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How do you feel about organized Religion?


Jr. Member
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This is a new topic(relating to my statement in the Chaplains thread) in a more appropriate board.

"I find it interesting that the CF still supports bronze age mythology superstitions. Why not just have general counselors for people?"

Roy Harding said:
For me personally, someone who has had his mind basically brainwashed to blindly NOT believe in a faith, is NOT the person I would run to for advice.

Your statement cuts both ways. 

Not true, I was raised in a Christian Faith, I made my own choice to realize the obvious .. by there not being a shred of evidence in its favor. Which is the furthest thing from that statement.

Wonderbread said:
Dude, lose the chip.

You're making us atheists look bad.  When your brother's hurt'n and the Padre brings him peace you'll be glad they're around - regardless of your personal beliefs.

I never said I was an Atheist, I would be a very dim agnostic if I were to be titled. I also contend that all religious people are atheists, I just believe in one fewer god then they do, once they understand why they dismiss all other possible gods, they will understand why I dismiss theirs.  I have no doubt that people that need a reminder of their imaginary friends will consider them useful.
Midnight Rambler said:
I agree that it wasn't meant to be an accurate statement at all.  It was meant as a deliberately inflammatory statement. 

It wasn't meant to incite people, or instigate any trouble. That was my personal opinion, and how I perceive Chaplains in the CF.  Some people are so easily offended about religion. But on the contrary, so am I. I'm offended when kids are told they will spend eternity in hellfire. I'm offended when kids are denied a proper education because of religion. I'm offended when science is compromised by religion(stem-cell research)

muskrat89 said:
Fatalize - we get it. Congratulations - you are a hero to free thinkers everywhere.

Since you seem so well read, read the topic title: How are Chaplains perceived by other CF members?

If you are indeed a CF member, feel free to state your perception of Chaplains. Putting it in context by relating some experiences that shaped your perception might help us frame your point of view.

The topic is not "How do you feel about organized religion?". We like to govern our board based on rules of etiquette formed probably starting in the Victorian Age, for what its' worth.

Army.ca Staff

I'll gladly accept the rebuke, I'll admit my comments may have not been directly on topic(hence the new thread)But then again, are the posts about random chaplains involved in the WTC incident really on topic with the question by the poster? They are not at all affiliated with the CF.

Humphrey said:
I would be interested to hear whatever candid impressions you have about chaplains whether it's good, bad, or indifferent.
(Moderator edit to clarify title.)
Fatalize said:
"I find it interesting that the CF still supports bronze age mythology superstitions. Why not just have general counselors for people?"
Well, depending on which religion your talking about it would most likely be along the lines of astro-theology. Starting with hieroglyphs 5000 years ago the basis (Born Dec 25, of a virgin, adored by 3 kings following a star in the east, teacher at 12, baptized into ministry at 30, 12 disciples, performed miracles, walked on water, betrayed, crucified, resurrected) of most religions have been well recorded in many places such as Greece, Egypt, India, etc... and have since spread and evolved.

Having to pick one out of a thousand religions and hoping you made the right choice or else you wasted all that time worshipping a false idol and are punished for it regardless of what you achieve in life is kind of bizarre. Regardless though, how I feel about it doesn't matter at all, it only affects me. It's a private issue and should not be something to judge a person on because face it, we are human, not divine beings that know everything. If the choices I make aren't good enough then that's just the way it is.
Fatalize said:
"I find it interesting that the CF still supports bronze age mythology superstitions. Why not just have general counselors for people?"

Yes, a might inflammatory.

I have no doubt that people that need a reminder of their imaginary friends will consider them useful.

The beauty of the system is Christians can talk to their "imaginary friends" and you can talk with yours without stepping on each other's toes.

I'm offended when kids are denied a proper education because of religion. I'm offended when science is compromised by religion(stem-cell research)

The number one force behind literacy in the European tradition was the church which ran all the schools.  The beauty of democracy is that people can believe that use of stem cells from aborted fetuses must be opposed and should they convince the government to share their beliefs it will become law.  Isn't democracy good?

I remember it as religion, politics and women of common acquaintance.  Why?  Because a scap is sure to follow.

I remember we were egged on to sing an excessively vulgar song for the benefit of someone we were not told was an ex-chaplain.  He took it in stride.  We were totally embarrassed.
