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Fmr GG Becoming PPCLI Col-in-Chief

The Bread Guy

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Clarkson to be given military honour
Former governor general will become colonel-in-chief of PPCLI

Jim Farrell, CanWest News Service, 4 Feb 07
Article Link

Former governor general Adrienne Clarkson is about to take on a military role as the new colonel-in-chief of the Edmonton-based Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.

Clarkson’s appointment to the honourary post will be announced today in Ottawa. It is sure to delight many of the regiment’s members. During her tenure as governor general, Clarkson visited wounded soldiers, pinned medals on uniformed chests, visited troops in Kosovo and the Persian Gulf, and spent many Christmases and New Years with troops in Afghanistan.

On one notable occasion in 2004, after enduring a day of slashing rain and mud in Kabul, she celebrated New Year’s Eve by buying the enlisted men’s mess a round of drinks before dancing with a succession of soldiers and kissing two of them at the stroke of midnight.

When Clarkson was asked last August if she wanted a more-formal role with the PPCLI she didn’t hesitate.
“I was demented with delight,” she said Sunday in a  telephone interview from her Toronto home.

Clarkson will be only the third colonel-in-chief of the regiment since its formation in 1914. The PPCLI’s first, appointed in 1918, was Princess Patricia, granddaughter of Queen Victoria and daughter of the Duke of Connaught, Canada’s governor general. She remained its colonel-in-chief until her death in 1974.

Princess Patricia was succeeded by Countess Patricia Mountbatten, another descendent of Queen Victoria, cousin of Prince Philip and daughter of the late Lord Louis Mountbatten. Princess Patricia herself recommended the countess as her successor prior to her death at age 87.

Now over 80 years old, Countess Mountbatten told the military she is getting a bit too old for her duties and would like to retire. She agreed with the regiment’s suggestion that Clarkson succeed her and will come to Edmonton for the installation of her successor.

The appointment of a Canadian citizen as colonel-in-chief of a Canadian regiment is unprecedented, said Brig. Gen. Glenn Nordick, special adviser to the vice-chief of staff.

By tradition, those roles are filled by members of the Royal Family, Nordick explained. Prince Charles serves as colonel-in-chief of the Edmonton-based Lord Strathcona’s Horse, Queen Elizabeth is colonel-in-chief of 1 Combat Engineers, Princess Anne is colonel-in-chief of 1 Service Battalion and Countess Mountbatten is related to the Royals.

When the countess told the regiment it was time to retire members of the PPCLI’s guard were asked who should succeed her. One name popped up immediately.

“Madame Clarkson was almost a unanimous choice,” Nordick said. “She had done an unbelievable amount of work with the Canadian Forces, raising the profile, raising the spirits of soldiers. She was far and away the choice, so we made the decision with the current Lady Patricia’s blessing.”

That decision received final approval from the Queen.

Clarkson looks forward to continued encounters with members of “her” regiment at their various bases in Shilo, in Edmonton and overseas.

“I wold love to go back and see them in the field in Afghanistan,” she said.

It doesn’t hurt that Clarkson’s husband, philosopher and author John Ralston Saul, was an army brat who grew up on a succession of military bases.

“He is the son of a PPCLI officer,” Nordick said.

Alas, there will be no role with the PPCLI for Saul, unlike Rideau Hall where he acted as vice-regal consort and participated in all official functions.

“Unlike Rideau Hall, she is the woman-in-charge,” Saul said with a chuckle before handing the phone to his wife.

Clarkson will be officially installed as colonel-in-chief during a ceremony in Edmonton on March 17, the birthday of the original Princess Patricia and therefore the regiment’s official birthday.

I remember hearing that a while ago.  Good choice IMO as my dh has great respect for her and I know many others do as well.  Hopefully family members will  be invited to attend the ceremony.
By tradition, those roles are filled by members of the Royal Family, Nordick explained. Prince Charles serves as colonel-in-chief of the Edmonton-based Lord Strathcona’s Horse, Queen Elizabeth is colonel-in-chief of 1 Combat Engineers, Princess Anne is colonel-in-chief of 1 Service Battalion and Countess Mountbatten is related to the Royals.

She is the Colonel-in-Chief of all the Engineers not just 1 CER.
It's official!

New Colonel-In-Chief for PPCLI
CF news release NR–07.001, 5 Feb 07
Article Link

OTTAWA – The Honourable Gordon O’Connor, Minister of National Defence is pleased to announce the appointment of the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson as Colonel-in-Chief of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment (PPCLI).

The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson will be the PPCLI’s first Canadian Colonel-in-Chief and will replace the Right Honourable Lady Patricia Brabourne, Countess Mountbatten of Burma during a ceremony to be held in Edmonton, Alberta March 17, 2007.

“The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson has always been interested in welfare of the men and women of the Canadian Forces during her time as Governor General and I believe she is an excellent choice for the first Canadian Colonel-in-Chief for the PPCLI,” said Defence Minister O’Connor. “We deeply appreciate the more than 30 years of support Lady Patricia gave the PPCLI and the Canadian Forces.”

“I am deeply honoured to become the Colonel-in-Chief of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry and the first Canadian Colonel-in-Chief in the Canadian Forces. Having visited the Regiment in garrison and in the field, I know their mettle and I am proud to be a part of their Regimental family,” said the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson.

The PPCLI was created in 1914 following the outbreak of the First World War. By the end of the war, the PPCLI had accumulated 22 Battle Honours and three members of the Regiment had been awarded the Victoria Cross. Recent PPCLI domestic and international operations have included Operation PALLADIUM, Bosnia 2000, Operation PEREGRINE, the Canadian Forces’ support to the B.C. government’s firefighting efforts in 2003, and Operation ARCHER, Afghanistan in 2005.

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                                  MODERATOR WARNING

I recently had the displeasure of visiting another website where some posters are voicing their displeasure in ways very unbecoming professionals.

Let me make one thing clear, you may voice your approval or your disapproval at your convenience.  What you will be is respectful of the person and/or the position she has held/ is about to hold.

Offenders will be subject to the ramp that is slowly opening to the rear of the plane.

Thank you in advance,
The army.ca staff.
I would like to congratulate The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson on her appointment as Colonel in Chief of the Colonel-in-Chief of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment. Being the first Canadian Colonel in Chief of the Regiment is quite an honor and well deserved. :salute:
Since the Regiment was a privately founded and funded by a Canadian citzen it seems that this is a very fitting continuation of both Regimental and Canadian history and tradition. With the regiments inception it received it's name after the then daughter of the Governor General of Canada. It also continues the theme of the 'Patricia's' being some what different from the rest of the "royal" regiments.

edit and added
PPCLI Regimental History: http://www.ppcli.com/history.html
Bruce Monkhouse said:
                                   MODERATOR WARNING

I recently had the displeasure of visiting another website where some posters are voicing their displeasure in ways very unbecoming professionals.

Let me make one thing clear, you may voice your approval or your disapproval at your convenience.  What you will be is respectful of the person and/or the position she has held/ is about to hold.

Offenders will be subject to the ramp that is slowly opening to the rear of the plane.

Thank you in advance,
The army.ca staff.

Good point Bruce! On that note all I will say is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
3rd Herd said:
Since the Regiment was a privately founded and funded by a Canadian citzen it seems that this is a very fitting continuation of both Regimental and Canadian history and tradition. With the regiments inception it received it's name after the then daughter of the Governor General of Canada. It also continues the theme of the 'Patricia's' being some what different from the rest of the "royal" regiments.
Being from a "royal" regiment, I had no idea after whom it was named.  Interesting, thank you :D
Congratulations to the Patricias on gaining a distinguished new Colonel-in-Chief.

I, personally, am especially pleased that the regiment chose an exceptional Canadian for this high honour.
Although it's good to maintain links to the "old country", so to speak, with Royal appointments, it's a good idea having a Canadian as a Col-in-Chief.

Having been her ADC for two years I can tell you that the PPCLI is gaining an exceptional Colonel-in-Chief. I have no doubt she will display the same concern and devotion to your regiment that she showed (and still shows) for the entire CF while Commander-in-Chief.

As a Royal Canadian, I have to admit that I'm a little jealous of you Patricias.

I to am glad for the regiment, the concern she showed the Pats thoughout her time as the GG show she is worthy of the position.

As a Patricia "CO by default" I must say that I am most pleased with Madame Clarkson's appointment.   I knew about it many months ago, but kept "close hold" as was required.   Well, i t is now out of the bag and we Patricias are welcome to trhink whatever we may. 

I would simply remind my fellow soldiers that this lady made a deliberate side-bar to her Euro tour to visit our soldiers in their hospital beds following the 2002 friendly fire incident.   It wasn't planned - Adrrienne just did what was right.  By instinct.  I still have the picture of her visiting with MCpl Norm Link on my ""favourites list".   And then Mme Clarkson's husband - John Ralston Saul (the son of a PPCLI Officer) went on a night patrol with "Gen Andy" and the boys in Kabul over an Xmas Eve.  How cool was that?  Madame Clarkson's family spent every Xmas while she was GG overeas with the troops.  What more could you ask for? 

If anyone thinks that Madame Clarckson is not an incredible fan of the Army, I have news for you.  She is simply the best, most appropriate, and most appreciative CinC that we are likely to enjoy in Lady Patricia's well-deserved retirement.  We, as a regiment, need to absolutely revel in Adrian Clarkson's appointment.  She is us.  And we are her, full-stop.  It's a "done deal", and we got the better end of the deal.  So if you don't like it?  Suck it up and get used to it.  This is a VERY GOOD THING.

I'll leave it at that.  As the A/CO of 3VP?   I couldn't be more pleased with our choice.  Mme Clarkson will serve us well.  I am incrediby proud to call her my Colonel in Chief.  She is going to rock our regimental world - just you wait and see......
This is yet another incident this is in keeping with the PPCLI tradition, progressing through the ranks, from lowest to highest. Madame Clarkson follows in the footsteps of prior Patricia's who have notably risen from the ranks:

  • Colonel A.G. Pearson, MC, DCM Commanding Officer PPCLI Oct 1918-Nov 1918 who enlisted in Winnipeg as a private Dec 1914. He also served with the 52nd Bn CEF (now the LSSR)
  • LCol J.N. Edgar, MC Sep 1940-Jun 1941. Joined the PPCLI August 1914 as a private.
  • LCol J.R. "Big Jim" Stone - joined the Loyal Edmonton's in 1939 as a private at the age of 31, rose through the ranks to CO LER. He commanded 2PPCLI at the Battle of Kapyong.
  • Gen. John De Chastelain, joined the Calgary Highlanders as a private piper, commanded the 2PPCLI prior to becoming CDS and beyond.

And now, Madame Clarkson, Hong Kong refugee to Governor General and now Colonel of the Regiment.

Yet another history making accomplishment for the Regiment!  Ric-a-dam-doo!
As a Patricia "CO by default" I must say that I am most pleased with Madame Clarkson's appointment.   I knew about it many months ago, but kept "close hold" as was required.   Well, it is now out of the bag and we Patricias are free to say what we think.

I would simply remind my fellow soldiers that this lady made a deliberate side-bar to her Euro tour to visit our soldiers in their hospital beds following the 2002 friendly fire incident.   It wasn't planned - Adrrienne just did what was right.  By instinct.  I still have the picture of her visiting with MCpl Norm Link on my ""favourites list".   And then Mme Clarkson's husband - John Ralston Saul (the son of a PPCLI Officer) went on a night patrol with "Gen Andy" and the boys in Kabul over an Xmas Eve.  How cool was that?   Madame Clarkson's family spent every Xmas while she was GG overeas with the troops.  What more could you ask for? 

If anyone thinks that Madame Clarkson is not an incredible fan of the Army, I have news for you.  She is simply the best, most appropriate, and most appreciative CinC that we are likely to enjoy in Lady Patricia's well-deserved retirement.  We, as a regiment, need to absolutely revel in Adrian Clarkson's appointment.  She is us.  And we are her, full-stop.  It's a "done deal", and we got the better end of the deal.  So if you don't like it?  Suck it up and get used to it.  This is a VERY GOOD THING.

I'll leave it at that.  As the A/CO of 3VP?   I couldn't be more pleased with our choice.  Mme Clarkson will serve us well.  I am incrediby proud to call her my Colonel in Chief.  She is going to rock our regimental world - just you wait and see......
Mortar guy said:
Having been her ADC for two years....


Interesting, and my apologies for throwing off topic, but Im sure others would be curious... how does one go about becoming an ADC... and do you have perhaps a highlight you could share pertaining to Her Excellency (are former GGs still referred to that way?) during her time in Office w/respect to the military?
Niner-One-Charlie said:
This is yet another incident this is in keeping with the PPCLI tradition, progressing through the ranks, from lowest to highest. Madame Clarkson follows in the footsteps of prior Patricia's who have notably risen from the ranks:

  • Colonel A.G. Pearson, MC, DCM Commanding Officer PPCLI Oct 1918-Nov 1918 who enlisted in Winnipeg as a private Dec 1914. He also served with the 52nd Bn CEF (now the LSSR)
  • LCol J.N. Edgar, MC Sep 1940-Jun 1941. Joined the PPCLI August 1914 as a private.
  • LCol J.R. "Big Jim" Stone - joined the Loyal Edmonton's in 1939 as a private at the age of 31, rose through the ranks to CO LER. He commanded 2PPCLI at the Battle of Kapyong.
  • Gen. John De Chastelain, joined the Calgary Highlanders as a private piper, commanded the 2PPCLI prior to becoming CDS and beyond.

And now, Madame Clarkson, Hong Kong refugee to Governor General and now Colonel of the Regiment.

Yet another history making accomplishment for the Regiment!   Ric-a-dam-doo!

I think that is an outstanding analogy! 
I am certain that the PPCLI will have many a memory with Adrienne Clarkson as their Colonel of the Regiment, to add to their memories of her as Governor General!
A great day for the Patricias.  You can make a very strong arguement that the current CDS benefitted greatly from the previous's GG tireless efforts to promote who and what we are, and wouldn't have been able to make the impact he has without people like the "Colonel".

Patricia's around the world should be standing tall and proud.

Just a Guy