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Keebler's Personal Story


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Figured it was about time I put something down on here that detailed my history and recruitment process and maybe as the years pass I can update with where my career goes etc. 

To start off with some history, when I was in highschool, I longed to join the Navy, to be a part of something bigger and experience other parts of the world from on board a ship. Well needless to say, one thing led to another and my parents pushed me to go to college and pursue something that they wanted for me. I researched joining the Navy and wish that the town i grew up in had a Naval Reserve Unit, but instead there was only Army Reserve in my area. I graduated highschool and went to college for a Computer Aided Design Diploma...because my dad wanted that for me. He wanted me to become a great architect as he had those ambitions, but ended up quitting school at 15yrs old and working in the trades industry.

Anyways, I lasted about a month in College because it wasn't what I wanted and I ended up dropping out because I was not motivated or excited about it etc. I still longed to be in the Navy and I contemplated applying for the Reg Force at the time (1994) and decided I wasn't ready to leave the confines of my happy easy going lifestyle with friends. I ended up applying for the Army Reserve as that was my only choice, started BMQ (one of the first part time courses). I also ended up back in College for another semester or so, this time finishing(1st yr Business Courses).

I then had the opportunity to move to the lower mainland to find a more stable job. I figured since I had nothing else going on except my reserve BMQ, I would give it a go. I ended up leaving the army reserve 3 weeks before graduation, I am kicking myself now for not finishing as I was ALMOST there!! 

None the less, I moved on and worked, got married, moved around ALOT, got involved in the insurance and call centre industry working my way up and ended up in Edmonton for a couple years.  I noticed they had a Naval Reserve Unit in Edmonton, I contemplated again joining the reserves, but since I was now a single parent with sole custody and a good full time job, I just couldn't commit to training again.  But I thought about it often in my two years there.

I ended up applying for a job as a  Business Analyst back in BC after about 2 years in Edmonton, I took the job offer and moved back to BC (lower mainland).  Almost instantly I thought about joining the reserves again, but this time I actually looked into it.  Found out that if I wanted to take a part time course that I would need to be attached to a Army Reserve Unit again for a part time course and re muster to Navy once it was complete or be sent to Bordon for a fulltime course.  So I contemplated it for a few months...decided that yes I wanted to do this. 

I kept thinking to myself that the only way I can do this is to go full time because I didn't want to have to join the army reserves again and then have to wait to re muster to the naval reserve. I decided that since my son is a bit older and more capable and his dad is back in his life and we share custody, that I have my chance. After more thought, the only real reason I wasn't joining the Reg force was because I didn't want to leave my son. Now that I had made my mind up, I had already decided that for the reserves I was willing to leave for a few months to get trained.  So instead of Reserves, why not join the reg force, that's really what i want. As well, I really wanted to go Hull Tech, but they do not offer that in the Reserves. So all signs were pointing to GET ON IT. So I did a little more researching and found out that the Hull Tech training was also in Esquimalt so that more than likely after basic if I got my trades choice, I would be sent out west for that, so it was another bonus. Pieces started falling together, so I applied, for reg force. Since then, it has been a great feeling.

I have never felt like I made the right decision before with regards for my career. So here I am, 8 months after applying...years and years after thinking and contemplating. I am doing it, i am fully taking control of my career and doing what I want to do.  I am proud that I will be a part of the Canadian Forces, serving on-board a ship has been my dream for over 15 yrs now and I'm finally doing it. Looking forward to the next 25 yrs till retirement   :)

Thankyou to everyone for all the information posted here on Army.ca, it has a wealth of knowledge for anyone interested in a career with the CF. I think they should have a link on the recruiting site for people to use this site as a resource.

Looking forward to my new adventure in life with the CF Family.... BMQ Starts July 16th :cdn:
Inspirational and outstanding!  You took the bull by the horns and made the decision....good for you!

Welcome to the family.
So today i became a member of the Canadian Forces, it feels good. My partner was so proud she almost even started crying, it feels good to have some great support backing me thats for sure. My mom even travelled from Kamloops to come see my swearing in ceremony.  Im looking forward to this experience. :cdn: