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Infantry Reserve in Gagetown Infantry school

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Im in the reserve infantry about to be deployed on a demo section callout in the Gagetown Infantry school.   My question is quite simple; To anyone in the reg force infantry in Gagetown: Do you hate me?

This questions results from friends describing about how much regs hate the reserves because we lack disipline, initiative, professionalism etc etc.   Theyve explained how I will be doing dirty scummy work all summer and that people will ride me all the time.  

This worries me a bit.  
Although im not a full time member and as a result not as well trained or experienced it does not mean that i'm by default a useless lazy student out for a free ride.   I understand that I will receive flak from other for being a reservist, but how much?

Im gonna warn ppl right now, Ride me to much and ill hit you,    and then youll have to kick my a$$.    :dontpanic:
I don't hate you.  While you are working with Reg force soldiers, act like one to the best of your ability, and don't remind them when you screw up (if you do) that its because you are "just a reservist". 

Hopefully you'll be put in a position where you can do a good job..  some people might make comments; take the constructive critism to heart, and let the crap fall off of your shoulders.  If you are part of an enemy force for an Infantry officer course (for example), don't be a cock just to get back at the reg force types because its your only opportunity to..  it's a small army..  you may serve under them in the future.

Don't be a target, and don't make us hate you.

Have a good summer!

Chags took the words out of my mouth. The Reservist who is 'hated" is normally either the loudmouth who wants to tell everybody within earshot "this isn't how we do it in the Numptyville Horse Grenadiers". I suggest that you STFU about the Grenadiers: nobody cares. The other character nobody wants is the lazy whining oxygen thief who is obviously just there for a summer job and has no intention of doing one ounce more work than what they can get away with. Fortunately, IMHO most Res soldiers do not fall into either category, and most Reg soldiers are not drooling idiots.

My advice to you is to do what I did when I was a Res soldier on callout: work hard, do your best, and keep your mouth shut. Show how much you know-don't talk about it. Most Regular Army soldiers will appreciate your value very quickly.

Im gonna warn ppl right now, Ride me to much and ill hit you,  and then youll have to kick my a$$

I'd advise you to lose the attitude unless you want to spend the summer in a) the digger; or  b) the base hospital.

Good luck.

Numptyville Horse Grenadiers

This will totally be the new name of my band.

And to keep this on topic,

Thanks for the input guys, Id appreciate any you can give me.

Guess the general train of thought is "work hard, keep your mouth shut and youll garner at least a working relationship."
This I can do and im therefore not as wary of the summer as I was.

and btw i was merely making an attempt at humor with my last comment, I obviously set off some warning bells, apologies
and finally whats the digger?

and finally whats the digger?

Back in the days of the ballista, that's what we called the military lockup.

I've done the demo platoon thing in Gagetown several times. As to whether you'll get the all the shit jobs, it's a crapshoot. I've seen some reservists sections getting â Å“riddenâ ? and treated like shit and others just seamlessly integrated. Will you get shit jobs? Probably, what would you do if you were posted there for a few years and had a series of â Å“tempsâ ? at your disposal during peak times.

In the end, I've never had any issues. Do your job, act professional and you'll fit in. It's really about you and the people you're with.
Do your job to the best of your ability; don't hang around with the professional complainers, whiners and slackers.  You will be generally be treated as you deserve (it's a big organization... mistakes happen). 

Yes: there are some in the Regs who figure that they are God's gift to soldiering because their full time job involves occupying space in a uniform 8-10 hours a day, but they are the exception not the rule (just as there are some in the reserves who have chips on their shoulders about how no one recognizes their in-born military genius). 

Enjoy your summer, you should have a hoot.  js
Watch yourself at the Infantry School as a reservist.  A lot of behaviour that is accepted at reserve units is not at the Infantry School, I've seen some troops get burned while on callouts there.

Be professional at all times, don't ever be late, watch your dress and deportment and if you're given a task ensure that you know exactly the who, what, where, when, how and make sure it is done to a high standard.
I was at the inf school this summer working with reg force from the RCR, PPCLI, and VanDoo and it was probably the greatest (sometimes stressful) experiance of my life. Working with other course staff who were all reg force the only time people threw out a reserve joke it was in good humour and I welcomed it and would return in kind. As for the work itself the reg force people openly accepted any input I had and would either correct me or go with it. In my experiance the res vs reg fight is more imaginary then reality or at least confined to those idiots who give all soldiers a bad name.
pbi said:
I'd advise you to lose the attitude

Although PBI's point is valid regarding your attitude towards the Reg F, let me be clearer: you could also find your Reseve brethren will quickly sort you out should you even begin to make them look bad. 

Review your basic soldier skills, get in shape and make sure all your kit and admin is sqaured away before you go.

And, above all, learn and HAVE FUN!
Gagetown is total Dress and Deportment.. just watch yourself and you"ll be fine. I was over at AATC..across from Infantry School... also.. don't mess around in the D lines.. or whatever shacks you live in. Base RSM will put you on extras and the whole building. Trust me....I"ve done it.