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New to the CF and these forums.


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Well, even though this if my first post, I  have used these forums as a great resource during my application process. I am posting this so others can read it, and reflect on their own application process.

On September 20th, I was scheduled to do my fitness test at the Fitness on 5th gym in Calgary. The tests were pretty simple for me, (I am in pretty good shape) but that doesn't mean you should take them lightly. (If you can do the 2.4km run in a decent time or so, you wont have any problem on the step test.) Don't fret about the grip test either, you have to squeezes to score a total of 75lb on each hand, it isn't too hard. Needless to say, I passed my fitness test.

Two days later, I was scheduled for my CFAT, my interview, and my medical.

CFAT: I can not go into detail about this as I am sure most of you know we agreed not to talk about this test to anyone who wasn't in the room at the time.
But do not take this test lightly, it can be difficult, and you should prepare for it. By preparing, I think the most important thing you can do is get a good nights sleep, and have a hearty healthy breakfast prior to the test.

Interview: Basic interviewing questions, you should know a lot about the job you selected on your application. (Where and when you train, what your objectives are, etc) Do not lie, they are professionally trained to weed out liars. And lying only causes you to lie a whole bunch of other times based on your one lie, and you will eventually slip and fall, and your interviewer will cast you aside.

Medical: There isn't much you can do to prepare for this, just relax and follow the instructions. They do a eye sight test, a color vision test, hearing test. Then they take your weight, your height. They ask questions like, have you ever been injured, been to the hospital overnight, ever been on prescripted drugs, etc.

After that long day of tests and interviews, the CF refunded me for my travel and lunch expenses. Now the waiting game begins. On October 3rd, I got a call from CFRC Calgary, offering me a job offer for my selected job. Of course I accepted, I am sworn in on Oct 19th at 3pm at CFCR Calgary, I fly out to St. Jean on Nov 5th, and I start my BMQ on Nov. 7.

I am very pleased with how fast my application was processed, considering I started on the 22nd of September, and I was already offered a job on the 3rd of October. If you have medical problems, legal problems, don't expect for things to run as quickly.

I hope this posts helps future recruits.
Holy Crap that was fast!! Only a month and a half from first test untill start of BMQ. What trade are you selected as?
My first choice was infantry and that was the one I was selected for. My second choice was artillery, and my third was combat engineering. Unfortuanly I am partially color blind, and that dismissed artillery, and I am not sure if my color blindness dismissed combat engineering or not. Either way, it doesnt affect infantry, and thats my first pick!  :warstory: