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ISAF Briefs Media on Taliban Propaganda

The Bread Guy

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It'll be interesting to see how much we see in MSM on this briefing - highlights mine:
A senior ISAF intelligence official conducted a press conference here today to discuss propaganda and contradictory messaging employed by Taliban leadership.

“The Taliban attempt to manipulate the media in order to misrepresent the truth and deny the Afghan people their basic right to free and independent media,” the official said.

According to the official, the Taliban use a formalized propaganda network overseen (by) Mullah Omar and executed by media spokesmen, including Yousaf Ahmadi and Zabiullah Mujahid.

“The spokesmen work directly with the Taliban media commission and external malign media support, which is largely comprised of sympathetic media outlets,” the official said. “The spokesmen also work closely with the operational commanders and propaganda officials, who are directly involved in Taliban communications, information operations and disruption activities. This process is fed by shadow governors and operational level commanders.”

The official also highlighted Taliban methods of propaganda distribution.

“They communicate their message through the use of VHF radios, traditional communications, primarily through sympathetic clerics and night letters, and phones; to include text messages to ANA and ANP personnel,” the official said.

“Their messages include threatening to shutdown phone communications, in many cases, actually doing so, intimidating the population and influencing the population through false and misleading propaganda.”

The official also presented examples of real night letters to highlight Taliban hypocrisy and reinforce their use of threat and intimidation to coerce support for the population.

“This night letter from Mullah Omar targets those who support the legitimate Afghan government, threatening to kill those who do not comply with their warning, as well as destroy their homes – QUOTE: ‘we will not leave you alone’ UNQUOTE –, followed by the claim their message was sent ‘with peace’,” the official said. ‘The second night letter in from Haqqani network leader Sirraj Haqqani and it threatens to -QUOTE : ‘burn the high school to the ground’ UNQUOTE –, in an effort to enforce their status in the region and deny the local population their basic right to education.”

According to the official, Taliban spokesmen intentionally provide false information to meet operational needs or to make up for a lack of actual information.

“They are not bound by a responsibility to tell the truth. In fact, the routinely exaggerate causality numbers** and damage figures to elevate their stature and generate a larger impact,” said the official. “There are numerous instances where the spokesman’s first notification of an event is a request for comment from the media. Rather than admit lack of knowledge of the event, the spokesmen provide fabricated data and adjust their numbers incrementally as they gain better fidelity from their networks.”

The Taliban are also disingenuous in their messages and directives, the official said.

The official cited Mullah Omar’s newest Taliban code of conduct which orders insurgent fighters to take the utmost care to avoid harming civilians.

“However, the internal guidance from Mullah Omar to his commanders as of 1 June is more ominous, as it directs all Taliban to capture or kill any Afghan civilian who is supporting or working for the coalition or GIROA,” the official said.

Lastly, the official discussed the Taliban’s intent to deny Afghans access to independent media offering factual information.

“Their spokesmen do not hold themselves to a truth standard,” the official said. “Common Taliban propaganda practices are to fabricate or inflate damage estimates and deflect blame away from their fighters for civilian causalities.”

As an example, the official cited a June suicide bomb attack on a wedding party in Kandahar Province which killed over 35 Afghans and injured more than 70. Following the event, Taliban spokesmen claimed area was bombarded by coalition forces. Evidence from an investigation into the event, including ball bearings found in the victims’ bodies, proved the Taliban spokesperson’s claim false.

Also, the official cited Taliban press releases following recent attacks on Bagram, Kandahar and Jalalabad airfields. In all three cases, the Taliban released reported large numbers of Coalition causalities and significant damage to facilities when, in reality, the insurgents never breached a single airfield and casualties to coalition force were minimal.

“The Afghan population is very much aware of the two faces of the Taliban and its leaders, yet the media frequently portrays the Taliban as a benevolent organization that seeks to protect the population and safeguard Afghan institutions,” the official said. “As you can see from Mullah Omar’s personal guidance and the Taliban’s continued targeting of innocent civilians, their true agenda is something entirely different and not intended to benefit Afghanistan.”

I can't say I agree with the last highlight in orange.  IMHO, it's more like the Taliban's actions are ignored by media (with some commentators saying, "yeah, we KNOW they're bad"), or the Taliban's claims are given as one other side without context (although more outlets are saying things like "Taliban statements routinely exaggerate the number of casualties or amount of damage").

** - As of this past weekend, +14 to 1 in the case of alleged Canadian casualties since October 2008
McClatchy has Talibprop:

U.S. PR offensive highlights insurgent attacks on Afghan civilians

In one of his first major initiatives since he took command of the international force in Afghanistan a month ago, Army Gen. David Petraeus has launched a public relations offensive to focus attention on the Taliban-led insurgency's killings and abuse of Afghan civilians.

Besides issuing press releases, Petraeus has urged Afghan President Hamid Karzai to speak out more forcefully against the insurgency's targeting of civilians, three U.S. officials said. Karzai has been quick to lambaste the U.S.-led international force for accidentally killing non-combatants, but far more restrained in condemning deliberate acts by insurgents, they said.

"Clearly the government and government officials and other leadership need to take much more responsibility" in spotlighting insurgent attacks and abuses against civilians, said a senior U.S. defense official, who like the others who discussed this issue requested anonymity in order to speak more candidly.

The initiative is a new facet of the U.S.-led campaign to reverse the insurgency's growth and win popular support for the Karzai government. The campaign also aims to improve governance, build critical infrastructure and crack down on corruption...

A McClatchy review of the more than 300 press releases issued by NATO's U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force during Petraeus' first month found that about a quarter have focused on Taliban attacks and other acts that harmed or endangered civilians...

On Tuesday, ISAF issued a release intended to discredit a "revised code of conduct" it said Omar issued last month, instructing his fighters to avoid harming civilians. At least 43 civilians have been killed and 65 wounded in Taliban attacks since the code was issued, said the release.

U.S. officials have long conceded that they were losing the information war to the Taliban [emphasis added]...

Thanks for that one, Mark!

As an example, on the hard landing of the CF Chinook today:
Technoviking said:
NATO forces say a Canadian helicopter has gone down in southern Afghanistan but no one was injured.

The craft went down Thursday afternoon in Kandahar province's Panjwai District, a volatile area under the command of Canadian forces. NATO forces spokesman Maj. Michael Johnson says the craft made a "hard landing" and then caught fire.

Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi claimed the insurgent group shot the craft down with a rocket. Johnson said the cause of the incident is being investigated and hostile fire has not been ruled out.

A shopkeeper said he heard a loud bang, then saw smoke and the helicopter falling into a field.

Johnson said the five crew members and five passengers have been recovered safely.
It looks like AP phoned old Qari Yousef (who could provide all sorts of details out his *** very quickly because he doesn't have to tell the truth or, if it's the first he's heard of it, only has to give a boilerplate "yeah, our brave muj did it" response), and CTV.ca essentially cut/pasted AP's version for their online story - both without any disclaimer about exaggeration of claims by the Taliban.  It's possible we'll see more details (including caveats) in subsequent, longer versions of the story.  For example, this from Postmedia News
.... a Taliban spokesman has told reporters in Kandahar that the insurgent group downed the helicopter and that there are casualties. The Taliban routinely invent stories and make false claims of victory on the battlefield ....

The VERY worst MSM I've seen so far re:  quoting the Taliban without context is this from The Nation, (self)reportedly "the most credible of English newspapers in Pakistan" - highlights mine (PDF of story attached if link doesn't work):
31 US soldiers killed, 9 injured by Afghan Taliban in Logar battle
August 2, 2010

By Zabihullah Mujahid

As many as 31 US invaders were killed and 9 injured with 12 of their tanks destroyed in Logar battle erupted in the province’s capital along Kabul-Gardez road as Mujahideen attacked the enemy military convoy of about 70 tanks and vehicles July 31 at about 9:00 pm. The report adds some 5 Mujahideen; during the intense fighting joined the group of martyrs and another 3 sustained injuries. Witnesses say the battle zone blocked of by the enemy which has remained blocked Aug.01 (Taliban website)
Someone just cut/pasted the Taliban's account from the Voice of Jihad web page.  Taliban spokesperson gets byline in "the most credible of English newspapers in Pakistan"?  As they might say on Twitter, #journalismfail for the internet edition editor.

- edited to add example of later Chinook story -
This from the Fredericton Daily Gleaner:
Canada's top soldier in Afghanistan says he's going to make a point of informing people about the atrocities being committed by the Taliban in that country.

Brig.-Gen. Jonathan Vance, a former battalion commander at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown, said the insurgency is seemingly involved in desperate actions - such as killing children - moves that fall below the level of its own code of conduct.

"I definitely intend at every opportunity to hang the atrocious acts they do around their necks," Vance, the commander of Task Force Kandahar, told The Daily Gleaner.

There are about 300 soldiers from CFB Gagetown in Afghanistan, including around 200 from India Company of The Second Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Earlier this week, Vance called a suicide car bomber who blew himself up next to a small bazaar near Kandahar city, killing six children, "a sheer act of murder."

"I take every opportunity I can to highlight their brutality."

Vance said it's key to get that message out because there's a tendency in the minds of some to think the insurgency has a sort of redeeming quality to it and that Afghans should be allowed to solve problems by themselves.

"I just utterly reject that argument because, the simple fact is, these are brutal people who do brutal things. Absence the security that we are trying to bring here (and) it would be a bloodbath."

The commander said people need to be reminded that Canadian and other coalition troops aren't dealing with an altruistic movement that's seeking to do anything good ....