Jumper, you may be a member of the Branch, but you've strayed a bit out of your lane on this one. Not surprising, the details of the MSGU are a bit sketchy.
First off, they are seconded to FAC (former DFAIT) not hired by them. They still get pay and benefits from the CF at CF rates. I'd be interested to know what people think the heap of benefits is, beyond:
a. FSP at a lower rate than Ops FSP, and which doesn't advance by 6 month sub-levels (regular FSP, some may remember, advances in 2-3 year increments, meaning an MP posted to an Embassy may not even get an FSP increase while on Post).
b. Post Differential Allowance (PDA) also called Hardship allowance. The rate for this combines Hardship and Risk and is paid at the Treasury Board rate. The PDA for a post may be at level 4 (for example) while a CF Op in the same area is at Hardship and Risk of 4 each. The total of the two is more $ than the "one rate" PDA an MSG would get.
c. HLTA and VTA is granted at the same level and rate that it is granted for CF members on Ops.
d. They pay rent (shelter share) for acc'n - it's a posting, not attached posting.
e. a few other benefits that most deployed pers get.
2. They don't write their own PERs (where the h*** did that canard come from?) The Head of Mission (HOM - the Ambassador, Charge d'Affaires or High Commissioner) writes a letter, following certain guidelines, to the MSGU. The CO MSGU (more likely a designated regional desk NCO/Officer) writes the PER based on the letter which is also included in the file. This is only for the senior member (if more than one MP is on post), who is responsible to write any PERs for his subordinates.
Now, the Tax Break: no CF pers posted to Embassies receive it (be they MSG or CDA), regardless of the hardship or risk level. This is a function of the legislation which grants it - it is CF operation specific, and is granted on a mission-by-mission basis on the guideline that the Risk level must be at least 2.
An example of how absurd that may be: The guys on the Golan get a tax break, the MSG in Damascus doesn't. More risky for the UN? Maybe, but it wasn't by the front gate of Camp Faouar that had a firefight between police and terrorists take place a couple of years ago - the Embassy was damaged. I won't go into what the MSG was doing at the time, but you can imagine. He was also doing it while concerned for his familiy. Yes, the "perk" of getting a posting with one's familiy. It's great, until you have to worry if your kids' school is a target for terrorists.
Bottom line: just as some Ops get the break and others don't, some MSG posts probably deserve it. However, they won't get it so long as they are not under the legislation. The legislation won't get changed because they (the Gov't) don't want all the FAC folks (and others like CIDA, RCMP at Embassies, CSIS etc.) to get it. Period.