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Military Lingo

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ok, i just joined the military an arty, or future infantryman. and im ashamed to say i know very little abbreviations, or military terms. Will this screw me over in the future? or is it all taught during basic or battle school?
To make ya's wonder, here is some Australian Army slang just of the top 'me head, cobber...

Gat- rifle
Skid lid- kevlar helmet
Bongos- webbing
Green skin- your AUSCAM uniform
Giggle hat- floppy bush hat
Ratpack- rations
110- Land Rover
Bucket(s)- Armd Corps
Ginger beers- Combat Engineers
Goffers- soft drinks
Gumpys- chocloate bars
Pi$$- beer

There is tonnes more, and to think I had to learn all this stuff. Now its like a second language which I use without hesitation. The Army is more thatn a job, its a lifestyle, and a sub-culture too.



Yeah, you'll pick it up as you go on. But then again, there are some abbreviations and terms that come from nowhere, and some acronyms that you'll never be able to figure out.
When in doubt, ask. You mat get a weird look, but a least you'll learn. Everyone assumes everyone else knows the lingo.

Sometimes it is truly important that you understand what is required, so it maybe be a wee bit embarrassing asking but better safe then sorry. And think of it this way, when you ask, those that don't know either will be hanging on the answer and secretly thanking you.
Eh Wes, ask for piss here and I guarantee you won't get beer! :blotto:
RCA said:
Eh Wes, ask for piss here and I guarantee you won't get beer! :blotto:

LMAO mate, you are not wrong ;D

Cheers and beers,

Here is a few more Aussie Army slang regarding rank....

Digger: PTE, GNR, SPR, SIG
Half Track: LCPL, LBDR
Full Track: CPL/BDR
Snake: SGT


Here is a bunch of funny ones.

Heh... Cock is never a good thing. Think of it as Communications-Oriented Corrective Kit. It always brings a smile to my face when I am in a pile of crap on course...
Heres another.


Translated its a F**king Ridiculous Eating Device.

Its in every ratpack, and has been around since the pre-Viet Nam days. Its metal, and one end is a can opener, the other a spoon.

Every Digger has a FRED in his bongos, including me.


Non-official ones

UFI - Useless F*****g Information ie. Well aren't you full of UFI
GAF - (pronounced gaff, not spelled) - Give a F***   ie. He has no GAF-factor today
FTOS - (pronounced eff-toss) - Fat Tub of S*** ie. Jim-bob is the FTOS on our course
Gluebag/Numpty/Bag'o'hammers/S***pump - 1) Someone bound to fail and not make it 2) a term used to describe the overall performance of a group of candidates ie. You all are a bunch of Gluebags
Rats - 1) Rations (Mmmmm...ham and mustard sauce) 2) food ie. You will all be given fresh rats once a day
MIR Commando - 1) Someone who is chronically ill and always skipping morning inspections because of a 'sore ankle' 2) PAT Platoon ie. Here comes the MIR Commando, Private Chairborne
Administrative Burden - 1) A term used by superiors to describe someone who has really messed up. 2) See Gluebag ie. Because of his antics on the weekend, Jim-bob is now an Administrative Burden
WOG - (pronounced...well, wog) - Without Guts ie. You look like a WOG with your beret like that (least offensive example I could think)
Gucci - a term used to describe non-issued personal kit ie. That's a pretty gucci piece of kit (*blink blink*)
Hoochie - a makeshift tent made by tying a groundsheet up to two posts/trees ie. In the field we slept in hoochies
Switched On - a term used to decribe someone who excells in their prefession and will go far. ie. Jim-bob's pretty switched on. He may make selection next year.
High Speed - 1) Someone who is switched on 2) a good piece of kit ie Those are some high speed boots you got
Shutting it down - Used to describe the overall effect of loss of motivation, drive and determination ie. Jim-bob's shuttin' it down

Just some you may not be taught in a lecture like NATO and UN.

