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Gotta Love the Drone!!


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Wed's attack on the Red Devil Inn seems to have proven futile for the Taliban. Just spoke with a soldier over there via Satellite Phone, and by the sounds of it, the Taliban were introduced to a US stealth Drone equipped with Hellfire missiles.....within seconds they were scrambling to run like cowards, loading the bodies of thier own onto trucks, and running to the hills.....however, the Canadians, after losing one of thier own had a problem with the Taliban running like cowards, and proceded to hunt down as many as possible. I don't really want to say much more, as I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say, or not allowed to say....but as usual, our boys are Givin' Em Hell!
For those of you who may no know what the Drone is, you can find a pic here..... The Drone is an unmanned Stealth type of aircraft.
I call BS on the picture. UCAV isn't being used yet, still in development stages.

The drone in question is the Predator. They are armed with 2 Hellfires...and I have seen them with my own Mk II eyeballs in theater.



Try Janes as well for more info.
Franko said:
I call BS on the picture.
Not only is the UAV non-operational, but the picture's not legit; it's a mediocre graphics' shop job. Compare the lighting differences between the UCAV and the FA-18s behind it (one of the joys of having career attention deficit disorder, is you get to try lots of different things....like imagery analysis  ;)  )
As for the drone, that one looked like the one featured in that GODAWFUL Stealth that I was forced to watch one night back in December.... 

"however, the Canadians, after losing one of their own had a problem with the Taliban running like cowards, and proceded to hunt down as many as possible"

I was referring to the above quote.
I was under the impression that the Red Devil Inn was a Pl house operated by the PPCLI. The outpost that was attacked was an Afghan/American operated house. When attacked the Canadian QRF Pl was called in to help reinforce the Americans and the Afghans. I may be wrong, but that is what the media led me to believe.

That is my impression as well. The bare bones account posted above does not seem to jibe with either the press reports or the briefing given by Colonel Vernon, the Chief of Staff. That, of course, could be because of a laudable attempt of brevity, a misunderstanding or any other number of reasons.

Can anyone who is in country provide any better information?
"Can anyone who is in country provide any better information?"
I can't see that happening.
Journeyman said:
Not only is the UAV non-operational, but the picture's not legit; it's a mediocre graphics' shop job. Compare the lighting differences between the UCAV and the FA-18s behind it (one of the joys of having career attention deficit disorder, is you get to try lots of different things....like imagery analysis   ;)  )

Even without the whole lightning thing (I'm much too lazy to try to figure out how close it is to being "right") the UCAV thingie looks fake. I think a Klingon Bird of Prey would probably look more realistic in that picture. But that's just me, you're the big almighty CADD sufferer. :p
i was  wondering what flight sim he pulled the image of the drone out of...
Here are pictures of the real UCAV, the X-45

Oh,  and I find it highly unlikely that a soldier called their buddy on a Sat Phone to tell him about a battle that just happened.  I'm no photoshop guy, so the Sat Phone thing was my first clue to BS.
Haywire said:
Wed's attack on the Red Devil Inn seems to have proven futile for the Taliban. Just spoke with a soldier over there via Satellite Phone, and by the sounds of it, the Taliban were introduced to a US stealth Drone equipped with Hellfire missiles.....within seconds they were scrambling to run like cowards, loading the bodies of thier own onto trucks, and running to the hills.....however, the Canadians, after losing one of thier own had a problem with the Taliban running like cowards, and proceded to hunt down as many as possible. I don't really want to say much more, as I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say, or not allowed to say....but as usual, our boys are Givin' Em Hell!
For those of you who may no know what the Drone is, you can find a pic here..... The Drone is an unmanned Stealth type of aircraft.

Better back up your fact....er,..rumours quick. Not a good start. And after you explain all your...stuff, you can go read the guidelines, especially the ones about posting rumour, innuendo, and just utter bullshit (ok, it's not called that there). This is the only warning your going to get, and it may not even be that if you don't answer all the questions you've created.
recceguy said:
Better not be. This goes beyond the realm of being funny.
Oh.....like me getting my face in a knot thinking the site was going to be run by DND/PAffOs!  ;)