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Nothing left but the waiting


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Right, well I've been lurking around for months, but just registered today.  Figured that would be the best way to get a feel for things, and I didn't want to jump the gun on my application process.  You've all heard my story a million times, so no need to go into details.  Dead end job, looking for a purpose, you know.  Anyway, today I finally received my enrollment package and I swear in August 29th.  I have never been more excited and proud of myself.  The conditional job offer was one thing, but now it just seems that much more official.  Thanks for all the very helpful posts, and I can't wait to jump on that train.

Hey brother, in the same boat here, but waiting for the package. Finished everything, recommended for hire, hurry up and wait. Guess I'll just keep trying to get ahold of the Career Councillor they gave me the number for, but I'm starting to wonder if he even exists.
As I quote from a song that I vaguely remember:

"The waaaaiiitting is the hardesssttt part."

Be PATIENT!  When you arrive to start BMQ there will be plenty more waiting!  Embrace it, as it will be in line at the mess hall for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Good luck to you all! 
Right when I was in the air cadets I think we wait like 10 mins to get our food in the summer camp.
You do a lot of waiting in the military the phrase usually is "hurry up and wait" but be patient and all the good stuff will come.
Called the CFRC, and guess what!!! He actually DOESN'T exist, not there anyways. Apparently he has moved on. Anyways, the recruiter I spoke to couldn't tell me anything anyways because the computers were down.

Wow, what a productive morning. Especially after a night shift......
Greetings brothers and sisters: I am awaiting "the call" as well. My application began last October and I submitted the last of the medical documentation to the Recruiting Office in early July; completed my interview around that time and was told to call back in a couple of weeks. When I did, the kind Private who fielded my call told me to try again when they returned from holidays. I tried in vain to reach this person (found out later they went on a recruiter course) and spoke instead to another Private who was able to inform me that my medical was approved at Borden and that everything was accepted. I guess all that remains now is to be patient and keep training for the BMQ.
the phantom...aka dale
Alright, I Swore In this morning.  Pretty good deal, everyone was really nice.  All the recruits dressed well, and lots of family members showed up.  I am leaving for St. Jean Saturday Sept, 1st.  It was a long summer, but one of the best I ever had.  One more little party to go with my close friends, and then off to start my new journey.  Again, thanks for all your help, and I'll try to check in every once and a while to keep this updated.  Good luck to all, and my advice...be patient.

Good bye for now...   