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got this e-mail but no letter

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Following the review of your medical condition in regards to your application to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), it was determined by the certified recruiting medical staff that unfortunately at the time of your medical appointment you do not meet the CAF’s stringent medical requirements. We are unable to speculate on this medical decision as our Customer Service personnel do not have the necessary medical qualifications to answer questions that you may have on this subject, and in order to protect your privacy we are unable to view this confidential medical information nor are we able to re-open your file.

If you have not already received it, in the following weeks you will receive a physical letter from the office of the Recruiting Medical Officer (RMO) confirming and explaining this decision. This letter will also contain details and process information should you wish to discuss or appeal the decision. This is a rigorous process, but a necessary one considering the sensitive nature of your medical information and importance of your medical approval. We therefore kindly ask that you remain patient while awaiting the arrival of this letter. If you have already received this letter, please review it carefully as instructions on how to proceed with an appeal are contained within.
So, in reading the email content you have provided, at the time you had your medical interview there were issues that the medical officer had with your file, condition, background, etc. that would mean that unfortunately, you do not meet the medical standards for the universality of service.

The next part is to inform you that the recruiters do NOT have access to your specific medical file, because it is classified in a way that it is only accessible to those who NEED TO SEE IT. That means, you, and any other medical professional who would need to review it. It is no different than if I go to the base hospital for a medical issue. When I get back from my appointment, the only information my supervisor NEEDS is any workplace limitations and, should there be any follow-up appointments, the dates of those appointments. My supervisor, or in your case the recruiter, is NOT PERMITTED to know the contents of your medical file UNLESS you give them the information first-hand (talk to them about it).

It is for this reason that the recruiter sent you an email (hey, heads-up your medical didn't pass. Don't wait around for any movement forward, because until you get the info on how to appeal, there is nothing we can do with your file.) to let you know that this is the step they were at.

The only thing you can do now with your recruiting file is wait until the letter detailing the decision comes from the Medical Officer. In THAT letter will be the reasons for the decision, and any avenues you have for appeal or dispute, and who to contact to help you with that.

It's unfortunate that you have to wait as long as you do, but better to have the RIGHT information than to bog the system down by accessing the wrong resource.

Good luck, and happy hunting.