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Passed My CFAT :)


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Well I just passed my aptitude test Sept 4 2007 now I go for my interview and Medical on Sept 17 2007. I was wondering how fast the proccess will go now? ??? :cdnsalute:
do some reading on this site.. check the recruiting sub forms.. alot of different variables (trade/applicants merits/etc) can affect the time it takes.. keep in contact w/ your CFRC.
Exactly what NJL said lots of things can and slow you down keep up with whats going on in the recruitment office and just get yourself ready physically
No-one can predict exactly how long it will, take, not even the recruiters.  There are too many variable, everything from the service's requirements to how many people are waiting for "the call" and exactly where they all landed once on the merit list for your particular trade.  You just have to be patient and wait.  As already mentioned, stay in touch with the CFRC, let them know if anything changes and keep asking (every other week or so) if they have heard anything.
Congrats on passing the CFAT i have my interview Monday, and Medical on the 18th maybe will see each other at basic they told me mid Oct. I'm going infantry to.
Good Job! I just passed my cfat on the 5th and have my medical booked for the 18th, hopefully the interview will follow shortly after that.  :)

Hopefully I'll see you guys there, I'm going for Infantry too.  I had my CFAT, interview and medical just before September.  Had to get another medical form filled out though so they said that I'd probably get in about Mid-October.  Just waiting for my final call for confirmation. 
I'm from toronto if anyone wants to grab a beer before we depart  :cdn: :cheers: they said mid-oct for me too but fingers crossed on oct 1st
I guess the beer will have to wait lol hope to see you all in october  :cdn:
hah dont expect to see me buddy :P i just did my CFAT last thursday. so from the looks of things january/feb... winter bmq im told. and i live in GTA
shitty well ill still see you there didn't make it to Oct bmq either Nov 12th is my course