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I hate seeing my tax dollar wasted on a military.

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Pissed Off Taxpayer

I am one pissed off taxpayer.  I hate seeing my tax dollar wasted. I know nothing about the military and only stumbled onto this site after walking into my sons room last night to see what he was doing on the internet.  After reading this forum I was shocked at what I was seeing.

My son came to me all excited last year about wanting to join cadets. After going down and meeting with the officers and talking with my neighbour who is a master officer I think, I let my son join.  He has been happy with his newest activity and can hardly wait to go on Wed nights and on the weekends.  The Officers who are there are very professional in their conduct and appear to know what they are doing with the kids(They sure listen)

After reading all of the posts in this topic I asked my neighbour to look at the site and he called me at lunch time and said that I did not have anything to worry about that the Officers were in fact Commisioned Officers and trained to do the jobs that they were doing.  He also said to me that I should pay little attention to what he call "Primary Reserve squabbling".  I asked him if he had any dealings with these officers and did he find the same experiences.  He stated to me that he surely would not want to do what the officers teaching cadets have to do, that they are unrecognized and have to put up with a lot.  He also said that the good and bad can be found in all areas of the overall organization and it is not just the cadet officers.

Upon really reading what the "CIC" officers are writing in this forum, I can really now understand exactly how professional that they are.  They have explained with patience what it is that they do and have in most cases agreed with some of the things being leveled at them.  They have as well been very patient especially in not getting upset with what some of the others have said and have remained very calm.  Some have even included their names and have not hidden behind a blind form to level attacks.  I now have no reservations about letting my son continue in cadets.

To the others in this form it would appear that you have a bias for what ever reason and really don't understand the lines of distinction between what each of you have to do.  To see the total disrespect for what these fine people are doing is totally appalling.  In my line of work you sure don't have to like the boss, but you had better not beat him up in public as he signs your pay cheque.

When I see junior people doing what you are doing in public it shows to me exactly who is the professional.

Well done Cadet Officers
Respectfully, Sir, you obviously fail to understand what we're talking about here.  Without launching into an explanation of the structure of the military and the significance of a commission, suffice it to say that many soldiers in the PRes and RegF find dealing with CIC officers difficult because they are not officers in the same sense of the word that PRes and RegF officers are.  Legally, they are commissioned in the same way, however they are not allowed to participate in warfare or lead soldiers which is the traditional role of officers.  The argument is that, if CIC officers wish to be considered as soldiers and leaders of men in the rest of the CF then they should receive further training to facilitate that role to some extent.  As it is, they are an anamoly of the military: officers who are not soldiers and do not participate in the war related role of the CF. 

As far as the Cadet program goes, I don't think anybody here believes that it is a bad thing.  Nor are we saying that CIC officers are not trained properly to lead cadets.  The question here is whether CIC officers as members of the CF should be trained to the same standard as other members of the CF.
Good grief ... 22 pages (and counting), dated back to 2004 ...
(when does the Energizer Bunny show up ...?)
To those who responded to my last post,

It is obivious that I don't know much about the military, but I feel that you have missed my point.  I have very little use for a military force for Canada. I believe that there should be no as you call it a PRes and think that my tax dollar can be better spent by handing over some of the funds to the US who is really defending North America anyway and better at it.

The Regular force should not be stationed around the world but here at home and we should be minding our own buisness and not being an extension of the US. 
:o Oh boy, here we go.

Pissed Off Taxpayer. Since you admit you know nothing of the military, you should do a little research and understand what the CF is, what it's role is, and why it is fundamentally important to Canada. Then you can draw radical and inane conclusions.   Really, what you just posted is just bizarre. After you learn a little more you will see why.

Pissed Off Taxpayer said:
To those who responded to my last post,

It is obivious that I don't know much about the military, but I feel that you have missed my point.   I have very little use for a military force for Canada. I believe that there should be no as you call it a PRes and think that my tax dollar can be better spent by handing over some of the funds to the US who is really defending North America anyway and better at it.

The Regular force should not be stationed around the world but here at home and we should be minding our own buisness and not being an extension of the US.  

Very insitefull post there Mr Pissed Off Taxpayer...Glad I don't work for you.

Why are you posting on a forum dedicated to Canadian military enthusiasts? Are you trying to cause a fight? What is it that you want from us...Other than feeling compelled to point out how unnesseccary we all are (to your world) ???

I really want to know...

Knows nothing about the military and here he is giving his advice, thoughts and opinions on it. Great.

He has "very little use" for a military force in Canada ... therefore the whole armed forces oughta be scrapped! This one "pissed off taxpayer" (aren't we all?) has no use for it so farewell military.

Shouldn't you, taxpayer, be marching in some pro-peace university march chanting anti-military slogans? Quit wasting everyones time here. Come back after you learned something about the military perhaps?
It's hard not to become defensive about comments like that.  Let's suffice it to say that isolationism has been tried, tested and failed.  It's a simple reality that a country cannot exist in the world today without having relations with other countries.  Relations with other countries occasionally require armed force, and that's why we're here.

Besides which, that wasn't your point.  In fact, I'm not sure what your point was.
Pissed Off Taxpayer said:
To those who responded to my last post,

It is obivious that I don't know much about the military, but I feel that you have missed my point.  I have very little use for a military force for Canada. I believe that there should be no as you call it a PRes and think that my tax dollar can be better spent by handing over some of the funds to the US who is really defending North America anyway and better at it.

The Regular force should not be stationed around the world but here at home and we should be minding our own buisness and not being an extension of the US. 

OK.. People..  just wait one second here

Sir, thank you for your opinion.  Everyone is welcomed to express their opinion.
Rest assured, although you have very little use for the military, the bulk of what we do
is important, however it is not visible to the public unless its negative and in the media. 

Thank you for taking your time to voice your concern.  I hope that we keep everyone's
opinions in mind as we continue to work for the Crown.

Guys.. Flaming this guy is not going to help the situation or further anyones cause.
Trinity said:
OK.. People..  just wait one second here

Sir, thank you for your opinion.  Everyone is welcomed to express their opinion.
Rest assured, although you have very little use for the military, the bulk of what we do
is not visible to the public unless its negative and in the media. 

Thank you for taking your time to voice your concern.  I hope that we keep everyone's
opinions in mind as we continue to work for the Crown.

Yup.  He has a right to that opinion; it is unfortunate he has formed in an intellectual vacuum, but we all do that.  I have a low opinion of supermodels without ever having met one. 

Yes everyone can express their opinion. Unfortunately a lot of opinions are .. dare I say it's severely lopsided, in stupidity and ignorance.

The previous posts by taxpayer are argument enough in my claim. I for one will not thank him for voicing his opinion on the military because it is, as stated, radical and inane and allow me to add: ass backwards.

When someone rants and voices themselves about something they admittedly know nothing about .. how is that anything but ignorant?
Pissed Off Taxpayer said:
To those who responded to my last post,

It is obvious that I don't know much about the military, but I feel that you have missed my point.   I have very little use for a military force for Canada. I believe that there should be no as you call it a PPresand think that my tax dollar can be better spent by handing over some of the funds to the US who is really defending North America anyway and better at it.

The Regular force should not be stationed around the world but here at home and we should be minding our own bbusinessand not being an extension of the US.  
If you want to give the funds over the the US to defend North America, then we lose some Canadian sovereignty.  Later you stated you don't want Canada to be an extension of the US, but if they defend us, we become more of an extension.

While your opinion is valuable and often thought of by a number of Canadian's, If I may suggest that when you take your son to Cadets, perhaps stick around a little and talk somemore to the Officers.   Maybe even visit your neighbour a little more often and learn more about the CF and the valuable service that they provide to all Canadian's regardless of what they do.   All are valuable contributors to society
OK. No more need to let the pile on continue. I'm sure POT get's the point. If he wishes to respond, so be it. We'll split it off, if need be. Drop the venting and bring the thread back on track please everyone.
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