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Indirect Fires Modernization Project - C3/M777 Replacement


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Hello Comrades,

Aside from some soldiers being equipped with brown boots, tan boots, swat boots, or no boots, I've seen that equipment and supply in the army can be somewhat ....difficult..

Boots aside, I've also heard the rumours that the C3 Howitzer, the loveable beast of the mo's, has no scheduled replacement. Through a few semi-annual pow-wows with leadership, I've heard: Reserve Artillery units could get 120 mm mortars (hah), converted to just 81 mm, have the 81 mm given back to the infantry, have no replacement at all and only be trained on the M777 to augment the Reg Force, as well as infinite other delicious yet farcical rumours, not to mention what the East is going to do with their LG1's.

What have you other Gunners been hearing? I haven't heard much out West.
This issue has been discussed here a fair bit, nothing solid in the works, the ideas kicked around are the 120mm, 81mm and the South African 105mm which is quite a nice gun and one of the people here did a on hands review of it as I recall. South Korea still has a fair number of the original 105mm howitzer, we could likely pick them up cheap. Wiki claims they have 1,000 in storage. considering all the things we need to fix right now, this is likely the cheapest and fastest way to go. Plus the job of refurbishing them could be done here in Canada. A quick scan of Wiki shows about 19 Reserve Artillery regiments and independent batteries, which works out 114 Howitzers for a 6 gun battery, if we bought 150-200 of them we could re-equip and have spares, with no changes to our training or our ammunition supply. The Won seems a good exchange against the Cdn$ as well. 

oh that's so warlike....You might upset our current masters. At least these howitzers would only be for "training and peacekeeping"  8)
One can keep a lot of peace with an MLRS...
Colin P said:
oh that's so warlike....You might upset our current masters. At least these howitzers would only be for "training and peacekeeping"  8)

You forgot "snow clearing in the Rockies".  [:-[
One can clear a lot of snow with an MLRS...
I'm glad to hear that there is at least talk of a replacement in the Arty community (which is not to say a replacement will materialize...).  I would also be curious to know how any acquisition would tie in with the equipment allocations for the RegF Arty Regiments. As far as I know (and correct me if I am wrong), there aren't enough M777s out there to equip every RegF battery, so perhaps we could revitalize our indirect fire capabilities with one smart purchase?
Those with DWAN access can go to the Capability Investment Database (CID) and look up "Indirect Fire Modernization" to get a sense of current Army thinking. 
Ive seen pictures of m777 conversion courses for the PRes on the army facebook page. A sign of things to come?
The M777 conversion course is nothing sinister. Under Artillery Transformation, each gun Battery has two guns that are manned by PRes (on paper at least). The M777 conversion courses currently being run in 4 Div are simply to set the conditions for PRes pers to make up gun dets on the road to high readiness next year as part of Op REINFORCEMENT.

With respect to the MLRS, there's been talk of HIMARS for the Artillery for some time now but I can't imagine any scenario in which it would go the PRes. 
jeffb said:
The M777 conversion course is nothing sinister. Under Artillery Transformation, each gun Battery has two guns that are manned by PRes (on paper at least). The M777 conversion courses currently being run in 4 Div are simply to set the conditions for PRes pers to make up gun dets on the road to high readiness next year as part of Op REINFORCEMENT.

With respect to the MLRS, there's been talk of HIMARS for the Artillery for some time now but I can't imagine any scenario in which it would go the PRes.

I believe the intent is still to replace the 105's with 120mm mortars for the reg/reserve. As of the last we were briefed the key hold up on that plan was honourary colonels and ceremonial openings for parliaments (provincial and federal).

As for HIMARS, there is currently no intent on procurement of that system. If it were procured it would go to 4 Arty Regt and definately not to the reserves.
Loachman said:
One can keep a lot of peace with an MLRS...


We could stuff them with leaflets! (that are not infected with weaponized biological agents ;) )
Additional benefits of the MLRS

Air transportable - meaning you can get it where it needs to be
Standoff distances of 70 to 300 km - meaning you can be in the next country over
Mobile - meaning that when detected you can relocate in a hurry
Armoured cab - meaning that if hit survival is improved
Small crew - meaning few heroes for the highway

It isn't an F35.
Chris Pook said:
Additional benefits of the MLRS

Air transportable - meaning you can get it where it needs to be
Standoff distances of 70 to 300 km - meaning you can be in the next country over
Mobile - meaning that when detected you can relocate in a hurry
Armoured cab - meaning that if hit survival is improved
Small crew - meaning few heroes for the highway

It isn't an F35.
Can level and entire grid square in one f/m.
If PET Jr is anything like his dad, I'm thinking something like these may be the replacements.


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We should really be looking at the more high tech options for today's modern battlefield.


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cupper said:
We should really be looking at the more high tech options for today's modern battlefield.

And it should be cheap too.  Just think of all that hemp rope that will be available as a by-product after marijuana is legalized.
I lucking fove trebuchets.

I built a couple of tiny ones years ago, and yearn to build one capable of hurling flaming toilet bowls into the night sky.

if there is peace, snow, or a lieberal wherever those flaming toilet bowls land, well, bonus!!!
My friend built a 9-10' high one (to the arm vertical) we set it up on Spanish Banks and started flinging rocks into the water, a bylaw office came by sputtering about our "catapult" upon which several people watching corrected him and then we asked which bylaw we were breaking, apparently city council neglected to ban siege weapons on the beach.

meanwhile speaking of MRLS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwET4BnP-fA