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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]


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Here‘s a question - once you‘re on the merit list, is that a guarantee that you‘ll get in (if you wait long enough?) Can you get on the list and then be passed over every time they pick recruits because you‘re not exactly what they‘re looking for, but were okay enough to pass your interview? Is there a difference how the list works for NCMs and officers?

*** Title edited by staff to refer to current term:  Competition List ***
- kratz
Once you are selected and placed on a waiting list (or merit list as you called it) your name is added to the list of all others. The only info that is on this "list" would be your particulars (ie name, MOC choices, etc), it would not include anything about how you dressed for your inteview or how your scored on the tests. Once the recruiting process is complete, you are back on a level playing field with all the rest. Just wait for it, eventually you will get the CALL.
Well i got some good news today, its seems I was Merit Listed about a week or so ago,  So hopefully I get my job offer really soon, :soldier: :gunner:
Blackhawk, is merit listing used only for officer applicants or is that something that happens to NCM's as well?

and how did you find out you were put on the list? I know you've been waiting about as long as I have, just curious why your finding this out now.

There is a merit list for NCMs.
IIRC, if you're in the top third of your trade, your Career Mangler can tell you exactly where you sit on the merit list.
NCMs are merit listed as part of the selection process.  Because of the different application process for officers, they aren't merit listed.  If they don't receive an offer but are still acceptable for employment, they would be "waitlisted".  This is similar to merit listing, it's just called something else.
I assume they don't do a merit list for the PRes.. or do they?
I just called and ask if i have been merit listed, I didnt know you could be told where exactly you sit, i am goona call tomorrow and find out, because i didnt really good on the written test, and did very well on the physical tests.
There is a merit list for NCMs.
IIRC, if you're in the top third of your trade, your Career Mangler can tell you exactly where you sit on the merit list.

What Trav is referring to is the merit listing of serving members in the trade which is based upon your annual evaluations.

The use of the phrase "merit listed" means something different in the recruiting world.  All it means is that your file has been sent to Borden for consideration.  There are no standings with this merit list so the CFRC cannot tell you exactly how you stand.

P Res files are not merit listed but they are sent to the reserve unit and the unit will decide whether or not to enrol you.
PRes files are, indeed, merit-listed.

As a unit recruiter, each week I get a list of those who are merit-listed for my unit. Basically, the merit-list is just that: a list of people who are ready for enrolment and course-loading.
So i have been merit Listed for a couple weeks now, how long does it usually take after being merit Listed to get a Job offer!
Its been a year since i started my application now and i am getting frustrated in the length of time its taking.
i know, i  for one am also getting very frustrated with the length of time, and every time i call the CFRC, they don't answer or ignore me or whatever it is they do, i even went there in person and they are extremely rude, so to save myself the grief i haven't went back since

i feel like giving up, but i wont i wont let myself because i know it will be worth it in the end???? just a quick question, how many medical reviewers if you will, are in Borden looking at all the applications?
You need to remember that those merit listed above you will get offers first.  One thing that will help, as some recruiters have mentioned on this forum before, is that length of time spent on the merit list is considered.  So the longer you are on it, the better chance you have of getting called up.  That being the case, it would be rather silly for you to kill your application off because you've been waiting a few weeks.

Also, there are at most one or two doctors in Borden looking over the medicals.  Do a search for this and you will find more information (including reasons why not more) than I can give you.
I am not gonna cancel my application, heck i have been waiting a year, and part of that is my fault, had to wait a better part of 6 months for my VFS to come back.
That said, I have been under the impression that once you become merit listed, you have been sent to selection, i would also like to think that i am fairly high on the list.
I did Very good on the written test and Did Extremely well on the fitness test,  I did close to 60 pushups, and did  57 sit ups, I have a college education in Law and Security,

The Trade I am trying to get into is Infantry.
        Took me 10 months, I started my application in Augest of 2003, was merit listed december 2003 recieved my offer May 2004, leave for BMQ July 9th. I went armoured 011. I heard the next selection board for infantry would be August, but... you never know.
every time i call the CFRC, they don't answer or ignore me or whatever it is they do, i even went there in person and they are extremely rude

Pte. McKibbon

This time of year is the CFRC's, and CFRG's, busiest time of the year so if you find yourself getting the voicemail, that may be the reason.  For me right now, it takes me a couple of days to respond to the messages on my voicemail.  However, If you are getting no response at all and if you feel that you were treated rudely, there is nothing stopping you from writting a letter to the CO of the CFRC, the CF Ombudsman, or your Member of Parliament.  As long as you are confident that you yourself were not rude to the staff or have been demanding and if you can provide examples/names of situations/individuals that you are unhappy about, it will not affect your application.


how long does it usually take after being merit Listed to get a Job offer!

All of the trades for the Reg F are in selection phase so you will have to wait until Borden selects the applicants for the trade(s) for which you have applied.  There is no average time for a response.
Hey guys , just got the word out of RC that i've been placed on the merit list after my medical cleared just after two months of waiting . Anyone else experienced this , how long did you wait for the job offer while on this list . Im just itching to get going (031) but the date is still very vague as no one has any idea as to when I may actually go off to BMQ . Share your experiences . :salute: