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February 2008 CPGear Contest

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

I apologize for being so late with this one. Hopefully you guys have been storing up your photos because it's time for another contest. Let's try another themed photo contest... this month: kids! They can be funny, endearing or even inspiring, but they're often photogenic so let's see what you guys can pull together. It doesn't have to be a pic of your own kids (but please get permission first!)

As usual, the winning photo will earn it's creator a $80 CPGear gift certificate.

Standard Contest Rules Apply:

  • All photos must conform with the Conduct Guidelines.
  • There are no limitations on photo subject, location, etc.
  • The winner will receive an $80 CPGear gift certificate as a prize.
  • You can enter as many photos as you like.
  • Photos must be uploaded into the Milnet.ca Photo Contest album in the photo gallery in order to be eligible.
  • The winning entry will be selected based on rating and views. If there is a tie, other factors will be used to determine a winner.
  • The contest closes at midnight ET on February 29th, 2008.
  • OPSEC/PERSEC must be observed at all times.
  • Photos must be original, or contributor must hold the photo copyright.
  • All uploaded photos will be retained by Milnet.ca and may be used at a later date.
  • Photos must not be offensive in nature.
  • Photos from previous Milnet.ca Photo Contests are not eligible.

Related links:

Remember, be creative, unique or humourous to increase your chances of winning. Good luck, and don't forget to rate the photos that others enter! (Yes, you can even rate your own photo - once.) If anyone has any questions, just let me know. Good luck!

Presently, we have a tie in the photo contest.....
Must be resolved, I see a pic with 9 votes and 4.5 stars...
There are now two with 9 votes.  Would the rating of a picture be a tie-breaker?  ???
Yep, 9 one star votes aren't as good as 9 five star votes. :)
So close!  Oh well, maybe another time.  :)  Congrats Kendrick!
You don't want to campaign, like someone else did on another contest :) ?
Yrys said:
You don't want to campaign, like someone else did on another contest :) ?

February is over, and I forgot about the contest until just a few days ago so it didn't leave a whole lot of time to get votes.  Although airmich jr. has been eyeing up some things on the CPGear website, so I'll have to enter the next contest!
I always give a few days for the late entries to get a fair shake for votes... it's not over yet!
Mike Bobbitt said:
I always give a few days for the late entries to get a fair shake for votes... it's not over yet!

And the winner is... Kendrick, for this shot:


That new camera is going to pay for itself soon! :) Congratulations Kendrick on a great shot. Again this month there were a lot of great entries, and the votes were very close. Thanks to all who participated.
