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Paratrooper faces charges for punching Taliban insurgent

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Shared with the usual caveats.  Full story at link.  It seems as if the PC Brigade is running rampant at the MoD.  :boke:

A paratrooper who served with distinction in Iraq and Afghanistan is facing legal action for hitting a member of the Taliban in the face as he tried to escape in a firefight, it was reported.
By Donna Bowater
6:55AM GMT 07 Feb 2012

The solder, who has served along with the special forces and is known only as Corporal C, is likely to face lengthy and costly military court proceedings even though the Afghan has refused to make a complaint.  There were no other witnesses to the punch, which came after the man had approached a patrol as a passenger on a motorcycle. His partner pulled a gun on a member of the Afghan National Army and was shot dead.  Ahmed Wali denied he was a member of the Taliban when he was questioned by Corporal C but prosecutors admitted his evidence was "unreliable".

Corporal C, 31, who has left the forces out of disgust at his treatment, is now due to appear at a court martial later this month despite three appeal court judges expressing concerns about the case.

Read more here.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/9065562/Paratrooper-faces-charges-for-punching-Taliban-insurgent.html
Talk about throwing one under the bridge. Such shame. But of course, we don't have the full story.

So he used non lethal force against someone bent on taking his life. Yea, I can see how he's guilty of a crime.  :facepalm:
Looks like someone has it for him... Hopefully the case get dropped and he gets a letter of apologies... Yeah, right, who I am kidding?...

Thank you for your service Corporal C, some of us do appreciate what you did...  :salute:
Dear god, I knew that the British are desperate to reduce government spending... Is this just a ploy to reduce the numbers in the military? This charge is simply insane!
Teeps74 said:
Dear god, I knew that the British are desperate to reduce government spending... Is this just a ploy to reduce the numbers in the military? This charge is simply insane!

Bizarre, and almost silly.

But, devil's advocate: was the guy armed? Did he present a threat? What were the RoEs involved? If the guy's RoEs didn't authorize use of force under the circumstances, then well, he was wrong.

It's making something out of what sounds like nothing, but for the charge to go forward, there had to be something to the story.
Teeps74 said:
Dear god, I knew that the British are desperate to reduce government spending

He saved money on Ammo didnt he?
Redeye said:
Bizarre, and almost silly.

But, devil's advocate: was the guy armed? Did he present a threat? What were the RoEs involved? If the guy's RoEs didn't authorize use of force under the circumstances, then well, he was wrong.

It's making something out of what sounds like nothing, but for the charge to go forward, there had to be something to the story.

Fair enough, we only have the one side of the story. But, at the end of the day, the other guy is choosing to not press charges... Where the hell are the charges coming from to begin with? Why are the charges so serious? Was that quarter of a million pounds or dollars in that prosecution tab??? Either amount is entirely too much. Proportionality is the gist of my argument, and it would appear at first glance that things are a little out of control...

Were it one of us, I would hope that, given the 'severity', justice would be swift and proportional to the crime committed.
give me a break!!! A court martial????  WTF So he punched the guy... Bad Corporal, now go peel potatoes for the rest of the day.  Done.  Imagine if every punch thrown by a soldier ended in a court martial.  :facepalm:
Who the hell is this guy's supervisor???  Someone should be standing up for him. 