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Its never going to go away!


Army.ca Veteran
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Wed, April 13, 2005

Terror charges



THREE MEN with suspected al-Qaida ties were charged yesterday with a years-long plot to attack the New York Stock Exchange and other East Coast financial institutions. Discovery of the alleged terrorist plan last summer prompted the homeland security department to raise the terror alert for the targeted buildings, located in New York, Washington and Newark, N.J. Security in those cities also was tightened.

A four-count indictment returned by a New York City grand jury alleges the men, all British citizens, visited and conducted surveillance of the buildings and surrounding neighborhoods between August 2000 and April 2001.

The plot was foiled when Pakistani investigators seized a computer with information from the surveillance.

British authorities were alerted and arrested eight men, including the three suspects, on terrorism-related charges last August.

The grand jury returned the indictment on March 23 but it was unsealed only yesterday.

Named in it are Dhiran Barot, 33, Nadeem Tarmohammed, 26, and Qaisar Shaffi, 26.

They could receive life sentences if convicted of the most serious charge, conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction in the U.S.

The indictment lists those weapons as improvised explosive devices and bombs.

For a lasting victory you must BURY their hearts and minds...

Phase one guerilla opperations can continue forever as long as insurgents have access to sancutary and sources of secure funding.   Since the Saudi's supply enough money to fund enough terrorists to keep up the fight ad infinitum, and there are any number of countries willing to provide orginization and training, this level of activity can be continued until the as long as they can recruit cannon fodder.   Look at the UK and Israel, if you are able to keep operations at the phase one, then they do not represent a threat to your country's stability or gov't.   The IRA and PLO may have killed a large number of innocents (especially amongst their own kind, terrorists are not good neighbors), but they changed nothing.   Islamic extremists can kill citizens, can destroy buildings, but a society that remains united in its purpose cannot be so easily stopped.   Look at the British during the blitz, there was precious little that didn't get hit, and they grew more productive as the pounding got worse.   A free society does not equate with a weak society.   A free and open democracy, sufficiently angered by dishonorable attacks on its citizens makes the most determined and effective of combatants.   Can we stop terrorism, no.   Can terrorism's aims be stopped, yes.   The Taliban provided sanctuary and resources for the 9-11 attacks against just the USA, and we, the US and its allies, showed the price of such support.   We cannot stomp every nation that supports terrorism, the list is too long.   We can make sure that no one wants to anger us enough to be next on the list of those we will stomp.  
It's not the "hearts and minds" of the fanatics you need to win, is it?