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Illegal to trap cats?


Army.ca Myth
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I have a question about cats. I know, stupid forum to place it on but this is the only forum i post at actively.

Their are tons of cats around my neighbourhood. i live on a dead end street in a pretty slummy part of town.
There are tons and tons of cats.
Shouldn't be a big deal but they walk all over my truck with muddy paws, tear appart all the garbage bags on the street spreading garbage all over that the garbage men don't pcik up (I know i could get a plastic garbage can but the idiots here steal them or kids throw them in the river) and just recently the cats have begun shitting under the stairs beside my house.

I have no idea what to do with them. I used to let my dogs outside and they would chase the cats off the yard but i dont want them running into the street or actually biting the cat.
I've chased the cats away or gave them a kick but i feel a little dumb doing that, and im sure the neighbours will cryass
over it.
When i see the neighbours who own the cats, i tell them about whats going on and ask them if they can watch out for their cats. They of course say they cant be sure its their cat and theres nothing they can do. Ive seen people ignore their cats chewing at peoples garbage or walking on their cars.

I'm fed up.
I'm really considering going to the store and buying big rat traps. I'm going to stick the rat traps around where i put the garbage and under the stairs. Maybe put some raw tuna on the trap too.
Is that illegal?  Can i get in a lot of shit for leaving traps for "rats" around my yard?
Trapping the cat would probably not solve your problem.

I thought I read somewhere that you can buy motion detectors attached to water spinklers as a way to keep cats out of gardens. Cats hate water with a passion and it would only take a couple of sprays before it would avoid your property like the black plauge.

When my cats were small I would have a squirt gun on standby, every time I saw them try to scatch up a couch or eat a plant I would give them a little spray. Works great. I suspect a sprinkler would solve your problems quickly.

I've heard that spreading coffee grinds on your lawn will keep cats away...YMMV.  Worth a shot.
yea, here is one


I suspect there are lots of different ones one the market. Try Home depot or Canadian Tire maybe.
You might want to try calling the police or animal control/humae society first.  We had a similar problem around my house. There two houses that had a bunch of cats that were outside all the time going through garbage scratching kids etc.  Someone called the animal control people and they talked to the owners about how they had to control their animals and they were responsible for what their cats did, and if they couldn't control them they would be taken away.  The people who owned them ended up giving all of the cats away to people.  Now we have no more cat problems (just raccoon problems ::)).

That's my suggestion.
And a Few Others that Are Damn Good, Too
by Ragnar Benson
Catch even the craftiest critters with the trap lore perfected over generations. Ragnar has culled his all-time favorite traps that are easy to build, easy to maintain and guaranteed to work! Detailed illustrations show you how to build a floating duck snare, den trap, live-mouse set, campfire set and fish trap, to name just a few. And with Ragnar's expertise at hand, you can avoid the baits and sets that don't work and never have. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, softcover, photos, illus., 136 pp. ISBN 0873643283
Price: $20.00  TRAPS "

Know anybody who own's a restaurant?


You should definitely call animal control and explain your predicament.  They may or may not have the power to help you out depending on if the cats are owned (and can be proven to be such) and if they are being legally cared for by the owners.  Also, check with the town and see if there's a cat by law.  If so, someone should be able to help you.  If not or if they blow you off, definitely try the motion sensor water.  Works like a charm and the cats will hate your place.  Also, try building a permanent garbage bin that weighs about 600 pounds (well maybe not that heavy but you get the point) with a latch on it and you should be good to go as far as the garbage goes.  At my place the garbage can't be outside unattended for more than about 10 minutes due to the millions of crows so we're just forced to have a bin. 

Keep in mind that trapping them and killing them painfully may not make you very popular with your neighbours and poison is definitely not a good idea with your dogs around.  If you do have to trap them borrow a live trap from the local shelter/SPCA and, if the cats aren't owned, the SPCA will usually pay to dispose of the stray cats humanely.  We're not doing them a favour either with letting them roam all over, reproducing and spreading disease such as feline leukemia or FIV all over the neighbourhood.  Usually stray cats are a terrible source of disease and a humane euthanasia program or spay/neuter program is the only help. 

I work in the animal health industry and I run into these problems all the time from frustrated people like you.

Good luck.
brin11 said:
Keep in mind that trapping them and killing them painfully may not make you very popular with your neighbours 

BFD. Warn your neighbours and trap away. I mean if you are trying to trap rats- you cant be worried what animal wanders into your trap. However I agree that a live trap is the best way to go.
i disagree. if you see cats near your property than do what one of my neighbors used to do. get a water gun and fill it with vinegar. when you see the cat, or cats than spray it at there butt. they will run away crying with a burning bum. just don't kill the cats. i have one and to some people there cats are more to them than a best friend or a family member.

go to your local human society and find out what you can really do to get rid of the problem.
Where I live, the Coyotes keep the cats to a manageable level through a system of selective harvesting: If a Coyote catches a cat, it is harvested.

We own two cats.  If they go outside during the day, they are leashed.  They do NOT go out at night.

-Hutch- said:
i have one and to some people there cats are more to them than a best friend or a family member.

go to your local human society and find out what you can really do to get rid of the problem.

Then they should keep them out of my yard. I have a cat as well. She isnt running around the neighborhood.
oh i completely understand what you are talking about. but i still say before killing them try something Else
-Hutch- said:
oh i completely understand what you are talking about. but i still say before killing them try something Else

Sure- if he can sign out a "live trap"-thats the way to go.
Not to sound too harsh or "inhumane towards animals" here, but I had a similar problem with all of the neighbors deciding my lawn was their pets restroom/ fastfood place with the garbage bag... So a simple CO2 pellet gun worked fine. I aimed for the fleshy part of the leg from 30 feet or so, it scared them and probably stung, nothing lethal, and no noticeable sound. It worked...for the critters anyway...
If only a guy was allowed to do that to the people who don't look after their pets.

The only good cat is a de.............nevermind, but I am sure you all get how I feel about those overgrown vermin.
These guys are in Vancouver but if you contact them they might be able to put you in touch with someone local.  Like it says if they are a problem, just trapping them won't help as more will move into the area.  Trapping fixing and releasing them is the best way to control and limit the colony.
Good hints about trapping them too.
