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Poll: How often do you exercise?

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How often do you exercise?

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I'm very lucky in that my routine lets me exercise every day. I alternate running/leg work one day with upper body the next, then take Sundays off.  Cheers.
usually 4 times a week .. sometimes 5 if my time allows it, i have a very busy schedule. Trying to work on getting my cardio in at least 5 times a week..god knows i need to !!
Not even close to enough...

Over the past 2 months I've only been exercising 1-2 times weekly, my usual routine is at least double that! I currently have fulltime job, living with common-law partner, night school+martial arts training. Don't honestly have much room for exercise anymore so I'm hoping when I join up Dec 9th I'll get 60% of my exercise with the Unit!

I'm probably going to get slaughtered for the first few months while I shape up though...

I usually end up running 3 -4 times / week in the mornings then weight train mon -fri ....working seperate muscle groups each day with weekends off.
Work out for hour in a fitness class in my high school. In the class i get to develop my own workout plan and i am working on the army fitness program every day plus my normal PE class. that brings the workout to two and a half hours a day, Monday to Friday. As well i try to get out for a hike/ruckmarch on the weekends to keep me ready to carry weight.
Let's see..

I do one bodypart per day as far as weight training goes.. and I run 3 times a week, tues-thurs-sun

I would like to run more to be truthful but the 5km program I am works in increments, and I want to follow it exactly, it was written by a marathon runner with many years of experience so I decided it would probably be fo the better to just do what the schedule calls for.

It is a very good program though and I have noticed improvements in my running in as little as 2 weeks.. if anyone is interested I can post a link.
Hey Gouki, can you post it, I'm always up for more tips and I'm sure there are lots of others too.  Thanks.
I workout 4-5 times per week. Anything from Cardio to weights.
I recently started a new job, which gives me lots of exercise, and I am exerciseing 2 to three times a week at the gym.

My Routine as it is now, is just cardio stuff, bikes and eliptical machine, I have to lose the gut before I start running, so as not to put undue pressure on my knees.
Ya Gouki i would like that link and see how the program is please.

Great Harveney :army:
I usually jog a couple of times a week(5Km to 8Km), but being in the Airforce that maybe too much we have a reputation to keep.
We have no PT on working hours like we use to get in the Army which really suck, and it shows.
Right now? Maybe once a week. But I don't like running in the cold in just shorts and a t shirt.

I need to see how much it'll cost for a basic gym membership (there's one in the mall where I work, anyone have experience with Family Fitness?)
Yeah, I am a member(Kitchener), They are good, I have no complaints so far, just don't use the hot tub (as in any public locker room) I had a friend say that he was finishing his workout, and saw am employee cleaning it, there was about 6 inches of dead skin on the bottom *shudder*
Not enough due to work up training.Just went 46 days without PT and prior to that I worked out daily for about a month but only weights as I broke my leg on the other 6 weeks that we did no PT.I'm deploying soon and in the worst shape of my life.

I got 20 days and I'm gone again for a month....

Starting tomorrow I'm getting back to running.put on 20 lbs since I came back to my combat unit in September.
Running 3-4 times a week
Rucking at least BFT every week
5 weight/endurance days at gym

Currently trying to up pushups to 100 and get 25 pullups.

Currently running every day, pushups/situps/punching bag tied in with running as often as possible. Hoping to meet military's minimums by the end of the summer, and have moved far beyond it by next summer. I want to be as fit as I possibly can be :D .
I run in gym class for about a hour every day. Then i run 2.4km 4/5 nights during the week (I usually dont run on weekends) . I do 50 push ups a day, usually 2 sets of 25, and I do 30 straight. I can run 2.4k in 12 mins. Is this enough for basic? I know its above the minimum standards but is there anyone who has done basic that can tell me if this is enough for basic or at least a good start