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Navy Recruits


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Does anyone else feel like because you have chosen a Naval career in the military you are getting pushed aside for them to hire Infantry and Combat Arms positions?? It seems that anyone applying for Infantry or Armoured etc are getting calls immediately after they apply etc....I on the other hand have been waiting since February to find out whats going on. I finally got a hold of my Military Councillor last week and he confirmed that everything on my file is a "GO", yet im still waiting. He confirmed they are hiring for my top 2 trades this fiscal year as well, so whats the hold up in pushing me through to Basic?? Im just getting a bit frustrated in the matter, since i have been going through the process since August last year. Anyone feel my frustration?

I know the motto is hurry up and wait...and then wait some more..and I get that. Just seems like because of my choice i am getting pushed aside.  Maybe i just need to be more patient!!
Think about it, there is a war on and right now they are pushing to get the people who are doing the fighting into that war. It makes perfect sense to me, if you want to get in faster, change your  choice to combat arms and then remuster after you do your time...
The end year rush filled most of the recruit courses until July so there is no real push on to enrol people at this time. Also you might be on a national merit list so you have to wait for CFRG Borden to sit a selection board to decide who gets offers. Combat Arms are OSL (open selection list) which means they can be selected locally at anytime. There is also await at the training institutions for vacancies, the system capacity for tech training is limited by instructors and plant capability. Be patient and wait for your offer. 
CFR FCS said:
The end year rush filled most of the recruit courses until July so there is no real push on to enrol people at this time. Also you might be on a national merit list so you have to wait for CFRG Borden to sit a selection board to decide who gets offers. Combat Arms are OSL (open selection list) which means they can be selected locally at anytime. There is also await at the training institutions for vacancies, the system capacity for tech training is limited by instructors and plant capability. Be patient and wait for your offer. 

Thank you for the clarification.... :)
Thank you CFR FCS, now if only my recruiter could have said that when i asked, instead of just telling me to WAIT.

As for changing my options to Infantry or Combat Arms positions, i have no interest in joining the Army again, i was an Infantry in the Reserves as that was my only choice where i lived at the time. I have wanted to join the navy since i was a teenager.  As well, i have heard it is very hard to REMUSTER unless there are extenuating circumstances. The ocean is where i want to serve my time!!

As i said i am just frustrated from the short time i see others getting in and i just wait..and wait some more. I guess when they say patience is a virtue...it really is.

I didnt post this to complain, i more wanted to hear if anyone else had the same frustration with the system as i have experienced...i appreciate the input as to why it may be happening though.
I'm in a similar holding pattern. I had my interview late February and was told that everything was a go but that they were going to conduct a PLAR because I chose a technical trade which I have prior education and work experience in that may be applicable. I've yet to receive any new information about my file except that I likely won't be going to Saint-Jean until June/July.  It seems everytime I call to get an update I'm just given a possible date even further into the future than the last. It can be quite frustrating, but at least you're given time to get ahead on your physical conditioning.
The whole Prior Learning Assessment Review (PLAR) is slower because the recruiting centre sends the info to Borden. They send it to the appropriate Managing Authority (MA) usually the school standards who then review it and send it back the same route. The bad thing is it takes time, the good thing if you are rated as semi-skilled or skilled your chances are higher for selection. Also the selection is done from Borden and they usually sit just once a month. The reason the St. Jean dates are changing is because the summer courses are filling up and St. Jean at capacity right now with BMQ and BOTC / IAP for the ROTP candidates.  I know you are frustrated but maybe knowing a little about the system will help. 
I recently CEOTP's and wont be on a course before 27 Aug, and I'm now combat Arms, the summer time fills the recruit school up with 1. all the Ocdt/Ncdt going to RMC or Civi-U in the fall. and the #1 priorities for getting folks through is Combat Arms, Combat Support Arms, Distressed Trades, then everybody else, as someone else pointed out, theres a war going on and in reality we need boots on the ground in quick time, don't worry so much about your holding pattern there are guys at the Fleet School in Esquimalt who have been guarding gates with a rifle for months waiting for thier basic trades course, so waiting there or here doesn't really much matter. (of course the $$ would be nice to have in pocket while waiting)