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Logistics Cap Badge


Jr. Member
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I was just curious if any other units have their support personnel (RMS, Supply) wear the unit cap badge versus the logistics badge?

I've recently been informed by my employing unit to change to my "correct" cap badge. Please don't get me wrong, I love my trade, I just love my unit more and given the option would prefer to wear the unit badge and slip-on.

I know on my 3's course some RMS Clks from infantry regiments that came there with their unit affiliations on their shoulders/berets were told on their 3's to change it to Logistics.

I've always worn Log on my hat. Mind you I have never been apart of a regiment, everyone at the Svc Bn wore their Branch badges/slipons.
Jingo said:
I know on my 3's course some RMS Clks from infantry regiments that came there with their unit affiliations on their shoulders/berets were told on their 3's to change it to Logistics.

I've always worn Log on my hat. Mind you I have never been apart of a regiment, everyone at the Svc Bn wore their Branch badges/slipons.

The authorized cap badge for us in the Loggie Branch is the Loggie cap badge. No other.
I was particularly surprised when I was allowed to keep my unit (Infantry) badge for my QL3 RMS course at CFSAL in 2004.
Tetragrammaton said:
I was particularly surprised when I was allowed to keep my unit (Infantry) badge for my QL3 RMS course at CFSAL in 2004.

Many Crse staff will not consider you a member of the new Trade until you graduate.  If you had failed, you would have most likely been sent straight back to your former unit.  That said; every Crse staff will be different and treat you differently, as well as policies constantly changing.  Someone wants that "Promotes Change" on their PER.  >:D
Tetragrammaton said:
I was particularly surprised when I was allowed to keep my unit (Infantry) badge for my QL3 RMS course at CFSAL in 2004.

You were entitled to wear that cap badge as you had earned it; quite unlike those wearing cornflakes who have not yet earned any cap badge. They will not make you take down a cap badge and wear a cornflake if you are qualified to another. BUT, you`ll note that as a member of the Log Branch --- you were required to switch out your Log cap badge when you bacame qualified to wear it as it then became your authorized badge based upon both your qual and WHO you belonged to. Purple trades do not belong to a Unit, the Army, the Navy or the Air Force. They belong to the Branch and we are career managed as a Branch.
This is true.  I got to wear my Log cap badge on my Med A QL3 course.
ArmyVern said:
You were entitled to wear that cap badge as you had earned it; quite unlike those wearing cornflakes who have not yet earned any cap badge. They will not make you take down a cap badge and wear a cornflake if you are qualified to another. BUT, you`ll note that as a member of the Log Branch --- you were required to switch out your Log cap badge when you bacame qualified to wear it as it then became your authorized badge based upon both your qual and WHO you belonged to. Purple trades do not belong to a Unit, the Army, the Navy or the Air Force. They belong to the Branch and we are career managed as a Branch.

Thanks. This was my understanding as well, but I failed to make the distinction as to pre and post QL3 RMS.

I'm career managed?  :o
Did this change ? Because on my 3s we had 2 OTs from the RCRs and they were both instructed to take down the RCR cap badge and fly the paper clips toute de suite... Neither seemd to mind to my recollection just wondering...
Halifax Tar said:
Did this change ? Because on my 3s we had 2 OTs from the RCRs and they were both instructed to take down the RCR cap badge and fly the paper clips toute de suite... Neither seemd to mind to my recollection just wondering...

Was that during the time period when one recd their Loggie cap badge immediately upon reporting in to CFSAL or when those who already had "qualified" cap badges immediately switched to Logisitic ... while those in cornflakes stayed in their cornflakes until week whatever it was. I'm too old, I can't remember what week it was when we put them up.  :-\

Either way, it's pretty much not on to make anybody revert to a cornflake when they are qualified another trade. Either their qualified cap badge or their upcoming cap badge ... but no reversion to a cornflake is considered "on".
ArmyVern said:
Was that during the time period when one recd their Loggie cap badge immediately upon reporting in to CFSAL or when those who already had "qualified" cap badges immediately switched to Logisitic ... while those in cornflakes stayed in their cornflakes until week whatever it was. I'm too old, I can't remember what week it was when we put them up.  :-\

Either way, it's pretty much not on to make anybody revert to a cornflake when they are qualified another trade. Either their qualified cap badge or their upcoming cap badge ... but no reversion to a cornflake is considered "on".

It was 1999 lol But I don't recall what the standard was I was just doing my best to doge flying cell phones and crumpled up paper towel balls...

And I agree completely once you have earned a cap badge you should not have to revert to the cornflake... ever... :2c:
ArmyVern said:
Purple trades do not belong to a Unit, the Army, the Navy or the Air Force. They belong to the Branch and we are career managed as a Branch.

Is for both the Reg F and PRes?  Having served both in an infantry unit and a service battalion, the common feeling is a loyalty to the unit not the branch.  The career management is an unit thing in the Army Reserve.
The only acceptable cap badge for a member of the Logistics Branch is the Logistics badge.  You may belong to any unit, but you are still a member of the Logistics Branch.  Look at it this way, the infantry soldiers in a battalion will all wear their regimental cap badges, but they are also all members of the Infantry Branch.  Thus the Infantry Branch has many cap badges, which vary by unit, but the Logistics Branch has only one.  It has always been this way in the Army.  Prior to unification, loggies served with all units, but continued to wear their Corps badges (although there were three Corps - RCOC, RCAPC and RCASC).

After unification, the CF adopted the Army custom of Branch (i.e. Corps) badges.  This is different from the old RCN and RCAF practice of everyone wearing the same badge.

In summary, whoever told you to wear the unit badge is wrong.
When was the decision made not to wear the Logistics Branch metal badge?

The metal version is still issued, but only to sea personnel. 

EME personnel wear a cloth badge for field/work/etc, and a metal badge for parades in DEU.  Why not Logistics?

The way I see it, metal collar badges, metal cap badge for parade in DEU.

SN Phillips
Sup Tech
I think the only reason that Navy Log personnel use the metal badge (and only on the peak cap) is because the cloth one does not work on the peak cap.  Personally, I really wish they would make a new one.  The current cloth Log badge is a piece of crap and an embarrassment (please note that I am criticizing the manufactured item itself - not the branch or the design or the symbol).  Why do all the other branches get issued high quality badges with nice metallic thread, but Log NCMs are stuck with that piece of garbage (officers and CPO1/CWOs can wear nice bullion badges at personal expense)?
There is new issue of the cloth badge made by Labelnet Inc.  Every year there seems to be a change.  The previous cloth badge looked awful and thank goodness for the new issue.  It was narrower and taller and more brighter.
I have four different types of the cloth badge, and three different types of the wire embriodered officers badge.  Plus, two larger cap badges that wouldn't fit on a beret, probably a peak cap.
There is the half wire embriodered half metal badge available.  I have seen some officers and senior NCO's wear this badge.  I have also have seven different types of the metal cap badge.  Quite a few changes in just over 40 years.
It would be fair that the cloth badge should be worn in the field, warehouse, garrison, etc.  A metal badge does look sharp on parade and when teaching troops.  Gives a sense of pride.
The latest metal badge was made in by Lamond, and it matches the current metal collar badges made by William Scully Ltd.  I saw whole packages of these badges at a clothing warehouse at ASU London, so they are still available.  If they are still made, why not issue them to all Logisticans???  We all can obtain two berets, etc.

snp_cda said:
There is the half wire embriodered half metal badge available.  I have seen some officers and senior NCO's wear this badge.  I have also have seven different types of the metal cap badge.  ...

Hmmmm. Has there been a change to dress regs (that's possible)?? As far as I'm aware, there shouldn't be any Log Snr NCOs ('Snr NCOs' encompass only the rank of Sgt) wearing an embroidered/partial metal badge. It's only authorized for CWOs and above; I can't even wear one and am sadly stuck with that embarassing issued piece of cloth.
ArmyVern said:
Hmmmm. Has there been a change to dress regs (that's possible)?? As far as I'm aware, there shouldn't be any Log Snr NCOs ('Snr NCOs' encompass only the rank of Sgt) wearing an embroidered/partial metal badge. It's only authorized for CWOs and above; I can't even wear one and am sadly stuck with that embarassing issued piece of cloth.

I've never seen a Sgt or WO wear them but I have observed a few MWO's wearing them in the reserve world as well...

I'm not about to correct them....

On the whole though it seems like it's usually CWO's and Commissioned Officers I've seen in the fancy ones...

I too would like to see the Metal Badge come back for Parades. Though I would imagine most of the troops would forget to bring their "Dress" "Parade" Beret and end up being a hodgepodge of cloth and metal anyways....