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Cbt Engr related quotes. Good stuff!

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" Sappers continue to serve in many of the more miserable corners of the world, unperturbed by the dangers that accompany their multitude of missions. Throughout decades of polititical indifference, internal restructuring, relocations, name changes and downsizing the Engineers have never lost sight of their primary combat role. Tragically, their operational casualties during the last decade of this century are convincing evidence of the face. Sappers, be proud: you have erned our everlasting respect not only by your words, but through your deeds and your sacrifices."

                                      Lewis W MacKenzie, MSC, OStJ, CD
                                                        Major General,(Retired)
Engineers seek, above all, to apply logic and a knowledge of the laws of nature to technical problems; soldiers, on the other hand, seek to survive, or thrive, or vanquish, in an atmosphere where an enemy is actively thrying to thwart or kill them. The battlefield thus has a psychological and irrational dimension several orders of magnitude above any such problems found in engineering. War, therefore, requires too much quesswork, intuition, and psychololgy to be a secience. It cannot be engineered - it can only be fought. On myriad battlefields and cease-fire lines, Canada has been fortunate in having soldiers who could do both.

                                                                        Bill Rawling, Technicians of Battle
Of course, there are the varying opinions of Commanders and troops:

The engineers ranked as a combatant unit as did pioneers who carried the same equipment as infantrymen. ... The engineers and pioneers are units which render the maximum of service with the minimum of display; only those who have seen their work realize to the slightest degree the vital importance of these branches and the miracles they have been able to accomplish. - Col. George G. Nasmith, Canada's Sons and Great Britain in The World War, 1919

Within the division there were Royal Engineers more or less on the scale provided today. When not in the front line, the infantry provided vast numbers of working parties in the forward area, every night working under engineer supervision. The engineers therefore were most undeservedly unpopular. One infantry working party passing another in the dark would shout, "What did you do in the Great War, Daddy?" and the reply would invariably be, "Carried sand bags for the .... R.E.s." - Major-General H. Essame, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., THE P.B.I., The Army Quarterly and Defence Journal, Volume C, William Clowes and Sons, April and July 1970
Very good Michael!

Chimo to you!!!!!!!!
That's a good one. Thanks.

P.S. How are the PER's coming?  :P
CHIMO!!!!! said:
Very good Michael!

Chimo to you!!!!!!!!


If you like that, you should contact Michael and buy his military calendar.  Lots of good quotes for a good price.

That is a good one to start of an ugly day in Kabul, thanks CHIOM
Ah yes, I will be at that once this course is over. (ILQ)

  I have your copy of the PER Writing Guide from 49'er, and of course the "We don't score/ Score List" ready for you upon your return to the Regt.... don't worry, as e45 and I have'nt cracked the cover of the guides either...... That's about a million things away!

  On an aside note - when the hell did a "DAG" become an "ORV"? We're conducting and ORV today - and E45 and I can't decide whenther to 'Clover-Leaf the Obj or do a 'Vantage point?!?!?! Somewhere in all of that I have to now take my needle book on patrol?!?!?

was looking for some juicy quotes, but got caught up with your disappointment in garrison duties...sigh... heres one for you wily vets

"Do you wanna see where the horse bit me?"

Rex Redicker (sic)
â Å“Good Engineers are so scarce that one must bear their humours and forgive them
because we cannot be without themâ ?
- Lord Galway, Mause de Ruvigny, 1648-1720​

"You've got the flowers..now look out for the pot!"....said in a real heavy french accent...Willy.
"The way of the Sapper is hard and dangerous, and lies between friend and foe: It calls for the best and bravest in any army" - Keegan: Soldiers, A History of Men in Battle
JJ in the Mess (3 VP) in Polom, to a translator, with his porn star f*ck face (The real sincere look that guys get when hitting on chicks) on:

"Your eyes, your lips, your face, tell me what you want of me"

Needless to say our howls of laughter ruined his moment. Truly a classic John moment.
Having served under Gen Mackenzie`s command, I know and appreciate that his words come from the heart!

CHIMO FOREVER! :cdn: :warstory: