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Military wives are special


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I am new to this site and I have been looking throw this home front page the most. It seams there are a lot of young ladies just new to the military way of life. First I have to say I agree with most of what is being said I just wanted to put my two cents worth in there as well.

Military wives are special they do have a big job to do keeping the home fires burning and learning how to juggle the men away and being alone lets say 7 to 9 months of the year. You really have to learn how to be independent and rely on your self for well mostly everything. Then when the men are home you have to learn how to live as a couple again because he will interrupt your schedule when he is home.

It does not mean you don’t love him but trust me as time goes by and he has not been away for a while you start thinking when will he go. On the other hand if you notice just before he goes away you seam to fight more than norm because you really don’t want them to go. It is a vicious cycle of ups and downs; you will get through it all.

Getting posted is always hard because of the unknown but once you settle into your house get the children in school in no time will you start on the social seen. The guys always want to hang around with the guys from work so in no time you will find someone to connect with and it goes from there.

I am an army brat and married to a member for a lot of years and I can not imagine what it is like not having the military a part of my life. I have to say todays military is far different than when I was young.  I never had to be scared to watch the news or not hearing from my man for more than a week. That one is new for everyone and I would think one day at a time is how to handle that.

Just some thoughts.
I really enjoyed readinf your point of view or should I call it, ' your 2 cents '.

I agree with what you shared. Just before a loved one leaves, the tension is there and both are edgy and it ends in snapping back and each other. It's all normal.

It's not easy beeing a couple but love conquers all things.
And with patience, understanding and love, the bond stays strong.

I don't have to watch a loved one leave anymore.
My deepest respect and understanding for the couples that has to seperate for short or long whiles.