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British Columbia beer ad takes aim at Toronto


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A new billboard campaign in British Columbia for Coors Light declares the beer is “Colder Than Most People From Toronto.” The slogan caught Newmarket resident Kathryn Morton by surprise.


Hah!! So I'm not the only one with these strange feelings ;D

On a side note, why is it that everytime someone sees or hears something THEY don't like, it's 'politically incorrect'.

Morton, who grew up in Kamloops, where she said it was common for people to make fun of Toronto, saw the ad on a family camping trip a couple of weeks ago. Her 16-year-old son Stuart spotted it first.
“He realized the political incorrectness of it,” she said.

Jeez, now I'm sounding like Andy Rooney ::)
Pfft, we are that in way in Toronto, and besides, Coors light tastes like fermented donkey piss anyways.
ruckmarch said:

Coors caved in, the billboard has been taken down.

I can't believe how thin-skinned and sensitive society has become!

Has it really come to the point where you can't poke light-hearted fun at a CITY?!?!

I mean come ON, it's not like the pointed out individuals or anything ... "Coors light colder than Otis in Toronto" ... they made fun of a well-known city stereo-type. While I'm thinking of it, here's a couple of more that I just thought of that someone can complain about:

Tower of Pisa: More left-leaning than Vancouver!

Ottawa: More bulls**t than the ranches of Alberta!

Canada: More PC than Loblaws (OK, that one is stretching, but my wife thought it was funny ...)

I don't know for Toronto, but if you meet someone from Quebec leaving in Vancouver and you ask him how does he find it, the usual answer that you'll get is: "in Quebec, women are hot and beer is cold whereas in Vancouver, women are cold and beer is warm". Of course it is an inside joke between Quebecers leaving on the West Coast.  ;)
Which is fine by most west coaster, 'cause we like the Quebecers who leave the coast more than the ones who come too the coast!

Juste badinant, nous aimons les Quebecois ici !
ruckmarch said:

Coors caved in, the billboard has been taken down.

Now I'm *really* glad I took a pic of it while doing the move to BC!  And as a Torontonian, I think that's hilarious.  Even have it as the desktop on my computer.
Dimsum said:
Now I'm *really* glad I took a pic of it while doing the move to BC!  And as a Torontonian, I think that's hilarious.  Even have it as the desktop on my computer.

If your pic is better than the one in the article, you might like to share... :nod:
Here are some other coors ads



The truth hurts. I am disgusted by the decline of Toronto.
Incidentally, here is a "Sample Gallery of Questionable Alcohol Ads":
mariomike said:
The truth hurts. I am disgusted by the decline of Toronto.
Incidentally, here is a "Sample Gallery of Questionable Alcohol Ads":

I don't see what's so questionable about those ads....off color maybe, bit risque, maybe, humorous, maybe, but so what.....there's a lot worse tasteless advertising out there....people need to get a life and stop obsessing.....

ps...not talking about you MarionMike.....just in general.
GAP said:
ps...not talking about you MarionMike.....just in general.

hahaha Is that what it means to be "in touch with one's feminine side?"  ;D
I may have a few issues, but I hope that is not one of them!? Mario is my son's name.
Oooops.....Next time I'll look before I type...(but if the shoe fits, feel free to change your username....  ;D )
Antoine said:
I don't know for Toronto, but if you meet someone from Quebec leaving in Vancouver and you ask him how does he find it, the usual answer that you'll get is: "in Quebec, women are hot and beer is cold whereas in Vancouver, women are cold and beer is warm". Of course it is an inside joke between Quebecers leaving on the West Coast.  ;)

Antoine, that's becasue all the quarts of "50" get warm on the long trek West! ;D

Having grown up in T.O. and loved it, yet also enjoying living throught the rest of the country (well, missed PEI, NL, YK and NV), I have found the city to have changed a bit.  The irony is that I believe much of the change is due to the left-leaning, "what's in it for me?" attitude that now permeates much of Canada (thanks David Miller)..."Toronto the Good" of the 60's and 70's is just a larger scale of contemporary "I deserve...." in Canada.  Toronto is not different, still nice folks and self-centered folks, but just on a larger scale than anywhere else in the country.

By the way, I though the add was hilarious!  I think this was just the media stirring the pot and perpetuation an attitude that was a manufactured thing anyway -- a lot like the "movie set 'cleanup' urban ledgend...not convinced that actually happened...but thigs were very clean in the 70's, IIRC).

two more cents...
