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It is Time to Prove Myself to the CF


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Well after researching, training physically and preparing myself mentally for nearly 4 months I will have the opportunity to prove myself that I am worthy of being in the Canadian Armed Forces.

I would like to first thank army.ca in general for all the information that has been available to me. I only came across this forum only a month ago and ever since then it has been my portal to all the questions that have been plaguing me over time. so thank you army.ca for helping me out.

I sent in my application about a week ago, after 4 months of hard training primarily physically I finally thought that it would be time to send in that application. just today I called my recruiting offices in Hamilton and asked them a few questions on the status of my application and amazingly the corporal who had my file booked me in this Thursday for pretty much everything that was required. I think the thing that surprised me most was when he said they dont do the whole physical testing procedure anymore. He mentioned that all that is now taken care of by the unit once ur accepted. It definitely struck me a bit odd I wont lie. He said depending on how I perform on the CFAT I would then do the medical and interview. So I am actually curious to see what the process is going to be like seeing as to how I was kinda expecting different things.

Well I hope I do well, I have been preparing myself for this ONE DAY which is this Thursday to see if I gots what it takes to make it and I hope I do.

P.S mods I know that this thread may not seem important to you guys but it would really mean a lot to me if u didnt close it anytime soon. I was hoping to come back here on thursday after my testing to post how the day went. I really want to share this experience on the post primarily because i usually dont post threads about the stupidest things lol even though my first thread was ridiculous now that I think about it. but hey i learned and came across that beautiful tab called "search" and now I am not as bad. so thank you mods and once again thank you army.ca for being my primary source for guidance and research.


Proud Canadian :cdn:
I think the thing that surprised me most was when he said they dont do the whole physical testing procedure anymore. He mentioned that all that is now taken care of by the unit once ur accepted. It definitely struck me a bit odd I wont lie. He said depending on how I perform on the CFAT I would then do the medical and interview. So I am actually curious to see what the process is going to be like seeing as to how I was kinda expecting different things.

First off, congradulations for making the choice to join the Canadian Forces and for stepping up to the plate. Coming from a fellow Hamiltonion (H-Town) ;)

Just a couple things I wanted to mention to you because I just went through the recruiting phase last month. You're right about the Physical test, I was also surprised when I was told by Cpl. that the physical test is only in the first week of basic training not on the day of the medical/interview.

Seeing as everything goes smoothly (as it did for me) on thursday and you pass the CFAT. You will go through the normal processes and at the end of the day you will be told that you could get a call within a certain time frame. Here is a couple tips to help speed up the process. ok? here goes. Be sure your file is complete with all nessasary information, for example I had to go back the next day to bring in a copy of my resume.

Other then that, you will do the CFAT with the other recruits, then the interview and medical is seperate. Then that's it! You go home after that and wait for the call. ;)

Don't get your hopes up about being called within that timeframe, although one way to be sure is to call the recruit centre and ask if everything in your file is checked out and if there is anything you should do. They will tell you everything you need to know. ok?

And I think the trick here is being persistant. Make sure your ready to accept the job when they call you. Let the recruiter know that you're ready to go! Cmon! sign me up already! I remember being asked if I recieved a return call within a week would I accept and my answer was of course! ;)

Good luck bro!


Thanks mike for all the information, so i guess the whole physical testing procedure is true then. great infor i am still a little worried or actually nervous about the CFAT but hopefully I will prevail. So you did urs about a month ago huh. so did you get news from them yet? Did you get that return call?

Yes nervous and anxious exactly how I felt. ;)

No worries bro.

As for me. Yes I got the call, after calling the recruit centre a few times since my applying in Janurary. Now Im leaving in less the 2 weeks. I start basic training in May with the other grunts (ahem) I mean recruits. I only applied for one trade and that's the one I got NWTECH (Navy Weapons Technician) which Im told is a good choice. which I actually think it is also for many reasons.  :salute:

So, what trade are you in for? and how old are you? Dont worry baout the CFAT, just make sure you brush up on your spacial skills and high school math.

Thats awesome, you must be pretty excited that your gonna start pretty soon. I realized that with a little bit of initiative you can get quite far with the R.C.

Well I wasnt sure what I what trade I wanted to get into specifically so I applied for Infantry. Hopefully if I do well in the CFAT I can get a better idea of what I am qualified for. I am almost 21 I turn so at the end of May :D. I have definitely been studying for the upcoming test but its just the thought of tests which worry me. I was working on the physical aspect the most, about 4 months ago i only weighed about 120 pounds now I have managed to bulk up 155 pounds. but yeah thanks for all the information bro, i wont lie all this is making me feel pretty well. I am gonna review a bit tonight and get some good sleep and be off tomorrow.
So i went for all my testing today. the CFAT was pretty tuff, most people say its a breeze but it was pretty hard. i guess i am bit thicker than most :P/ but anyways i passed all the testing/medical/interview. so now i guess their gonna be doing all the background checks and what not. hopefully i will get a job offer soon. Combat Engineer here i come.