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FPS and IPS memo help


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Hello All,
I was hoping someone could offer suggestions on how to word my Request for IPS memo. My current contract (FPS) expires in two years for a combined total of 20 years (broken service, hence FPS), and I was recently told that I had to put in a memo and request an IPS as it would not be offered since I am not on an IE. Any help and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Interesting.  What Trade are you?  I ask, as I have never heard of this before.  I have always been under the impression that one doesn't ask for IPS, but is offered it by the Career Mgr of your Trade. 
George - vanisle has (or at least DID, when I was still in) it right.

The conversion from IE to IPS was "automatic", those on FPS needed to request it - and granting it wasn't "automatic".

vanisle:  I've been out too long to be of any use to you.  I would THINK, however, that any memo you might address up your chain of command would eventually hit the Adjt's desk, who would be able to direct you on the correct procedures.  Alternatively - a quick conversation over a beer with your Chief Clerk can do wonders as well.
George: I am an ATIS tech.

My career manager is one of the people who told me to write the memo (my WO also said the same thing), but neither offered any guidance on what to write. Other than the obvious (memo title Request for IPS) I am wondering what else to say; is there a CFAO about this (I searched but can't find anything unless it relates to IE), or some other regulation I need to quote?

Roy: Yes, I agree, Chief Clerk is probably my best bet.
Well - CFAO 49-4 USED to be the guide - I had a quick look at it and it directed me to "Superseded by ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 05/05" (http://hr3.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/docs/instruction/instructions/engraph/home_e.asp) which is a DIN site I can't access from home.

As I've discovered on other threads, I'm too far out of date to be of anything more than general help.  Find out what your CC drinks, and buy him/her one in the mess.  He/she'll appreciate it - although it's not strictly necessary.  Give him a call and ask.

I'm sure it's not that hard or complicated - generally you just have to get your desires across to the right guy (which of course brings us back to your original question).
vanisle said:
Other than the obvious (memo title Request for IPS) I am wondering what else to say; is there a CFAO about this (I searched but can't find anything unless it relates to IE), or some other regulation I need to quote?
It is that simple and the ref is the CMP (ADM HR MIL) Instr 05/05.
vanisle said:
George: I am an ATIS tech.

My career manager is one of the people who told me to write the memo (my WO also said the same thing), but neither offered any guidance on what to write. Other than the obvious (memo title Request for IPS) I am wondering what else to say; is there a CFAO about this (I searched but can't find anything unless it relates to IE), or some other regulation I need to quote?

Roy: Yes, I agree, Chief Clerk is probably my best bet.

In that case, not really having any of the Regs at hand at this moment, I would hazard a guess that it may just boil down to a simple memo stating something to the effect that you intend to make the CF a longtime career choice.  If I am correct there is also a similar memo/statement that must be made for pers who want to serve past 55 to CRA.
George Wallace said:
Interesting.  What Trade are you?  I ask, as I have never heard of this before.  I have always been under the impression that one doesn't ask for IPS, but is offered it by the Career Mgr of your Trade. 

I'm in the same situation, although, I have more than two years of contract left right now.  This is the way it is for anyone on FPS (usually resulting from broken service).  vanisle, I see that you were recommended to write the memo by your CM and WO.  I was told that in trades that are short, you will be "reminded" to request IPS.
Thank you all for your help and replies. I had a chat with the Chief Clerk and my WO and submitted the memo. Now will just have to wait a few months and see what happens. Cheers!
Just for information if anyone is interested, I found the link to the ref that can be found outside the DIN:
