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Looking to join up!

Jenny Magma

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  Greetings, I just turned twenty and have decided that the Canadian Forces is where I want to be for at least one term of service. I have a question about the length of time I'm going to be waiting on hold while my application gets processed, I understand that it will probably vary greatly depending on the job that I am applying for in the forces. I want to know because at the moment I am out of shape but am currently on the road to my fitness goals and want to know if I should apply now and continue to getting into shape, or apply first and work out while I wait.

  I've read that once April rolls around what jobs are available might change. I'm thinking about applying to become a Combat Engineer, it is accepting applicants now- might application close in April? I also would love to serve in the Infantry- but I've heard that the position is filled to the brim. A third option would be Medical Technician but I would have to go back to school to grab a second science (Chem or Phys) as well as my Math 11 ( I completed M11 Essentials for my required math credits  :-\ ).

  I love working as part of a team because I feel like when I'm part of a team, daunting tasks seems a lot less horrifying, and we can accomplish things that none of us could do by ourselves. I really feel like the army is for me and I want to serve my country for at least a part of my life.

  I guess I've been rambling- My big question is should I sign up ASAP or should I wait until I am physically ready for army life. I ask because I've heard of people waiting years to get in to the military after applying.

-Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this!
You cant rely on others to make decisions for you... One man, one kit brotha. You are ready when you feel that you are ready. I joined when I was 16, I never asked if i was ready, I knew I was ready.  :cdn:
The best time to apply was yesterday.

Take a look in this thread:

In will give a general idea of how the application process has gone for others.

Personally, even if I were out of shape, I'd still apply today and work my butt off until I made it in.

Good luck.
Jenny Magma said:
  I guess I've been rambling- My big question is should I sign up ASAP or should I wait until I am physically ready for army life. I ask because I've heard of people waiting years to get in to the military after applying.

That is difficult for us to say since we don't know what shape you are in, how long it would take you to get in decent shape, etc. If you need a year to build some muscle or lose some weight then it may be worth putting the application off for a few months, since there is no point in showing up to BMQ and failing to pass the fitness tests. If all you need is a couple months of training to get back in shape, then I would see no reason to wait, since the application process takes time. Like I said though, without knowing your current fitness level, the amount of time you have to dedicate to getting fit, etc., no one can really give you any accurate advice. Your application may take years, but it may also take only a few months. You know yourself best, so when you feel ready, go for it.
We pay people to get into shape, might as well put the application in now. If you get in now, they'll make you get into shape. If you have to wait a bit, you can do your courses and work on your own fitness.
PuckChaser said:
We pay people to get into shape, might as well put the application in now. If you get in now, they'll make you get into shape. If you have to wait a bit, you can do your courses and work on your own fitness.

This is pretty solid advice. You'll hear horror stories about how long the application process can take, so it's good to get your foot in the door and get the ball rolling on your CFAT, Medical, and all the other red-tape you'll have to go through. You're not committed to anything until you sign on the dotted line, so while all this progress will be made on your file, you'll still have time to talk to serving members and to do more research. The army likes people who make decisions and take initiative.
Just make sure that when you say you're going to work on your fitness while your application is pending, that you actually do.

St Jean takes people of average fitness, and raises them to good. It takes people of excellent fitness, and reduces them to good. People with poor to no fitness end up staying in beautiful St Jean for eight months due to recourse or injury, which is not a fun time.
Nostix said:
It takes people of excellent fitness, and reduces them to good.

How so Nostix? Haven't been there myself, just curious.
jparkin said:
How so Nostix? Haven't been there myself, just curious.

It's the nature of the training, the staff trains to the average of the platoon during Basic.  If you go there extremely fit, you will lose fitness.  If you are used to going to the gym and working out 4-5 times a week, you'll lose muscle mass.  MOST of the candidates on my platoon lost between 15-20lbs depending.  I lost a great deal of fitness since I was a runner who did longer distances combined with having the shack hack for 7 weeks and lack of training meant loss.

I gained a great deal of shoulder and upper body strength doing 100's of push-ups though.
