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Bush in Halifax, Future of the CF

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anyone that had watched his little speech there would have picked up alot of the things he had been hinting at.Personally I tihnk hes just kissing out backside to win over the public.He wants our troops in iraq and more global support, especially from a well respected country like us.

Martin also expressed an interest in expanding our 'peackeeping role' throughout the middle east, something george bush would definately welcome with open arms.

Any thoughts on what the future may hold for us?  :cdn:
Here's the joint Bush/Martin statement from the Prime Minister's office:


Reading between the lines it indicates more activity so, once again, the real question is wiill that translate into bigger budgets?  And if so in what proportions to defence vs. foreign aid?
I dunno whether to be excited for a budget increase, or worried about where I might be this time next year... and if ill be dusty and sandy.
If you do end up somewhere dusty and sandy I only  hope that we increase the budgets so that you can come home having accomplished your mission and in good health :salute:
Either way, Martin has already done more than Chretien ever has for the CF. If thats any indication, I am willing to take him seirously when he says things like that.
jmackenzie_15 said:
Either way, Martin has already done more than Chretien ever has for the CF. If thats any indication, I am willing to take him seirously when he says things like that.

Okay, I'll bite.

Who was the finance minister during Chretien's reign?

Do you also believe he was unaware of the Sponsorship program?

Do you also believe that when he cut transfer payments it would have a positive effect?

Do you think that his reduction in health care spending was good?

Do you think it was okay for his company to receive hundreds of million of dollars in tax payer money while he was Finance minister and while the company was using flags of convenience to avoid Canadian taxes?

Do you believe Mr. Martin's publically stated reason that why Canada didn't send troops to Iraq was because we didn't have the troops? (Not the moral objection regurgitated by Chretien)

Do you think that when he said he would give Newfoundland and Nova Scotia 100% of offshore revenue without clawback to equalization, and then reneged- that it was an honest thing?

I don't know whether you are a troll or negligently ignorant. Could you please let me know so I can respond accordingly?

Since all of those other things are irrellevant, and I was referring to his supposed increase to defence spending, im not sure how to reply to that.
All I meant was, he promised to increase defense spending, and he's already gone through with the new helicopters.Its more than Chretien has ever done, so Ill wait and see.
About that other crap, have we ever had a PM in the last 2 decades that wasnt a lying trashbag?

^ what im talking about
jmackenzie_15 said:
... I am willing to take him seirously when he says things like that.

[quote author=jmackenzie_15]have we ever had a PM in the last 2 decades that wasnt a lying trashbag?[/quote]

Tell me what's wrong with these two statements. Then you will see why I have a problem with your posts.

Personally, I like Martin.  And I like President Bush.  I can't believe the Canadian media refers to him simply as "Bush" - seems disrespecful somehow, but I digress.

I loved the President's comment yesterday - "I'd like to thank the Canadians that came out to wave today...with all five fingers..."  ;D

The National had good coverage (after the coverage on Pierre Burton, which was also good - Betty speaks very well for an "elderly" lady, and all of it was unrehearsed - I wish I had her poise) and had some segments on how different Canada is from the US.  Very eye opening.

They also said that our furthest right people would only be middle of the road in the US, or even left of centre - they said that Harper would actually be a democrat in the US, based on his support for universal health care.
Well thats simple,..better moderators on our websites!!
Michael Dorosh said:
Personally, I like Martin.   And I like President Bush.   I can't believe the Canadian media refers to him simply as "Bush" - seems disrespecful somehow, but I digress.

Glad I'm not the only one with this sentiment.

On a lighter note, I did appreciate his use of comic relief...(the Jean Poutine and hockey comments).  

Evidently, someone did their research, and he came off seeming quite knowledgeable (JMHO).   Considering he probably couldn't point out Nova Scotia on a map, his presentation and use of quotes kept me attentive (Please don't insult my intelligence by advising me he has speech writers, I know that).    It takes a certain skill to present a speech, and a special talent to actually convince someone that you know what you're talking about.  

Agree, or not, with the speech...the President sounded like he knew what he was talking about, and was convincing.   Which, I realize, was the whole intent of the speech.   I enjoyed the whole thing!

Michael Dorosh said:
Personally, I like Martin.   And I like President Bush.   I can't believe the Canadian media refers to him simply as "Bush" - seems disrespecful somehow, but I digress.

I loved the President's comment yesterday - "I'd like to thank the Canadians that came out to wave today...with all five fingers..."   ;D

The National had good coverage (after the coverage on Pierre Burton, which was also good - Betty speaks very well for an "elderly" lady, and all of it was unrehearsed - I wish I had her poise) and had some segments on how different Canada is from the US.   Very eye opening.

They also said that our furthest right people would only be middle of the road in the US, or even left of centre - they said that Harper would actually be a democrat in the US, based on his support for universal health care.

Of course he supports "Universal healthcare", as do most Canadians......he wants to WIN the elction, right? ;D
