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fitnes for bmq

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Hi ..   i have read most of the related topics.    

I am wondering if i am in good shape and if my work out regiment is good a nuff.   I am 17 6'2 240lbs. I can do about 22 to 26 pushups and about 35 to 40 sit ups and can run a mile in 8 to 9 min with out difficulty.    

for work out i go to my rugby practise on Monday Tuesday and Thursday to start off we run 1 Mile and than we do shuttle runs and end with a scrimmage the practise last for about 1.30 hours all i wont to know is if this is good a nuff.. oh yeah my bmq is this summer          

thank you for your time                    

PS sorry for bad spelling and grammar
Theres loads of info on this topic, lots of people have asked the same question. And the DND site has information on fitness, etc.

Whats with Pte hook avatar? Some people might think/assume your a trained soldier with it.
what is a millie?

If your running a mile in 8-9 min you need to pick up the pace a little.

On a bad day for me I run a mile in 6:20 for my 2.4km run

The minimum time for 2.4km is 11:56
Also work on your upper body strength. I'm doing BMQ on weekends and I can't tell you how much it helps. It never hurts to do more pushups and chinups...
PVT DJ said:
Hi ..   i have read most of the related topics.    

I am wondering if i am in good shape and if my work out regiment is good a nuff.   I am 17 6'2 240lbs. I can do about 22 to 26 pushups and about 35 to 40 sit ups and can run a mile in 8 to 9 min with out difficulty.    

for work out i go to my rugby practise on Monday Tuesday and Thursday to start off we run 1 Mile and than we do shuttle runs and end with a scrimmage the practise last for about 1.30 hours all i wont to know is if this is good a nuff.. oh yeah my bmq is this summer          

thank you for your time                    

PS sorry for bad spelling and grammar

BMQ is hard, I would sugest working out more, strenght training..2 more reps after every set?! Follow?
Like I'm 18 6'2 - 171 pounds
I can do about:
85 push ups in a row, about 55 a minute
Sit ups 150 (full sit ups) about 65 a minute
and running I still struggle with out doors
indoors (trendmill) I can run a mile in about 3.5 minutes...out doors about 4ish minutes.
chinups I do alot of, 30 a minute to 35
I just wokred on it really hard
Hope it helps..Like I said BMQ is hard
that running seems a bit quick, would land you around 6 mins for your 2.4k, pretty much flat out sprint
McGowan said:
indoors (trendmill) I can run a mile in about 3.5 minutes...out doors about 4ish minutes.

Do you really expect anyone else to believe what you say on this site in the future?

It's people like you who make it incredibly difficult for us newbies to be taken seriously!

You probably are able to do alot of sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, and nearly run a world record.  I agree that if we sort the buckwheat from the bullsh*t, there seems to be a bit of a "fish story" too!  I know my pace is 3 miles in 23 mins at -12C, not to boast but more realistic. In other words lets hear the real story next time! 

Buzz said:
I know my pace is 3 miles in 23 mins at -12C, not to boast but more realistic. In other words lets hear the real story next time! 

Hear hear...this forum is about helping fellow soldiers, not boasting that you can beat the world record for the one mile run....leave that sort of stuff to your regiment's mess after a few beers, and we'll be happy. Otherwise, keep your information to the helpful sort.
This thread should be locked before it turns into a flame war.

To the original poster: read the stickies at the top of the training forum, they have all the info you need to know. 
OK you guys we all know that that may or may not be true but you only make it worse by commenting on it and maybe this post should be blocked if it goes any further
no i'm not bullsh"ting, like really I can run that shit...it's not that much...maybe it's because my whole life I've been doing stuff like that..I've bike across Canada once with my step brother, and I do the MS bike tour every year (it will be my 14th next year) I never ment to offend anyone I was just giving my personal info on the subject...my running time however is in the summer, on flat ground
Like what someone said before, do you ever expect anyone to take you seriously anymore? 
McGowan said:
meh, don't have to take me serious

Alright, take this to the mess.  Methinks your treadmill needs to be fixed, because a true mile in 3.5 minutes, I don't believe that, and neither, it seems, does anyone else.

To answer the original poster, work on improving your time on your run, but you're on the right track.  Rugby gives you excellent cardiovascular fitness, which is an important building block of your overall level of fitness.  Be consistent with your training and strive to improve, and you'll make it.
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