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Krispy Kreme or Tim Hortons?


Army.ca Veteran
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Justacivvy said:
We have better beers and our timmies are way better than that "american coffee" brand  ;)

- As for the coffee, I might give Timmies the nod, but the Krispy Kreme donuts are by far superior specimens.
- Tradition-wise, It's Tim Hortons, no contest. 

Punch Imlach never wanted to buy him that car...
Agreed...much prefer Tim's coffee...but I think Krispy Kreme donuts are to die for...
dear god there has to be an illegal substance in them or something to be that good...
of course they are best had right out of the oven at Krispy Kreme's...so I 've been told  ::)

Hot Lips said:
...dear god there has to be .... substance in them or something to be that good...
that 'substance' is sugar, and lots of it. I will not touch Kreepy Krap donuts with a regulation 3.048 meter pole.

If you want the superior donut, go to Dunkin Donuts... if you can still find one.

Tim horton all the way!!!  8)

I wont even set foot inside a Crispy kremme.
ToRN said:
that 'substance' is sugar, and lots of it. I will not touch Kreepy Krap donuts with a regulation 3.048 meter pole.

If you want the superior donut, go to Dunkin Donuts... if you can still find one.

Well my friend battling cancer who came to visit me enjoyed the trip to Krispy Kreme...probably her last so that's what made it so sweet for me

Hot Lips said:
but I think Krispy Kreme donuts are to die for...dear god there has to be an illegal substance in them or something to be that good...
of course they are best had right out of the oven at Krispy Kreme's...so I 've been told  ::)

The Krispy Kreme glazed donut out of the oven is the best individual donut experience we've ever had by far. It is great. But other than that same donut with a chocolate glaze, the rest of their very limited selection is nothing to write home about.

Nothing can touch Timmies for atmosphere, coffee/secialty coffees, muffins, soup, etc, etc. Timmies is a destination, a place to sit and enjoy the offerings. KK is a place to run in, get the glazed donuts, and run out of. There is nothing inviting at all about their locations. After living in Louisville, KY for two years my wife and I were in heaven when we found a Tims in Dayton, OH on a visit. We bought tins of coffee, muffins, donuts, timbits - everything we could take back home  ;D

I'll agree that the coffee at Dunkin Donuts is excellent. They don't have an individual donut as good as KK's glazed but their overall offerings are better than KK's. I consider it kind of a poor mans Tims.

These are the observations of a coffee loving Canadian who has lived in the US for eight years - and his donut loving wife  ;)
Krispy Kreme? Never heard of it... it must be one of those outside of the Maritimes deals. Sorry.

Nothing can touch Timmie's for atmosphere, coffee/sociality coffees, muffins, soup, etc, etc. Timmie's is a destination, a place to sit and enjoy the offerings.

You should be putting that into a testimonial, and firing it off to Timmie's Corporate. Put you into a commercial should we!

Nothing like having a fresh (out of the oven) beignet and coffee at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans but I'll stick with Timmy's coffee, otherwise.
FYI a crispy kremem plain donut is 360 calories....sugar and fat power.  :o
sigpig said:
The Krispy Kreme glazed donut out of the oven is the best individual donut experience we've ever had by far.

Speaking as a consumer of many donuts  :D I agree. I watch customers haul them out of the store in boxes that hold a dozen.

Unfortunately the first one goes down delightfully but then my cholesterol sensors cut in and ruin it for the second one.
I find Krispy Kreme donuts to be small and I avoid them. I prefer the local baker - if you can still find one. :)
I went to the opening of krispy kreme in windsor a few years ago, there doughnuts outta the oven were pretty good.  Anyways, they have been closed for bizzness for some time now.  Cant beat Uncle Tims coffee  8)
We had KK here in London for a short while, the only big business they did was with the schools in the area. On the way to work every morning I passed by the KK shop, it was always empty. The Timmies just down the road were i stopped was always packed to the rafters. The KK shop closed its doors after about 2 years

The KK donuts were good, but they had a very limited selection.

My choice "1 X-large DD with an apple fritter please" Can't beat Timmies ;D Its to Canada, just as Baseball is to the US.

Goes to show that some things American, just can't be transplanted in Canada.
In the US, I'd drive past a baker's dozen Krispee Kreme stores to get to a Winchell's.  Tim's all the way for variety, atmosphere, and definitely a better coffee.
Tims by far rules supreme in all departments...well, at least it did without question in the doughnut department prior to a few years ago when they baked everything fresh every so many hours- opposed to now where everything is pre-baked and frozen.  Coffee is no question though.

Personally, I never understood what the appeal is in Krispy Kreme?  What's so great about their doughnuts anyway?  I had one of these hostess honey/cinnamon buns type thing a few years ago, and I swore they tasted exactly like those Krispy Kreme doughnuts everybody raves about...What's the deal?

Now on the service side of things, here's my gripe.  Has anyone been to a Tims in Toronto?  Could the employees BE any more mentally dysfunctional?  I mean jeeze, you ask for a regular hot chocolate and an apple fritter and they give you this look like you're speaking Klingon to them or something.
If you've got six minutes to spare, here's everything you need to know about Krispy Kreme and Timmies doughnuts.

It's a few years old, but the data is still valid.


You may never look at another doughnut the same way again  :o
KK Doughnuts are the best.  (Plain double glazed)

Tim Hortons has good coffee and you can't beat that.

I highly doubt you could package a dozen Tim Horton's doughnuts for fundraising, but KK seems to have no problem doing this.  Overall people do like KK doughnuts, and thats it. I have yet to hear anyone say they were going to KK to get a large DD.

I'm not much of a doughnut fan myself.  I'll eat one once in a while...but that's about it.  I've had Krispy Kreme and I thought they were disgustingly sweet.  If I DO eat a doughnut...it's always a Tims.  Coffee...well now, we all know Tims rules the roost there.  ;D
Well, I'm not one to go with the "either/or" decision.. On papers I usually write "proposition A is better, however it needs these parts from proposition B". I'm "the Apostle of Compromise." (Wouldn't I make an awesome diplomat?)

Anyway, I'd have to say Timmie's coffee is the worst coffee in existence, except for the pretend coffee you find in ratpacks. Now, I'm not talking about iced caps or anything like that--most of their ultra-sugary stuff is decent.

But for specialty coffees, lattes and whatever else you might want including your basic coffee, Starbucks is far superior. Any coffee from Starbucks would beat all of Timmie's offerings, even if they threw in a Boston Creme donut.

As for donuts, I think it's obvious that Krispy Kreme is so far ahead of Timmie's there's no need to debate. The only problem is that it causes instant death in diabetics.