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Camera Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lajeunesse
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ok guys and girls I‘ve a question for yeah regarding cameras at Basic quite simply are they allowed or not?
As far as I‘ve heard cameras are allowed at basic, but I‘d recomened taking a camera that you don‘t care about getting damaged.
cameras are acceptable but...you will need to have consent to take some photos. Because there are things you cant take pictures of and some of your course staff do not wish to have taken. Use disgression and ask
I would encourage people to take a camera. Everyone had cameras on all my courses. I was just at Ft. Hood, Texas, for Exercise Maple Lightning. It was funny to see everyone grab their cameras everytime a Black Hawk or an Apache flew by. We looked like tourists. :D
USE COMMON SENSE is probably the best advice you‘ll ever get with regards to the cameras... don‘t pull one out of your pocket and take a picture during the middle of a parade... etc
Our of curiosity, what kind of things woudln‘t we be allowed to take pictures of at Basic?
probably Instructors and other officers without consent but thats been said, and possible the courses i‘d imagine but i‘m not for sure.
Originally posted by Jason Bourne:
[qb] Our of curiosity, what kind of things woudln‘t we be allowed to take pictures of at Basic? [/qb]
As said above, use common sense. Don‘t incriminate yourself :D

other than that I can‘t really think of a specific thing you wouldn‘t be allowed to take pictures of... only thing that comes to mind is the restricted military maps they let you use for your navigation session, and snapping a pic of the officer without him knowing probably isnt a good idea. :)
Originally posted by AlphaCharlie:
[qb] only thing that comes to mind is the restricted military maps they let you use for your navigation session [/qb]
Restricted military maps? :confused:
The topographic maps that you use for nav ex are often given away for the troops to keep. They are not restricted or anything, and don‘t have any sensitive information on them. I have a map of Ft. Hood and fellow troops have maps of Meaford and Petawawa.
I wasn‘t planning on going snap happy but I have a cam fetish ;) Sometimes I just get carried away :p
A true story about what not to do.

On my QL3 course in tent city Pte. Bloggins decides to take a picture of the troops on basic during a change parade.

He sticks his head out of the Mod tent and takes the picture, the flash goes off and before you can say â Å“mistakeâ ? we have a Sgt. in our tent looking to tear a new orifice in the offending troop.

All the innocents quickly go about minding their own business and Pte. Bloggins is off to the races.

Our comment later was â Å“What were you thinking?â ?

Don't be that guy!