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Lawmaker: Underage Soldiers Should Be Able To Drink


Army.ca Dinosaur
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Lawmaker: Underage Soldiers Should Be Able To Drink

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- A South Carolina lawmaker says underage military servicemen and women should be allowed to drink alcohol.

Rep. Fletcher Smith has sponsored legislation that would allow service members younger than 21 to purchase alcohol if they show a military identification card to a bartender or store clerk.

South Carolina state law prohibits the sale or possession of alcoholic beverages by anyone under 21.


I don't think there is a problem with that.  If the government thinks you are old enough and responsible enought to be entrusted to use all the weapons a military uses, then why not be allowed to have a beer or two?
Making it a freedom exclusive to underage military personnel may serve to attract the wrong people to the National Guard recruiting offices.
That's fine; they can legally drink for the week and a half before they fail they're basic.
Why don't they just lower the drinking age to 18 - I felt I was able to make a choice about alcohol at 20 years old <They weren't always good choices then, but neither were they at 22 either!>  ^-^
Hatchet Man said:
I don't think there is a problem with that.  If the government thinks you are old enough and responsible enought to be entrusted to use all the weapons a military uses, then why not be allowed to have a beer or two?

Using that logic, a 16 year old Reserve soldier should be allowed to drink in Canada.
Michael O`Leary said:
Using that logic, a 16 year old Reserve soldier should be allowed to drink in Canada.

And who says that doesn't happen already in some locations?
Hatchet Man said:
And who says that doesn't happen already in some locations?

Forgive me, I thought the purpose of the thread was concerning legal consumption of alcohol.
Michael O`Leary said:
Using that logic, a 16 year old Reserve soldier should be allowed to drink in Canada.

Ummm... I did.  What about it? ???
Michael O`Leary said:
Forgive me, I thought the purpose of the thread was concerning legal consumption of alcohol.
It is, if the age is lowered then it becomes perfectly legal. 8)
There is a big difference between a beer at the mess and a beer at the bar when you are 16.
Joonrooj said:
There is a big difference between a beer at the mess and a beer at the bar when you are 16.

Why?  If you are mature enough in one locale who is to say you won't be in another.

Last time I checked being over 18 didn't always stop people from being drunken boobs.
These laws concerning age of majority really have no bearing on reality.

the fact that you are 19 (or 21 in this case) doesn't make you responsible enough to drink ; just as the fact that you are 16 doesn't mean that you are are not.

I see it as more of a guideline; one that could get my little brother arrested.
Why dont they just lower the drinking age in the states to 19 like her in some provinces in Canada or why dont the other provinces follow suit of Quebec and have the drinking age lowered to 18, just politics, it doesnt matter if your 16 and drink or 45 and drink your still very capable of making a complete a$$ of yourself! that how I see it, on a side not a little off topic, you can join the reserves here in Canada at 16 but if we go to war I cant vote to decide who is going to be the one sending me! Now that is what bugs me! :salute: :cdn:
MCG said:
Making it a freedom exclusive to underage military personnel may serve to attract the wrong people to the National Guard recruiting offices.

Gives a new meaning to "dieing for a beer!"
Sort of a side track, but if Forces personell is overseas and off-base, aren't they subject to the local laws in regards to drinking?

And yeah, I agree that a soldier should be able to drink regardless of age, but that consumption should be limited. If you can lay out your life in the name of Queen and Country, you should be able to enjoy a drink.
RTaylor said:
Sort of a side track, but if Forces personell is overseas and off-base, aren't they subject to the local laws in regards to drinking?

And yeah, I agree that a soldier should be able to drink regardless of age, but that consumption should be limited. If you can lay out your life in the name of Queen and Country, you should be able to enjoy a drink.

Exactly. Personally thats how I feel. If you're old enough to responsibly represent for your country, fight and possibly die for your country(I don't know the age you have to be to be sent to a warzone in Canada, but in Vietnam the youngest US KIA was 16), you should be able to have a beer or two. I do think there should be a limit on how many at that age you can have though, or just simple logic should be used.
I agree with either lowering the age for drinking or making special dispensation for soldiers.  As of now, you can operate 4 (or more) tons of deadly steel at 16   You can voice your vote at 18.  Legally die for your country at 16 (PRes) or 17.  WHY can't you have a beer or two??  If you've been brought up properly, you should be responsible enough by then!
My $0.02
Cheers, BYTD
I remember a time when a soldier couldnt vote until he/she became 21 and the drinking age varied by state. You could drink 3.2 beer but couldnt drink off post. At least you can smoke at 18. ;)
I may be wrong if the policy has changed, but unless you are 18 years old, you can not be deployed outside of Canada in an operational environment. IMO, I suspect the 16-19 leg room, is to allow for part-time training leading up to deployments at or near the 18 year old mark. Since age of majority in 3 provinces is 18, it seems to work for some members. As for the the US lowering their laws, it would increase sales, profits and related social costs.