen to look here?  http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,14.0.html
Yeah, and all I could ever find were books relating to the military.  I was just interested in hearing about what type of books people like to read on their own time... Unless everyone likes to read a book about modern artillery. That's all... Cheers!
I love reading true crime books especially serial killer books.  I just saw a list of the Chapters 100 top readers choice I think number one is Da Vinci Code I plan on reading that next as soon as I finish HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, By the way very interesting book. I absolutly love reading but never really been interested in military history books. Its so hard to choose a favourite book, you know what I don't think I can I don't even remember some of the books i've read:)
The Da Vinci Code was a great read, wish I read it before I went to Europe this time last year...

State of Fear by Michael Crighton is an excellent thiriller, and surprisingly informative if you are at all interested in "global warming" or environmental issues in general.

I also enjoyed Freakonomics, it was very interesting and easy to read. 
All Fun and Games until Someone Loses an Eye - Christopher Brookmyre, his books are kinda like a literary Guy Ritchie film- what I should be reading is Chemistry: The Central Science 10th ed, (farkin thing wieghs more than my laptop) ::)
I just finished Richard Condon's 'The Manchurian Candidate' (alot different than the movie, but I'm a big fan of both), and I'm currently working on 'Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self Deception' by Daniel Goleman..... and then there's the stuff I probably should be reading for school, but aren't.