Trinity said:
Kaplan said:Handing in my forms for the reserves tomorrow and I was just wondering realistically if I could make it into the Argyles (Reserve unit) by Fall?
LB said:I've got a similar question, actually.
I FINALLY got the word back from the medical department that I'm medically fit for reserves/regular (after a good six month wait), however my original recruiter has since gotten a promotion (to which I'm sure he is deserving, I've always heard that the initial recruiting process was quite painful but it was quite nice for me until I hit the medical snag), and the current recruiter for my desired unit (the 48th) is off on manuevers/training/something somewhere until the 15th of August, so I don't really have anyone who can answer my question, which is namely, assuming I can get in contact with my recruiter by the 15th, and hopefully get sworn in shortly there after (I'm trying to join the primary reserves), would I be able to do the fall weekend BMQ?
And on top of that, how conducive is the weekend BMQ to say, a third year university student trying to get a minimum 3.5GPA?
Trinity said:you go to class 15-20 hours a week.. thats 20 more hours to make 40 (a regular work week).
SupersonicMax said:15-20 hours a week. You are lucky! I had 35-40 at University
Trinity go to class 15-20 hours a week.. .
Kaplan said:Also, just a quick question:
Ages ago I was reading the selection criteria for Governent Jobs for the public, Veterans were given first shot at any job followed by Widow/Widowers followed by the rest of the public followed by foreigners. Is this still true?
Kate723 said:When do they select people for the weekend BMQ course for reserves? I'm assuming it would be soon, within the next month or so.
Crantor said:As for starting in the fall. Again it depends on your case. Med is good. I assume you'll need a PT test unless that's been done. If your security stuff is back then it isn't a far stretch to say that you could be on a fall course. But it all depends on when it starts and if your process is complete.