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Force Restructure/NOT Militia Woes!


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Posted by "Geoff Tyrell" <paraprimadonna@HOTMAIL.COM> on Tue, 25 Apr 2000 12:55:06 PDT
I was curious as to how those of you disregarding the cynics who enjoy
bitching currently in the CF see which way the CF is going in terms of
deployment capabilities. In particular, do you see the CF as maintaining "a
multi-purpose, combat-capable" blah blah blah force, or one that emphasizes
rapid-response and deployment? Also, has anyone got any info on either the
new AORs/MRSVs or the rapid deployment force? Any news would be
Totis Viribus
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Posted by Derrick Forsythe <Derrick.Forsythe@gov.ab.ca> on Tue, 25 Apr 2000 14:06:50 -0600
I don‘t think we are, officially, multi-purpose combat capable
anymore - I remember hearing, seeing something to that effect in the recent
past. Not necessarily a bad thing - it recognizes what many have known for
a long time -- we simply don‘t have to parts to meet traditional
And now for something completely different.... Herbies
Reference the new binos
I know the new binos are laser safe and allow us to view the world
thorugh the proverbial "rose coloured glasses". However, the pair I had
this past summer allowed me to see only 80 of the 100 mils of the retical
Anyone out here know what, if anything is being done to correct the
situation - or are we in "displacement laying" until further notice.
If it were me, and I want to make it clear it is not me, I‘d be
chewing pretty hard on the bozos who put those binos together - obviously no
quality control prior to shipment.
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