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Former ANC Guerillas Push for S.African Vets' Ministry

The Bread Guy

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...and it appears they may be visiting Canada to get ideas (see highlight in para 5) - shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act.

South Africa: MK Pushes for Military Veterans' Ministry By Next Year
Wilson Johwa, Business Day (Johannesburg), 29 Feb 08
Article link

A MINISTRY for military veterans could be in place by end of next year if the Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans' Association gets its way.

The proposal stems from the African National Congress (ANC) national conference two months ago, which approved a veterans association recommendation. The conference also called for a presidential commission on the welfare of military veterans. This would be a precursor to a ministry of military veterans' affairs, the association's national general secretary Ayanda Dlodlo said yesterday .

The ministry would see to the wellbeing of all military veterans, including apartheid-era security members and also troops involved in peace-keeping operations in Africa.

The body's chairman Kebby Maphatsoe said the proposed department was a burning issue in the ANC, where its necessity was questioned as veterans issues were the deputy defence minister's responsibility.

"There were no specific efforts given by the deputy minister to deal with the issues of military veterans," said Maphatsoe . It was expected there would be visits to countries such as Canada, to select a suitable model for SA .

Henri Boshoff of the Institute for Security Studies said such a ministry was long overdue. "It's a practice in other countries," he said. SA still had veterans who fought in the Second World War and the Korean war. "Somebody needs to look after them ." Many veterans' associations were struggling to survive due to a lack of funding, he said.

Yesterday's briefing came after the association's first national executive committee since the Polokwane conference, where the body emerged rejuvenated by gains it believed it made. The conference decided the association had to be integrated fully into all party programmes and structures. Dlodlo said that was already happening.

But the association did not win the status of a voting bloc such as the ANC's youth and women's leagues. "That's what we had wanted initially, but we said to ourselves we need to prioritise issues. What we opted for was that we could get voting rights, but is that what we really ought to be pushing for other than ensuring we play an active role in the ANC?" Dlodlo said.

The body was re-establishing contact with former liberation movements such as Zimbabwe's Zipra. It was concerned that Angola's contribution to the apartheid struggle had not been recognised at government level.

The association will approach President Thabo Mbeki to ask for Angola's first post-independence president, Agostinho Neto, to be considered for the Friends of Oliver Tambo award. The group would seek similar recognition for MK commander Chris Hani.

Its about time.

Its a disgrace that SA has done nothing for any veterans irrespective of the side you were on during the 30 year war that went on in SWA (now Namibia)
We (SADF AND MK veterans) received no Medical, Psychological or any other help or benefits whatsoever.

I remember "klaaring out" (clearing out) of the SADF after spending 18 months on ops in the bush in SWA/Angola (with only two 7 day passes in that time) handing in my equipment and rifle, no parades, no thank you`s for the sacrifes you made, walked out the unit gate went home got into an argument with my brother beat the hell out of the poor guy and then in a rage promptly destroyed the interior of the house.
I still remember my mother crying out ..."what have they done to my son, what have they done to my son".

I never understood that this shamefull behaviour could have been avoided if the government had programs in place (the way Veterans Affairs Canada has) to help intergrate soldiers back into society. It took me 22 years to finally work out why I think and act the way I do.Even a explanation as to what I could expect would have forewarned me and I could have taken action.

This was a result of an uncaring military and government; even the Romans had it figured out over 2000 years ago whereby returning Roman Legions were not allowed into town, they had to camp outside and slowly reintergrate into society over a 2 year period.

There are thousands of veterans from all sides walking around SA who need help from a Veterans Dept and I think the Canadian model is great.

I`ve received more help from Canadian veteran friends  (Bosnia, Afghansitan) than from any South African government official.
