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Bush sworn in, pledges to export liberty


Army.ca Veteran
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George W. Bush started his second term officially Thursday with promises to bringing freedom and liberty to the oppressed corners of the world.

â Å“It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world,â ?
he told a vast crowd at the Capitol.

Mr. Bush had a full day of pomp and pageantry planned. His official day began with a church service at St. John's Church and will end with attendance at a host of balls. The highlight will be the oath of office, scheduled for about noon, and his inaugural address.

His speech focused on the need to export freedom to other nations, for both ideological and national-security reasons.

â Å“Across the generations, we have proclaimed the imperative of self-government because no one is fit to be a master, and no one deserves to be a slave,â ? he said. â Å“Advancing these ideals is the mission that created our nation. It is the honourable achievement of our fathers.â ?

He also noted that â Å“events and common senseâ ? provide more concrete reasons to help people in other nations seek liberty.

â Å“The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.â ?

As tradition dictates, Dick Cheney was sworn in as vice-president a short time before Mr. Bush was to take his turn.

Mr. Bush took the oath of office from ailing U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who made his first public appearance in months.

â Å“I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States, so help me God,â ? he repeated, completing the final step of his victory at the polls last November.

In the audience were his opponent, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, and three earlier presidents, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter. Gerald Ford, the only other living president, is elderly and rarely travels from his home state of California.

A huge crowd turned out to watch the oath, speech and subsequent parade. An enormous security operation has been unleashed, with dozens of square blocks closed to traffic, thousands of police officers on duty and anti-aircraft missiles deployed.

The daytime ceremonies will be capped by numerous balls scheduled for Thursday evening.

The start of Mr. Bush's second term marks the beginning of the end of his opportunity to set a legacy, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card acknowledged in an early appearance on ABC.

â Å“The President fully understands that he has an opportunity to change America and to change the world, and the window of opportunity won't stay open very long,â ? Mr. Card told Good Morning America.

But Mr. Bush also has the lowest approval rating of any recent two-term president on inauguration day. His support hung at 49 per cent in an Associated Press poll this month.

Although Mr. Bush has raised ambitious plans to reshape Social Security, many analysts expect his legacy to centre on his foreign policy, especially the situation in Iraq.

The war was the focus of a protest across town, where 1,370 pairs of old boots were lined up in a church, each one representing a U.S. death in Iraq.

With a report from Associated Press

At what cost? WW3?
I hope Mr Bush remembers Economics 101; if you want to export something you have to have someone willing to import it....
The target market is not going to be the Mullahs or the "Dear Leader".....
I personally hope its those SLORC bastards or whatever their call is now in Burma. I read a lot about that country and what's going on there is sickening .. surprised the place hasn't collapsed on itself yet. I would love to see that military junta get what's coming to them.
Burma just may be a target. Considering they would be an easy win for Americans in South East Asia. Boy, would they love that.

Of course with all the talk and rumours about Iran going around, how long before something goes down there? Iraq started with a lot of talk and rumours.

We had better be careful. Bush may be calling himself Emperor before to long with comments like that (expansion of freedom in all the world.). Can you imagine Jeb in the White House? Scary.

Zipper said:
Burma just may be a target. Considering they would be an easy win for Americans in South East Asia. Boy, would they love that.

Of course with all the talk and rumours about Iran going around, how long before something goes down there? Iraq started with a lot of talk and rumours.

We had better be careful. Bush may be calling himself Emperor before to long with comments like that (expansion of freedom in all the world.). Can you imagine Jeb in the White House? Scary.

They're so worried about getting a popular face up for the 2008 race (Arnold Schwarzenegger), they're trying to garnish support for yet another admendement to our constitution. They want to allow unnaturalized American citizens who have lived here for a minimum of 20 years the right to run for president. Man, they will stop at absolutely nothing to remain in the seat of power. As an American, I'm against it. Too many potential conflicts or interest. This administration is admendment happy. Someone needs to take their scissors away.

I already refer to Bush as King George, lol. Among other things, hehehehe.

Jeb has the brains but not the false charisma like his brother. As much as I love my fellow Americans, they are easily fooled. They vote for who puts on the best show. Not every American but unfortunately, a small majority. Clearly, Kerry blew Bush out of the water during the debates. Still, they voted in the village idiot. Ah well, what's an American girl to do, lol. Just keep on keepin on. I survived the first four years and hopefully will the next four, that is if his majesty doesn't piss off the entire world! He does seem heck bent on doing it.

I don't know if you will agree or fully understand but what's scary is his pretense of saving the world and giving the world freedom. While they slowly errode freedoms here. Laugh if you want but it's true. And my fellow Americans buckle under out of fear.

Yeah, King George. It wouldn't surprise me if he tries to admend our constitution so he can run for a third term! You know, under the guise of war and all. He's da man, no one can save the world but him. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Lol, remember you heard it here first!

Be safe and take care all.


I agree with some of the concerns that I've heard about these comments.  Encouraging domestic grassroot organizations in other countries is crucial for creating the civil society and other institutions needed for a democracy to develop and solidify.  However, now that the President has promised his support he must follow-through.  If not, America's image will be tarnished further, especially in countries where democratic movements feel abandoned.  1956 Hungary and post-Gulf War I Iraq etc. must not be repeated.   
Another concern is how this liberty is to be exported.  I disagree with the order of events that have taken-place in Iraq.  These elections that many are championing should not be proof that a democracy exists.  Elections do not create democracy, democracy creates elections.  Democratic institutions that the people trust should have been created before the elections.  Trying to short-cut the process is just going to lead to greater instability in the long run.
No argument from me DJ. Good points all around.

As for Arnie going for the white house. It seems that is the very reason that amendment is being made. Although Arnie is a soft social conservative, especially when you look at Bush. Maybe they should amend that stupid everyone can have a gun thing? Naw, didn't think so.

What does scare me and it seems you as well Magie, is that you guys ARE allowing your freedoms to be taken away in the name of protection. I watched a program on CNN the other night where these new OEM's (or whatever their called) that take over all command and control of emergency systems if a "disaster" happens, have a hell of alot of "control" of information. They have hidden camera's all over Chicago that regular citizens know nothing about. As well, they are keyed to pan and focus in on the sounds of gun shots. While this sounds neat. It is way to Orwellian for me.

What is also scary is the amount of info that these "marketing" companies can gather on you. Info that they sell to the Government. If they tie everything together, they can basically keep track of you throughout your entire day. gives me the creeps.

And up here they want put camera's in our schools and have students carry ID with them at all times for spot checks. What a slippery slope we do approach.