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As we are all aware there has been a great lack of funding for postings for quite sometime now.  There is talk that with the loss of the last 8 Leo's we hold that the PY's that The School has held for the manning of the Leo fleet here may be lost, where will those PY's go and though we lose the Leo's they are to be replaced with 6-8 MGS as well there has been a great increase in our 25mm platform fleet, all of which would be nice to be able to man properly for maint / tasks.

It was recently mentioned [just last week] that they are trying to free up [or have said they will] in the tune of 20 million dollars for pers moves next year.  A good chunk of that will no doubt go to the manning of CMTC, here in Gagetown it is said that Tactics School will be moved out there [under a new name?].

I would like to know your thoughts on how CMTC may effect CTC Gagetown and in particular The Armour School?

Will the School remain here to carry on with PCF and Officer / NCO qual crses or might the writing be on the wall somewhere for an eventual move to the West as well?

Your thoughts?

BTW, I am off for some leave, will check back when I can.

To the site owner and operators you have a great site here, I do wish i would have been aware of it sooner.
Yeah, I agree, great site, wish I'd found it years ago.

My understanding of the way of the future is that the CMTC will be used exclusively for collective and refresher training.

CTC will remain the centre for individual and leadership training, and will remain in Gagetown. 

But, things may have changed, I'm just a civilian now, and they don't always pass things by me for approval anymore....... ;)
I have heard the Combat Team Commander's Course will move to CMTC (because it goes to the field with a Cbt Tm).

Expect much of the increase in cost postings to move the 2 PPCLI AAP to the LdSH in Edmonton, and possibly to move elements of 4 AD Regt from NB to join the Strats.
Yes the Cbt Team Comd's crse will be moved to CMTC and Tactics School is following it out there, as far as the crmn manning bill for CMTC I have yet to hear definite numbers, I have heard that what ever the final numbers are 33% of them are to be bi-lingual / franco positions.  They are asking here in Gagetown which Armd soldiers with those quals are interested in a posting to Wainwright!

As far as Wainwright I have not been out there in years, they sure must have upped the infrastructure or are planning on doing so there will be a big increase in numbers out there.
On a very serious note....There is no Tim Hortons in Rainwright...The locals passed a bylaw against the introduction of a Tim Hortons into their community.

That would turn me off getting posted out there, that and the long drive to 'civilization' as Wainwright has seen little change since 1971 when I first went there.

So the mounted CTCC is moving...what of the dismounted course?
Armymedic said:
So the mounted CTCC is moving...what of the dismounted course?
No such thing (unless you mean an Infantry Coy Comd Crse)