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Canadian Coast Gaurd seizes Portuguese vessel

Quiet Riot

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Interested to see how this plays out.
CTV.ca News Staff
Canada is once again embroiled in an international fishing dispute, after a Portuguese trawler captain was taken into custody in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.
The captain and his ship the Santa Mafalda were seized by the Canadian Coast Guard off the south coast of Newfoundland on Sunday.
Remember when Billary cruise-missiled Sudan to take the heat off the walking-talking humidor affair?

Is this the Cdn variant?

Get all of Canada riled at the Porto's, forget Gomery, etc?
Can we just send our subs and sink a few of them guys? We ought to tell 'em not to mess with us. Grrrrr!

I do think it's a good way to forget Gomery, though. But hey, what's better than an international crisis to forget local troubles? :D
Frederik G said:
Can we just send our subs and sink a few of them guys? We ought to tell 'em not to mess with us. Grrrrr!
don't mention "our subs" and "sink" in the same sentence! Bad juju.
TCBF said:
Remember when Billary cruise-missiled Sudan to take the heat off the walking-talking humidor affair?

Is this the Cdn variant?

Get all of Canada riled at the Porto's, forget Gomery, etc?
And iit's also a good thing we picked on someone who's navy is atually smaller then ours too! ::)
GK .Dundas said:
And iit's also a good thing we picked on someone who's navy is atually smaller then ours too! ::)

Yeah as opposed to that major Naval Superpower Denmark :o

I wonder if we can ask the the managers of the West Edmonton Mall for a loaner sub for a couple of weeks.  They do have 6 afterall.

Seriously it will be interesting to see how far this one goes. I checked out another forum and some of the Portuguese and Spanairds are already starting to get worked up about it.

As to whether Mr Dithers and company are using this to draw public attention away form Gomery etc, do they really need to? The sheeple are all aware of what's going on and still vote for him according to the polls.

Mind I think this trick is in the Dictators Handbook to Maintaining Power at All Costs( pg 46). The Guatemalans considerd it in 2001 and Argentines Junta tried it in 1982 and looked what happened to them
In my opinion, this is a perfact example of why Canada should expand it's military.

Personally, all wee really need is a CF-188 flyby of the next Portugese vessel that comes violates our laws or interests. Perhaps we should do a demonstration of an Aurora firing a torpedo? Simple manevuers like this, as long as they are not provocational, simply show our power and warn the next guy who wants to rip us off that's it's not a good idea.

That, or we could just get boarding parties and/or JTF2 to seize all the beligerent boats...
loyalist said:
That, or we could just get boarding parties and/or JTF2 to seize all the beligerent boats...

Can we hold the crews as illegal combattants, or something... pretty pretty please?

We ought to actually DO something, and not just say "hey, look, we're good guys here, so why don't you try and please, maybe, if you don't mind too much, take your fishing a bit farther away, just so we don't have to deal with you." I know, we're all nice and stuff... but come on, we gotta protect at least some of our national interests!
Practically everyone here in Newfoundland is affected by overfishing, I don't think it's silly at all. I think an example should be made of him, we're not the "oh please if you wouldn't mind, leave our fishing grounds" group anymore. I think the message would be more "if you try and your caught, you will lose everything" That would be a little sharper message.
I agree with Ryhno, they should forfeit the boat, nets, everything,...just like getting caught poaching....
Nothing new here:

1. Mis-manage your own fish stocks into oblivion.

2. Blame a bunch of sweat-stained furriners from countries smaller than you.

3. Hope those countries decide not to get worked up over your arrogance and collectively come over and hand you your soft, pudgy BMI butt on a plate.

