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holding info back


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I was just wondering how it is that the CF is able to find out if info has been held back?  How do they go about finding out if all of the info that is provided is completely accurate and the whole truth?  If they have to verify every bit of info for everyone in the CF and also those applying won't that put an incredible hindrance oin the ability to conduct missions and exercises?  I am just asking for curiosity and not b/c I am planning to hold anything back.  When I apply I plan to be completely honest but I am getting the feeling that ppl here are assuming that the CF is the all seeing eye that will be able to "sniff" out all the info that has been held back.  Thanks for the replies I look forward to hearing what u have to say.
As long as you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about ;D

I'm not too sure how they gather  info about things being held back other than through their background checks, and I don't really think people need to know how DND gets their information.
There is a number of procedures that are followed to confirm and verify the background, records and personal history of applicants.  I can assure you, if a person is caught in a lie to a military Career Counsellor, they will be made unsuitable.  I personally made one person permanently unsuitable for service in the CF for lying to the career counsellor.  He was attempting to hid some important information.  So the moral of the story is be truthful and honest.  Honesty and integrity are important values right from the get go...
