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Grey Cup 2007

Who is going to win the Grey Cup this Sunday?

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Army.ca Veteran
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So who do you think is going to win?

It is the perfect match-up for a prairie boy football fan...and one of the hottest rivalries the last couple years.

Saskatchewan and Winnipeg playing in Toronto.....what a beautiful thing.
It's gotta be Gang Green winning........kind of hard for Glenn to throw the ball with a broken arm! And I don't think Dimwittie, or whazhizname has the experience! Go RIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Dinwiddie can shake out the cobwebs, I'll take the Blue Bombers by 7. 

I'm normally a TiCat fan, but they were so pitiful this year (and last, and the year before) that I'm ashamed to even admit I'm from the same city as them.  Gotta go for the East though...

Winnipeg is East, right?  ;D
Unfortunatly, our humble prairie team is lumped in with the Easterners. Dinwittie managed to carry the ball forward in his short field time on Sunday. There were a lot of calls against for stupid things that will probably shake themselves out when the O line gets used to Dinwittie. (sp?) It will be a good game.
Today I was remembering back to 1989. I was in Cornwallis on my basic course (8938) with a couple of other Saskatchewanites and being on last week or 2 of the course we were able to watch the Grey Cup in the TV room.  Watching Dave Ridgeway kick a last minute field goal in Toronto for the win had us jumping around the room like mad. Hoping that since game is back in TO again maybe history will repeat itself and the Cup can come home to the greatest fans there are. GO RIDERS....

284_226 said:
I'm normally a TiCat fan, but they were so pitiful this year (and last, and the year before) that I'm ashamed to even admit I'm from the same city as them.  Gotta go for the East though...

Winnipeg is East, right?   ;D

I feel your pain 284...TiCat fan cheering for the Bombers.  Go EAST!
I'm still pissed at the Argos.  First, they mouth off all week (nice!).  Then they go for bomb after bomb after bomb!  Just run run run!  The defence did its job, special teams allowed one td, but those missed field goals, take away the punt run back, and you have an argo win.  Oh well, quit dreaming!

I think the Green Riders will take it. 

Go Riders!
anyone know if the game might be available to our boys overseas?
might be a nice taste of home to see some canadian football on the tube
By the way - If anyone in the Kingston area hasn't heard - KMFRC has tickets for the insane price of 185, including transportation.

Unfortunately I won't be able to make it, but it should be an awesome price and you can't beat the price.

...and just when I thought I'd heard it all.
His Blondness the Mayor has just declared Nov. 20 to 25 Grey Cup Week In Toronto and concludes this announcement with: "Go Riders"...???
As I was born in Kitchener ON - the TiCats were once my team, and when they rise phoenix-like from the ashes again, I'll put my faith in them.  However, growing up in SK during some of the most horrible years of Rider football - I swore a vendetta against the lowly Riders... I will only cheer for them when they play Calgary or Toronto, and only then with a sour taste in my mouth.

The first live football game I saw was in Winnipeg - and while much of it is fuzzy - due in no small part to the pre-grame festivities at Hooters, I'll never totally forget it.  You really do fall in love with the game once you've seen it live.  So my primary team right now is the Bomber's.  And while it makes the bile rise in my throat saying I'm cheering for an Eastern team in the Grey Cup - let us remember that geographically, Winnipeg is about 100km or so WEST of the Geographic East/West centre of Canada, and therefore a Western team.

So really, for anyone who cheers for good vs evil (west vs east) - there is no wrong way to cheer.

I really hope Dinwiddie can pull it off - there were some miscommunications on the O-line in the semi - but under all that pressure he went 4 for 4.

yammit said:
let us remember that geographically, Winnipeg is about 100km or so WEST of the Geographic East/West centre of Canada, and therefore a Western team.

Actually, I do believe the east/west centerline  of Canada is just west of Winnipeg, making the team on the eastern half...
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Actually, I do believe the east/west centerline  of Canada is just west of Winnipeg, making the team on the eastern half...

The Longitudinal Centre of Canada is actually a little east of Winnipeg, about 20km.  There's a big sign on the Trans Canada.  I have always considered myself a Westerner, but at the same time, resent those from Ontario that call their region "Central Canada."  Have they looked at a map? (Born and raised in Winnipeg, BTW)

yammit said:
So my primary team right now is the Bomber's.  And while it makes the bile rise in my throat saying I'm cheering for an Eastern team in the Grey Cup - let us remember that geographically, Winnipeg is about 100km or so WEST of the Geographic East/West centre of Canada, and therefore a Western team.

All you have to do is see about opening a CFL franchise in Halifax (or plan on losing your shirt in Ottawa), and Winnipeg will go back to the western division.  :blotto:
Go Riders Go!

The things your hear first from home on army.ca!.

Being a Saskatchewan lad, this is good news, and yes, of course I hope they win.

The rivalry between the Roughriders and the Bombers is legendary. I used to love the Labour Day game at Taylor Field every year. They still have that match every year!



I'm 3rd generation Bomber fan. We bleed blue and gold in our family. However, the Riders are my second favourite team, so whoever wins, I'll be fairly happy.

I thought Dinwittie did a fabulous job under difficult circumstances. If he can hold it together Sunday . . . . .
