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Can I still make fall selection?


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Handing in my forms for the reserves tomorrow and I was just wondering realistically if I could make it into the Argyles (Reserve unit) by Fall?
When you hand in the forms ASK THEM.  They will be able to tell you better what your chances are.  Also be sure to ask what else you need to do or hand in.  Be proactive, and stay ahead of the game.  You are your own best career manager.
Kaplan said:
Handing in my forms for the reserves tomorrow and I was just wondering realistically if I could make it into the Argyles (Reserve unit) by Fall?

Depends on when your course would start.  Depends on how backlogged your CFRC/D is for processing.  Depends on your individual case, medical history, where you've lived etc etc.

There is no straight answer.  Just apply and take it from there.  Your CFRC/D are in the best position to answer you.

Good luck.
I've got a similar question, actually.
I FINALLY got the word back from the medical department that I'm medically fit for reserves/regular (after a good six month wait), however my original recruiter has since gotten a promotion (to which I'm sure he is deserving, I've always heard that the initial recruiting process was quite painful but it was quite nice for me until I hit the medical snag), and the current recruiter for my desired unit (the 48th) is off on manuevers/training/something somewhere until the 15th of August, so I don't really have anyone who can answer my question, which is namely, assuming I can get in contact with my recruiter by the 15th, and hopefully get sworn in shortly there after (I'm trying to join the primary reserves), would I be able to do the fall weekend BMQ?

And on top of that, how conducive is the weekend BMQ to say, a third year university student trying to get a minimum 3.5GPA?
LB said:
I've got a similar question, actually.
I FINALLY got the word back from the medical department that I'm medically fit for reserves/regular (after a good six month wait), however my original recruiter has since gotten a promotion (to which I'm sure he is deserving, I've always heard that the initial recruiting process was quite painful but it was quite nice for me until I hit the medical snag), and the current recruiter for my desired unit (the 48th) is off on manuevers/training/something somewhere until the 15th of August, so I don't really have anyone who can answer my question, which is namely, assuming I can get in contact with my recruiter by the 15th, and hopefully get sworn in shortly there after (I'm trying to join the primary reserves), would I be able to do the fall weekend BMQ?

And on top of that, how conducive is the weekend BMQ to say, a third year university student trying to get a minimum 3.5GPA?

You're a university student

you go to class 15-20 hours a week.. thats 20 more hours to make 40 (a regular work week).

If you utilize your time correctly, you should be getting 4.0...  You have plenty of time.  I did a Masters for 3 years and reserves
including weekends.  I also did 3 diplomas plus reserves with a 4.0 (including weekend courses/training).  Time Management.
It's not hard.  If you want it bad enough, you'll get it. 

I did it and I'm slack and idle.. no really.  Ask anyone in the 48th.. I was there for 10 years.

The only reason for failing in this situation is you.. you have plenty of time.
To further what Trinity is saying, it all has to do with time management.  The advantage you'll have is a schedule.  Unless there are some drastic changes in plans you'll have a yearly schedule that details when you are working.  So you'll know well in advance when your training weekends are and should be able to plan around them.  Also, CO's or someone else in your chain of command can request exam deferrals on your behalf provided you give them enough time to do it.  Don't wait until the week before.  Most teachers are receptive as long as you give them enough warning as well.

As for starting in the fall.  Again it depends on your case.  Med is good.  I assume you'll need a PT test unless that's been done.  If your security stuff is back then it isn't a far stretch to say that you could be on a fall course.  But it all depends on when it starts and if your process is complete.

Good luck
Gotta get 3.5 GPA, or no employer will look at you...
Seriously though, between career opportunities stemming from the Reserves and those from University, it is an even draw.
Trinity said:
you go to class 15-20 hours a week.. thats 20 more hours to make 40 (a regular work week).

15-20 hours a week.  You are lucky!  I had 35-40 at University  :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:
SupersonicMax said:
15-20 hours a week.  You are lucky!  I had 35-40 at University 

He didn't say how many hours he had, just how many hours he actually went.... ;D

Trinity said:
...you go to class 15-20 hours a week.. .
Also, just a quick question:

Ages ago I was reading the selection criteria for Governent Jobs for the public, Veterans were given first shot at any job followed by Widow/Widowers followed by the rest of the public followed by foreigners. Is this still true?
Kaplan said:
Also, just a quick question:

Ages ago I was reading the selection criteria for Governent Jobs for the public, Veterans were given first shot at any job followed by Widow/Widowers followed by the rest of the public followed by foreigners. Is this still true?

This is one of the threads on the board that relates to Public Service jobs: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/41696.0.html

A simple search would have found this for you, and alleviated the need to ask a question unrelated to the original subject of the thread.
When do they select people for the weekend BMQ course for reserves? I'm assuming it would be soon, within the next month or so.
Kate723 said:
When do they select people for the weekend BMQ course for reserves? I'm assuming it would be soon, within the next month or so.

Don't assume anything.  Call your CFRC and ask them.  Or if you are already enrolled, contact your new unit.
I'll have to ask my unit when I get sworn in... I've called the CFRC plenty of times in the past few weeks >:D
Typically the reserve units are responsible for enrolling you.  Once you've been fully processed and everything comes back the CFRC/D will fwd your file info to the appropriate unit.  The unit then coordinates your enrollement and kitting.

Good Luck
That's all I'm waiting for, to be enrolled and then sworn in. Time to hurry up and wait, I guess :blotto:
Crantor said:
As for starting in the fall.  Again it depends on your case.  Med is good.  I assume you'll need a PT test unless that's been done.  If your security stuff is back then it isn't a far stretch to say that you could be on a fall course.  But it all depends on when it starts and if your process is complete.

Yeah, I passed the PT, CFAT, and the medical was the only thing left.  I'm still a little confused about what the "P.O.E.T." career option was on the sheet I got handed after the CFAT was...  As for security, I'm not sure if that's been passed or not, but it should be fine; I've been cleared for security guard stuff, and one of the clearances we had to get was for patrolling one of the Atomic Energy Canada offices, so hopefully all should go well.  Is security clearance usually one of the last stages of recruitment?

As for time management, that shouldn't be an issue.  It was in previous years, but last semester I basically went critical and figured out exactly how time management works.  To be honest, I was worried that BMQ times would interfere with exams, essays, and the like, but I wasn't aware that the schedule would be provided for the entire year, let alone deferment.  With that, I can likely plan my way around anything.  But I figure 15-20 hours weekly class, usually 15-30 hours weekly for study, and then only 20 hours weekly for the BMQ?  I haven't gotten a chance to speak with my recruiter about the Fall BMQ (Ten more days till he gets back, insofar as I am aware), but I was always under the impression that it went throughout the weekend, starting Monday and ending Sunday night.

Ah well, thanks for the encouraging words and advice.  A desire to test my self and work hard is one of the many reasons why I want to join the military, so I'll just take it in stride and do my best, thanks.