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Career choices: More than 3?


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Hi Everyone,

I've currently left my job and am in the process of moving to Ottawa where I plan to apply for the military (I've been in transition for the past month and a half, so I haven't had a chance to talk to a recruiter since leaving Calgary).  Throughout my research I've noticed several jobs I want to apply for - more than three choices, to be exact).  I have those which I consider long shots and those which I feel would be slightly easier to obtain.  I was searching and have also gone through the majority of the recruiting pages, but I couldn't find anything to help cover this off.

Is it possible to apply for more than three careers?  Or should I focus on obtaining more information in order to somehow narrow it down to three (two long shots and a safer bet)?  Or could I apply for all long shots and then change my application if they don't work out?  Normally I would wait to talk to the recruiter but I won't be near one for another few weeks and want to be able to go in with a focused plan.

The careers that I have been researching are:  Pilot, ANAV, AEC, INT, PAO and LOG.  I plan to apply through the DEO entry plan since I have already obtained my undergraduate degree from Dalhousie University in Commerce.  I am very well rounded in terms of extra-curriculars, language skills and the courses I took in university so I feel as though I would be able to adapt sufficient experiences to each career in order to make my application more competitive.  I'm also very ambitious and am hoping to find a career that will enable me to grow, develop and continue learning for the rest of my working life.

Any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated.  Thank you!
You have Three Choices.  That is all the space you are allowed on the forms.

I would suggest that you research your choices and find out if the only thing attractive about them is not just their names.  Then I would research to see if I could possible meet the Physical and Medical standards required of said Trades.  Then I would research to see if those Trades are even open for recruitment.  More research, and narrow you selections down.  You can't do everything, nor will you have the aptitude to do every and any thing.
Thanks, George, that's what I thought would come out of it.

I've been researching the actual duties, etc. of the choices which probably isn't helping - that's why I keep adding to the list of interesting careers as opposed to decreasing.  I will definitely focus on the medical/physical standards required since that is something I haven't explored for anything beyond pilot. 

Would speaking with a Military Career Counsellor be of assistance?  I think part of the problem is that I'm not sure exactly what I want to do, and all of the positions have different aspects which appeal to me. 
megsy said:
I think part of the problem is that I'm not sure exactly what I want to do, and all of the positions have different aspects which appeal to me.

Maybe there is some positions where some aspects repel you, so that position would go down on your list ?
My suggestion would be to find out what you really enjoy doing in the civvie world and try and match it as close as possible to a military occupation.  Having said that, one thing about the military is that they have occupations not found in the civvie world.  That's a double - edge sword though - you might not like that unique occupation OR you might love it.

Just thought i would tell you what my interviewer told me about a month ago. First off i originally had PAO as my second choice and it was later taken off because a degree is not good enough. I know it says thats all you need on the website, but in reality i was told that if you only have an undergraduate degree and no graduate degree(s) than you need at least 2 years experience working in a media/journalism/communications type of job. Secondly, till the end INT O was my first choice, i knew it would be competitive and low in numbers, it was, and i didn't get it. Besides pilot, i was told it is the hardest job to get in the CF by way of DEO. I was told they are still trying to get all there INT O through remusters in the CF. I'm not saying don't apply for it, im just saying its very hard to get it as a DEO, my application was great, yet most DEO's for INT will have at least a masters and some experience as well. Thirdly, LOG officer became my second choice (after PAO was taken off) and i didn't get that either. In retrospect, im very happy i didn't, wouldn't have been the right job for me. But, although you have a better degree for LOG O than i did, it is also competitive this year. The numbers are actually lower than the number of jobs open for INT O, and they really really want people with some management experience. (Manager of a hotel, a higher up in the business world, etc).

Now, I AM NOT SAYING TAKE THIS INFORMATION AS COMPLETE AND UTTER FACT. It is fact that this is what the interviewer told me about all three of those jobs, but you never know, things change and all experiences are different according to individual. What im saying is they are competitive and it might help you out in making your decisions. OF course, i advise you to talk to a recruiter before final decisions are made.

On a side note, i recieved my third choice armoured Officer, and i could not be happier.
VM said:
On a side note, i recieved my third choice armoured Officer, and i could not be happier.

Wouldn't your first or second choice make you happier ;)

ha...well truly im happier that i got Armoured over Log, because LOG wasn't the right choice for me and i look more forward to armoured. Now INT on the other hand, i did really want that job, but i think that if i ever decided to remuster into INT my experience as armoured will be a huge benefit, and probably better in the long run. But i might love armoured SOOO much i never want to leave. Im pumped, and in the end, yes, i couldn't be happier.

Now i've kinda hi-jacked the thread, lets get back to megsy who started the thread.
Armored officer is an awesome trade. I looked into it a lot (it was up there with ANav and Plt for me). As oppose to an aircrew job, as an armoured officer, one would get way more respect from the troops, have much more responibility after training (think sitting in the co-pilot seat vs. leading 8 recce vehicles or 4 leopards right off the bat), and a lot more opportunity to work with people. I think you made a good choice VM.

Plus if you really wanted Int O, wouldn't a few years of Amd O (especially if you're recce) be excellent experience for the job?
It certianly would Elwood. Thats why im very very happy. And your right, i am expecting it to be an awesome trade for me, in fact, i know it will be.

Now i really feel like ive taken over megsy's thread and i feel bad. So if anyone else has input for her write it out.
Elwood said:
Armored officer is an awesome trade. I looked into it a lot (it was up there with ANav and Plt for me). As oppose to an aircrew job, as an armoured officer, one would get way more respect from the troops, have much more responibility after training (think sitting in the co-pilot seat vs. leading 8 recce vehicles or 4 leopards right off the bat),

Wow....or sitting in a CF-18, loaded with weapons, intercepting a Russian Bear, or co-piloting a Herc (a low-responsibility job?) into Kandahar with a load of troops in the back (quite possibly your high-responsiblity Armoured Officer among them), or shooting a min's approach into Alert in January in a multimillion dollar aircraft, or plucking stranded and distressed fishermen in a high sea state off their boat with a SAR TECH on the end of the winch in a Comorant, or zipping along in a griffon with troops in the back on goggles at low level.

Yeah...I'd say pilot's a definite low-responsibility job.  ::)
hauger said:
Wow....or sitting in a CF-18, loaded with weapons, intercepting a Russian Bear, or co-piloting a Herc (a low-responsibility job?) into Kandahar with a load of troops in the back (quite possibly your high-responsiblity Armoured Officer among them), or shooting a min's approach into Alert in January in a multimillion dollar aircraft, or plucking stranded and distressed fishermen in a high sea state off their boat with a SAR TECH on the end of the winch in a Comorant, or zipping along in a griffon with troops in the back on goggles at low level.

Yeah...I'd say pilot's a definite low-responsibility job.  ::)

Grow up dude.  :crybaby: No one here is dissing pilot at all. Armoured and pilot are both awesome jobs.
Elwood said:
Grow up dude.  :crybaby: No one here is dissing pilot at all. Armoured and pilot are both awesome jobs.

Sure thing there buddy, I'm all grown up now.

Wasn't flipping out or anything, just trying to point out you aught think a bit more before you speak....you came off a bit preachy and rather naive.  Good use of the crying icon there too....that's grown up....sure showed me.

Megsy, there has to be one trade that has drawn you to the CF. Select it along with two others that genuinely interest you. If there is only one, then only select one.

Want my advice? Not everyday is a recruiting video, flying a 188 demo at an airshow, blowing stuff up, or jumping out of a perfectly fine aircraft in front of many Canadians on Canada Day. You are going to have to work your butt off and do a lot of things you probably aren't going to be too excited about on the way to your goal. If you aren't motivated by your selection, it might be more than a challenge at times depending on who you are. Get on here, read, talk with those who work in the trades you are interested in, and do the old "pros and cons" chart.

Good luck.
Oh god,

Those recruitment video days are few and far between but they are so rewarding!  I acutely remember the punishment my body went through during GMT and pretty much every damn course (regardless of course, my squad always ended up doing hundreds of pushups each day) but it is "worth it" when you do become "operational" and a competent professional.

[glow=red,2,300]Would speaking with a Military Career Counsellor be of assistance?  I think part of the problem is that I'm not sure exactly what I want to do, and all of the positions have different aspects which appeal to me.  [/glow]
Yes of course you should speak to an MCC, as the name suggests, that's what they're for  :).  But in the end, you have to make up your mind, they can't do it for you.  There are only three choices because that's the maximum the system is designed for, otherwise things  could get hairy and time-consuming.  However first you have to qualify for your choices through the Aptitude Test and Medical, which could possibly narrow down your options. So I suggest take all the testing first, discuss your remaining options with an MCC (even though you may qualify for everything), and good luck.
The newest twist is up to three "first " choices. If you list three occupations that you are interested in and qualify for all three, how you do one the interview and the NEEDS OF THE SERVICE plus consideration to your preference will dictate what choice you are offered. You can refuse the choice and mayget another offer. I have seen too many files with only one choice get stuck in the system (normally Medical issues) and by the time the file is merit listed there is no vacancy left.
I suggest you chose a "hot Job" and that should get you into the system for testing quicker. Once you get the CFAT done you can change your choices to whatever you wish. That's a great time to chat with an MCC. Choose one or two or three but be aware that once you are interviewed you maybe offered any one of the three. 

Best of Luck.