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Consumer proposal before joining


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my recruiter told me if I do have any outstanding debt the army will want to see a consumer proposal done through an LIT (License Insolvency Trustee). Has anyone gone through this process? if so how long did you have to work a regular/min wage job and make consistent payments to show your recruiter if and when the consumer proposal was agreed upon by your past creditors?
Please note my advise does not override anything your CFRC told you.

You should try to clear your debt without doing a consumer proposal, if possible. During a consumer proposal most LIT's will advice you to stop paying your debt, which means if one of the companies refuses the CP offer that you will be forced into a bankruptcy situation. This will delay your ability to join the CAF. I'm honestly a little surprised that a recruiter would tell someone to do consumer proposal, when I did my recruiter course many moons ago we were informed that we weren't allowed to give financial advise.
Please note my advise does not override anything your CFRC told you.

You should try to clear your debt without doing a consumer proposal, if possible. During a consumer proposal most LIT's will advice you to stop paying your debt, which means if one of the companies refuses the CP offer that you will be forced into a bankruptcy situation. This will delay your ability to join the CAF. I'm honestly a little surprised that a recruiter would tell someone to do consumer proposal, when I did my recruiter course many moons ago we were informed that we weren't allowed to give financial advise.
Yeah I just finished college have mostly student loan debt and some income tax also from college which I've defaulted on while in college most recently so I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. There's no way I'm clearing 29k of debt before I join but right now with the payments they are asking for. A consumer proposal is a step better then bankruptcy and I'm running out of options working a minimum wage job will not allow me to pay the debt amount I owe in the monthly payments they are asking for.